2007 - 2024

Channelling Summaries

2007 Channeling Summary

Federation Of Light ~ Blossom Goodchild


Each numbered paragraph below indicates the BEGINNING of a channeling, and outlining the contents of a separate channeled message.

This is in accordance with the sequence presented in the eBook titled “Snapshot.

eBook page numbers noted by (p.#)

Beginning SEPTEMBER 15th 2007

Introduction:  (p.4)  After completion of “the Bridge” Blossom  presses the “send” button announcing October 14th visitation / Worldwide responses /  New channeling to be posted until the end of October 14th 2008.

(1)   (p.5 )   Blossom is asked if she is ready to write another book / Responds favorably and asks, “What’s this one going to be about? / FOL asks Blossom, what is most likely cause of the downfall of the human race? / Book title to be “Snapshot”

(2)  (p.7)  FOL encourages Blossom to “obey your truth” / Blossom encouraged to go with the flow of messages and have faith in the sale of books /  The message for earth through Blossom will unfold gradually / Inner Knowing of Truth is yet unobtainable to human consciousness / FOL ships “hanging around” and 80% closer to being visible / Blossom’s trust level is – “just go for it.”

(3)  (p.9)  FOL explains “back-slashing” / Blossom’s advancement noted after FOL’s absence / Progress during stillness and “non-doing” / World speeding up – time frame and advancement of the soul / Individual “Trusting has “traveled” far / The phenomena ( appearance of FOL ) will take place after transformations of soul self / FOL condolences Re: the two car crashes…Blossom laughs

(4)  (p.12)   FOL proposes a new means to connect with Blossom / A soul of great Light ( White Cloud? ) will present his or herself to Blossom to assist

(5)  (p.14)   It’s time to disregard all of the past / Time to prioritize one’s life / Still the mind to find your path / Blossom is asked, “What is it that you desire most”? / Deeper meditation is suggested with instructions

(6)  (p. 17)   Blossom is shown things not of earth’s vibration / Unveiling of Blossom’s other selves is proposed / Blossom sees a deep red rose / Blossom is allowing going with the flow, but not sure what it means / In Blossom’s area, and for eons, an underground station, a fortress of higher vibration

(7)  (p.21)   Drop the old ways so as not to miss what lies ahead / FOL doesn’t understand the human tendency holding onto the past and “soul pain” / Let go! Let go! Let go! / Essential for the human race to move on / New World very different / Fear cannot survive in the New World

2008 Channeling Summary

Federation Of Light ~ Blossom Goodchild


Each numbered paragraph below indicates the BEGINNING of a channeled message,

and outlining the contents of a separate channeled message.

This is in accordance with the sequence presented in the eBook titled “Snapshot,” and follows the 2007 channeling.

Some dates are noted, and eBook page numbers noted by (p.#)

Beginning FEBRUARY 4th 2008

(1)  (p.23)   Blossom reassures FOL she is ready for the new venture after releasing much stuff / FOL is reaching out to those like Blossom / Earthlings will change themselves, not changed by the FOL who only show the way  / Comply with the Love vibration to reconnect with original blueprint / FOL through Blossom, they walk among us / “Open up your world of acceptance” / How to become an energy of the New World / FOL ecstatic to be with Blossom who is quick to catch onto things

(2)   (p.26)    FOL reveal at times individuals of “their kind,’ who have personal attachments to an earthling which requires restraint, and do what is best for that individual / FOL will guide a soul but will not “bully” / Blossom is asked if she is patient with others / Individuality and one’s path should be respected / Analogy of a planet with no individuality / Individuality is a rare Divine gift to be acknowledged and appreciated / Dishonoring human individuality destroys Love / Separate individuals yet originating from the One consciousness

(3)  (p.31)  Analogy of plantings seeds / Previous lives left “seeds” to be picked up in future lives / Encouragement to pursue the unknown revealed by the FOL / Information difficult to grasp is the Truth /  Seek new information with vigilance / Treasure hunt analogy / Treasures revealed progressively / Blossom asks when the FOL will appear in the skies / Encouragement to help others “awake” / Following one’s heart will be glorious / Blossom sees a quartz crystal rod / Star Trek could be FOL’s TV reality show

(4)   (p.35)   FOL acknowledges those on earth focusing upon “the good” / Ignore negative energies / Not all souls will experience New World / By human consciousness co-creating the New World by thoughts / New World does NOT have old “baggage” – Pure Love / New “food” for the soul is for the taking / Blossom asks a question about the nature and location of the New World / White Cloud asks to “speak” – Circumstances coming appearing to be what they are not, listen to your heart always, and much happy news a head / White Cloud commends Blossom’s advancement

(5)   (p.40)   Clarity is the “key” to “unlock” and enhance the journey / Human minds like children need training and guidance of the Divine / Focus upon “the joy of the soul” / True joy is what we seek / Most fail to see where joy is to be found / We are our heart’s desire / Earth’s low frequency limits understanding  / We fail to appreciate the honor and power while incarnated / More we connect with the FOL the more they connect with us / Blossom and her readers are emissaries of the FOL

(6)   (p.46a)    Conditions not right for Blossom to make the connection / The FOL will return at another time

(7)   (p.46b)   ( February 26th 2008 )  FOL ships are being prepared to enter earth’s atmosphere / Ships appearing will baffle many / Those thinking they are prepared, are not / Higher vibration will shock our system causing upheaval / Shock factor will vary individually / A “change over” is a swap of beings – on board ship to Earth, and Earthlings to ship / Blossom understands “The Bridge” “crossing over” means a coming and going, not one way

(8)   (p.50)    FOL focusing on encouragement, which has the word “courage” within / When we go within it connects us to higher self for encouragement / Be brave to walk in the light of our Truth / Our purpose is found in what was our ancient selves – reconnect / Spread the knowledge and understanding / Greater awareness spreading will Lighten up our world / Keep forgiving those who have strayed from the Light / Judgment of others is judging ourselves / FOL could not enter our world if earth was on a “downward” vibrational path, as opposed to an ‘upward” path

(9)   (p.54)    Giving and receiving expanded to the universal whole / Energetic code of giving may take time to be released within others / Emotions create a breakdown of communication within self- Mind, Body, Spirit / With time and law of attraction things fall into place, meaning Divine Timing / Absence of actions serving others, our energy fields would be like a heart not pumping blood / FOL present an image of an “un-human being”

(10)   (p.60)  ( March 24th 2008 )   Pressure upon planet Earth / Humans need to step up the pace / Changes made in the way Blossom and FOL communicate / FOL states plans to present themselves to earth shortly / Vibration of those present will be lifted / Blossom thinks, “what if they don’t show up?,” and the FOL says, “oh ye of little faith”

(11)   (p.64)    FOL ships visible is not a light matter, many will have difficulty / “Awakeners” asked to carry out their duties / People of earth need to step up the pace / Without balance future plans may be aborted / Urgency to awaken others is for future readers / Blossom is shown an image of a disc shaped craft / Humorous rope ladder under the disc craft

(12)   (p.69)    Blossom thinking about the 12 persons selected for FOL’s visible arrival / Instructions for the 12 people for the arrival / Blossom anticipates what it will be like tearfully feeling Love / Galactic FOL is a vast organization of all planets and universes / Blossom and others like her are KEY for mission accomplished / Future events similar to movie “Close Encounters” – A  swap / Appearance and training of those FOL who will greet humans / Precious Blossom asked to watch energy depletion

(13)   (p.74)   ( April 20th 2008 )  FOL appreciate Blossom’s preparations and dedication for an event

(14)   (p.75)    Nine days later, no ships were seen but a million light orbs were / FOL explain / FOL previously betrayed by humans / FOL representatives taken captive / FOL cannot retaliate exemplifying Love / Both the FOL and Blossom’s 12 were present

(15)   (p.79)    Blossom wondering about the pace of the books completion / An image of a musical instrument illustrates FOL’s response / FOL announces the date of October 14th for the arrival of visible ships / Undeniable event in 2008 lasting 3 days causing pandemonium / Blossom asked to alert authorities / Blossom is overwhelmed

(16)   (p.82)   Blossom researches location of Alabama NASA facility / Procedure to relax Blossom’s brain for better access / Human reactions to visible ships described / Much work and planning for this event / Blossom is asked again for her assistance “in the name of Love” / With humor in check Blossom asks what is expected / Blossom is “blown away”

(17)   (p.86)   The communication link is weak / Blossom reaffirms her commitment to the FOL / Day prior another being came through Blossom with a new and different vibration / FOL shows Blossom how to care for herself

(18)   (p.88)   Image of a crop circle / More information for better understanding the phenomena  / Additional aspects of contact with FOL will fascinate humans / The event will alter the human experience / The book needs to be published at the correct time

(19)   (p.92)   Information about a system operational in 10 years /  FOL adjusting the amount of information to pass on to earth due to “time flying by” on earth

(20)   (p.93)   October appearance of the ships is intentionally a surprise / FOL sense Blossom’s doubts that it will not happen / The surprise is not a scare tactic, but a peace mission – Stage 1 / The beginning of the end of our world / Government reactions / Rapid changes in spiritual growth / Anticipation and excitement about October soon approaching / FOL prefers Space Brothers or Sister versus the term alien

(21)   (p.98)    Blossom getting the word out during talks / With increasing awareness of the FOL, the sooner they will arrive / Love a common bond between humans and the FOL / Blossom’s concern about the book ready before October / Persons of Lower light in positions of power is diminishing / Human enslavement will come to an end / “The Buzz” of excitement on board ships

(22)   (p.102)    Display of FOL technology distracting humans about intentions / Acceptance of intent to exude Love depends upon Planet’s vibration / Increasing awareness will reduce fears / Breathing techniques in preparation for higher energy / Some people will “Go off the rails” / Importance and benefits of keeping lives in balance / Blossom encouraged to give talks more regularly / Feedback received about “The Bridge” is positive

(23)   (p.107)   Image of a tea strainer and leaves explained – Blossom receiving and accepting information / Humans talk about fate, destiny, preordained – intricate design for each individual – depends upon their path / Knowing one is on the right “plan” of many possible plans, individually speaking, would be a LANDMARK / The response to The Bridge is amazing / The Divine Intelligence one goal – Love / Power over Earth undermined our connection to the Divine / Understanding we are part of EVERYTHING raises planet’s vibration

(24)   (p.111)   Blossom wondering about the point of her books not circulating / FOL can see brighter days ahead for Blossom / “Soldier on dear lady,” says the FOL / Listen and communicate with our soul / Trust our soul for accurate Truth

(25)    (p.115)    Image of FOL individual seated with wires – connection to Blossom / Looking at ourselves from the Higher perspective / Rose quartz block “crystal ball” effect / Edwina Blossom’s FOL stand-in has similar energetic challenges

(26)   (p.120)   Notification Re: October 14th – Blossom asks how and to whom / FOL to channel a letter for distribution

(27)    (p.121)    Letter to all peoples of earth … “We come in LOVE”

(28)  (p.126)    Blossom researching Alabama and NASA / FOL says Blossom has doubts… “dismayed” / Blossom encouraged to Trust in that, “What will be, will be” / Blossom shares her concerns if it’s a no show / FOL sends Love and gratitude for Blossom’s perseverance

(29)   (p.129)   Blossom about to publish FOL’s letter / Affects of October’s display will determine FOL’s next move / Spread the word, ships come in PEACE / Governments will spread untruths without success / Humanity urged to rise above ANGER about years of control / FOL looks forward to humanity knowing them as they truly are – of Love

(30)  (p.133)   Blossom sends out FOL’s Letter… receives responses / FOL celebrates announcement letter “delivered” /  Edwina in pink protective energy / Lower frequency challenging for E.T.s / FOL is from another Universe and return home to replenish / Space travel knowledge was shared with humanity / Darker energies are being depleted throughout galaxies / FOL missed by family at home, but there are reunions and telepathic communications / October 14th is not an FOL picnic

(31)   (p.138)   ( August 8th 2008 )   Responses to FOL letter / You Tube hits = 8,000 / Blossom full range of emotions and honored as part of biggest historical event / FOL pleased with Blossom and the “stir” created / FOL urges all to remove fear / More messages of Peace will lessen distress / On guard against deceivers, “Listen to your truth” / Spread the word of PEACE

(32)    (p.142)     Blossom reflects upon recent events, her work and her Truth / FOL message reaches the core of readers / FOL action must follow the “talk” / Mention of White Cloud’s jug/sand story / Strength and courage lies within, as FOL is enabler of BELIEF / Feeling fear, STOP breathe to hear the soul’s “voice”

(33)   (p.146)     FOL asks the people of Earth …”Are you ready”? / Ask questions…seek answers / FOL repeats, “Hold on to your hats” / Location of event is not relevant / One’s vibration affects ability to receive “waves” of Love / FOL offers connection to Oneness and a reconnection to ourselves / The event presents the Truth and seeking it will end / Responses to October event – Yes, no, maybe so / Many needed to assist understanding after the event / Call to Lightworkers – Let your Light shine

(34)   (p.150)    Blossom to speak on a radio broadcast / Blossom shares internal turmoil, asking “Why me?” / Allowing human fears override the Truth of your soul / FOL acknowledge Blossom’s behavior is what a truthful and humble human would feel / A burst of tears

(35)   (p.153)     The anticipation of the event spreading / Shock to many, but in accordance with Divine Law / Will affect thoughts and old doctrines / Those Knowing send “Rays of Light” to the unaware / Be of Joy as the event is a joyous one / Time to reveal the mockery of lies / Forgiveness and no malice for Lower Light beings / Blossom sees an image of an ET ship, onlookers holding their hats / Blossom mystified by the word “snow cone”

(36)   (p.156)     FOL urges all readers NOT TO BE AFRAID / The event bigger than the Queen’s visit / Upheaval followed by more Peace / Hearts will “sing” / Now is time for “remembrance” through meditation

(37)   (p.159)   Blossom reflects upon previous month / Blossom’s bravery (courage) got the word out / Do not succumb to scare mongers / Congratulations – the event is possible due to human expectancy / FOL silence has calming affect upon Blossom

(38)  (p.161)   Blossom is inundated with readers questions / Highly respected source is quoted Re: FOL concerns about the event / Blossom wonders about her credibility, even with mum / FOL – All plans still a go / Encouragement to spread the word further / Like Blossom – Remaining in a Light spirit will be helpful (laughter) / “The woman who rocked the world” / Date planned for the event was “brought forward” / FOL announcement – “We intend to “shake’ your world” and raise the world’s vibration to a Higher level /  FOL – “Our Love will break through any barriers of untruths that may be sent to confuse…Fear not”

(39)  (p.166)   Blossom’s workload increased / FOL says, “Continue as you are doing” / Edwina reveals Blossom’s energy is low / Get some rest

(40)  (p.167)   Googled herself – Nasty stuff there / More to come…”protect yourself” / Words inadequate – Knowing of your Truth by FEELING / Detractors words create fear / Knowing self we cannot be swayed / Less information about the event is a precaution / Laughter during the confusion / Awakening progress allowed for moving event date forward / FOL will appear appropriately, and for the best / Program & cleanse crystals left outside

(41)   (p.172)   Blossom describes the change in her life / Urged to stick with her pattern “Full of laughter and Light” / Repeated message intentional – “Remain in your Truth” – Feel it

(42)   (p.174)    FOL acknowledges Blossom on overload / Those who think they know of God / FOL cannot “open door” to one’s Truth / Beware of many untruths / Other channels giving more details and alternate dates / Blossom believes yet questions being chosen / Little time left until BIG AWAKENING

(43)  (p.177)  Announcement of the event causing a sensation / It will be a physical, mental and spiritual transition / Location will not be revealed in advance / FOL encompasses all nations / Earth “WAKE UP” / Change required for beautification of earth and earthlings / FOL is excited

(44)   (p.182)    Tolerance for deception by networks will end / A message to those slandering FOL / Embrace the Truth / A way out of the quagmire / Be of good cheer (joy)sharing the Truth / One’s Truth cannot lie to the soul self / Message of Hope, Light, and Peace / Blossom senses a stronger connection with FOL

(45)   (p.185)   Blossom is more aware of Light around the world since the announcement / FOL interfering or intervening, and save or uplift? / Unfriendliness and fear of FOL will dissipate / Life on earth will forever change / The beginning of ultimate joy / Let’s join hands on the journey home / Some other sightings in advance of event

(46)  (p.189)   Blossom asks about the different time zones in connection with the October 14th event / Resurrection of the Truth / Will the FOL ship remain stationery where it appears? / What the FOL is asking of us – 4 things / Breathe to come into alignment / Game of Hide & Seek analogy / Blossom asks if she can contact FOL during Event / Blossom perplexed by the suggestion for a table

(47)   (p,194)    Tension is mounting around the planet / Remedies for new frequency headaches / The event just over a week away / FOL checking atmospheric changes / Tremor at Earth’s core / “Blown away” in Joy and Love / Blossom gets a sample dose of FOL love – suggests bringing tissues / FOL shows Blossom diamonds

(48)  (p.198)    FOL grateful for those assisting in Love / The event will advance soul’s vibratory evolution / Those in fear refrain from prejudgment / Another perplexing image for Blossom – Shine your shoes

(49)  (p.201)   ( October 11, 2008 )  Close to the day Blossom asks the FOL, “What’s cooking ?” / FOL has waited for eons of our time / The event – A phenomenal phenomena / Media will not disclose the Truth / Humans to be “The Golden Race” / FOL to Blossom, “We couldn’t have done it without you.”

(50)  (p.205)   ( Last channeling before October 14th )  Blossom reflects on the threshold of Earth’s transformation / The event will gradually unify Earth eliminating darkness / The FOL will remain visible as long as necessary / Trust in self is essential / FOL’s final words – “WELCOME HOME!” / Blossom’s final words – “Welcome to Planet Earth”

(51)   (p.209)    ( First channeling after October 14th )  FOL Acknowledge disappointment / Concern for Blossom / Reasons for aborting the plan / Some success with a no show / Planet is waking up / Mission will be accomplished / Soul searching after a no show / Blossom’s resilience / Reaffirmation of Oneness

(52)    (p.215)   Blossom contemplating You Tube message / FOL sympathetic to Blossom’s position / The event will happen in spite of setback – Earth’s destiny /  The eyes of understanding / Blossom thankful and will carry on / FOL still here

(53)   (p.219)   ( October 31, 2008 )  Time to end “Snapshot” book? /  White Cloud’s confirmation on noted podcast

(54)   (p.220)   ( November 1, 2008 ) Strong efforts to block channeling and planet’s upliftment / October event aborted last minute / Many perceive the Love of FOL versus many disillusioned / Cloud “silver lining” – Revolution of Light has begun / Blossom requests no new date / Does one’s vibration determine ability to see a ship? / New plans in the works not to be disclosed now

(55)   (p.225)   ( November 2, 2008 )  Blossom requests more details about aborted event / More details provided – the Lower Light threat was real / Sympathy for the Lower Light / The revealing not far away (not far off in time) – “Strike up the band” / Blossom confirms FOL’s vulnerability – destructible

(56)   (p.230)  (NOTE: Missing here is the typical dividing line between messages, but a new message begins,It’s now tomorrow….” )  In spite of a new challenging role Blossom vows to forge ahead / Do not be swayed by the Lower Light – the Light is brighter

(57)   (p.232)  ( November 8, 2008 )   A change after no show event – Many more are sending questions to Blossom / “Barrage of negativity” / All the answers lie within / One’s Truth may vary from another’s / What one is inside versus how one appears to others / Blossom left hanging – incomplete sentence

(58)   (p.236)   ( November 9, 2008 )   Completing the thought from previous channeling / “Do onto others …” / Send love to self / Thought provoking questions for earthlings / Change is up to us – FOL assists / Future revelations will surprise – “All that one does not believe” / What is Love? / A New World requires more than “kindergarten Love” / We are the Golden Race

(59)    (p.240)   ( November 15, 2008 )    Significant increase in Light on earth / More details from FOL not helpful / FOL can only monitor frequency changes / Biggest shift earth has experienced / FOL ecstatic with changes / FOL explains how they can send Blossom to feel their feelings by words / October 14th message had built in codes /  Why use the descriptive term “The Golden Race?”

(60)   (p.245)   ( November 16, 2008 )    Question – Is it true the FOL is the future us? / There was a time on Earth when there was no time / Blossom asks, “Are you saying you are from another place or another time? / Disconnectedness versus detachment – analogy of a computer with telephone connection /  All at the same time, yet no time / Comic book pages analogy / Strange abrupt cut off from FOL

(61)    (p.250)   ( November 22, 2008 )    Letters to Blossom suggest FOL is “negative energy” / FOL – repetitious for emphasis / FOL observes humans choosing to speak negative, rather than being silent / World seems to be getting worse, yet Light is increasing / FOL – “There is not one TRUTH”… yet is there? / Negative energies speak in riddles / All channeling received is published / The Truth changes with greater awareness and knowledge / One real Truth between Blossom & FOL – only / Another ONE REAL TRUTH agreed upon

(62)   (p.256)   ( November 23, 2008 )   FOL considering halting channeling / Human hearts demanding more information than is permitted / So much channeling on earth saying different things / Blossom gets a lot “off her chest” – appreciated by FOL / Earth sees FOL failure – but only a delay / Low quality of life on earth will be released back into nothingness

(63)   (p.260)   ( November 29, 2008 )   One’s return from a long trip on earth – analogy / Real Home is not a place / Energetic changes on Earth continuing…may not appear that way, and why / Higher vibration merging causes change, add to that frequency changes / Part of the Plan and the experiment / Everything cannot be known in lower frequencies / All on earth agreed to play a role / Digressions from the plot are new and better scenarios /  Human interactions and interconnectedness is part of the Plan / Results of higher vibration merging with lower / Analogy of an orange and oranges

(64)   (p.268)   ( November 30, 2008 )    The moon is missing / Symbolism of a picturesque waterfall, a river and a dam / What the real moon looked like / In 2012 the real world will be revealed / “The walls of Jericho are tumbling down” / Blossom gets a “taste” of the New World’s energies with tears

(65)   (p.274)   ( December 6, 2008 )    Christmas spirit assists and hinders the planet’s Love vibration / What if Christmas was abolished? / “Ferris wheel of pointlessness” / Knowing of something and experiencing it are different / Ascension is an individual matter and experience / Assistance required to liberate the (“sleeping”) unaware / Readers lost interest in FOL – not enough titillating UFO content / Economic crisis late 2008 generates mass fear – crisis intentional / Blossom’s assignment not for just anybody / “As you radiate Love so shall you Ascend”

(66)  (p.280)   ( December 7, 2008 )   A teenager asks about the FOL ( Answers provided ) > What is their location in the Universe? … Is their intelligence greater than ours? …What do they look like? … What do they think of us? … How many other intelligent species are they in contact with? … What are the other species like? … What do the other species think of us? … Do any of the ET’s want to, or have they wanted to destroy us? … Do they know anything about 2012? … What are their, and other species religious beliefs ( if any )? … What do they do in their lives? … Do they have a “base” on our moon like me and many others suspect? … How do their crafts/UFO’s work? … What exactly is their plan for fulfilling our planet’s destiny? … How, why, and when did they find out about us? … Did they help in our evolutionary process? … Are they of the same or very similar race as we are? … Do some of our governments know about them? … Are some of our governments involved with them or other ET’s? … How do most of them communicate? … Do they admire any of our inventions, art, abilities or accomplishments? … Are they in any way sexually attracted to humans? … Will they accept any humans into alliances, or relationships with them? … What sort of animals are there outside of our solar system? … What is in store for our race in the future? /  If you wish in a silent moment to connect with the FOL and notice a ‘feeling’… they are saying HELLO

(67)   (p.289)   ( December 13, 2008 )    Blossom receives many more questions /  FOL can only reveal so much, and do not speak in riddles / Ascension before 2012 depends upon humanity / FOL reminder – all the answers are within / How much time is devoted to connection to Higher Self? / “Priorities are upside down?” / There is a need for others ( off planet ) to connect with us during meditation / Blossom makes a commitment to spend more time “switching off”

(68)  (p.294)  ( December 14, 2008 )   Blossom asks for more help about “switching off” or meditating / Worthiness is surprisingly an issue for humans / Good enough for whom or what? / Materialism will lose it’s significance, and “melt away” / FOL will take a short break, and will return at the appropriate time

2009 Channeling Summary

Federation Of Light ~ Blossom Goodchild


Each numbered paragraph below outlines the contents of a separate channeled message, according to the sequence presented in the eBook titled “PLAN-E.T.”

Dates are noted … eBook page numbers noted by (p.#)

Beginning February 21st through September 23rd

(1)  (p.2)  February 21st    Enlightenment to new heights / Lightworkers compared to “anchors” on the planet / Presenting the future Golden Age now would disrupt your important journey / Follow your own Truth to be your own Truth / Much talk of another FOL appearance…FOL asks, “is the world ready for us?” /  It will happen in Blossom’s lifetime / How will we accept all that is being uncovered ( revelations ) on the surface? / The best possible outcome for mankind / Ascension underway – a personal choice /  FOL never left… much happening behind the scenes

(2) (p.4)  February 22nd  Vast amount of information available…well informed is not necessarily more knowledgeable / FOL describes true “knowledge” / What part does our heart play acquiring information / Are we seeing the bigger picture? / To create a New World what should we be visualizing? / Focusing upon/fearing the negative, creates it / Keep assisting those who do not “get it”

(3)   (p.6)  March 1st    Blossom carrying out a pre-life agreement, as do others / FOL asks Blossom if the world is ready for them to appear now or later /  FOL’s dilemma – what will humanity’s reaction be? / Blossom wonders why “it’s now or never” / Oneness is the plan, but what of all those who refuse? / FOL describe their way of interacting with humanity / Blossom says, “Bring it on”… The PRICE IS RIGHT – Come on down! / FOL renewed excitement

(4)  (p.8)  March 6th ( Late evening )    Last channeling caused a stir, Blossom receives feedback/suggestions for the FOL / Blossom makes a case for a sooner rather than later appearance / Suggestions for the FOL making their appearance / Brief description of how life on earth will change / Individual preparation essential / FOL is awaiting decisions

(5)   (p.10)  March 7th    Blossom reflecting and expanding upon her previous suggestions / FOL encapsulates THE ONLY TRUE (Truth) WAY for humanity / Simple but difficult path to enlightenment / Requirement to know the Oneness / Separateness is not a reality / Similarities/differences between FOL and humans / FOL on earth is a promise

(6)   (p.12)  March 8th    How to aid materialisation = FOL’s appearance/arrival / Plans for mass visualisation and image described for regular use / Readiness is from the heart, not the head / What merging with the FOL entails / FOL provides reminders ( remembering ) of what we already know / Troops on the ground graduating and recruiting / Visualization notice to be sent out / March 10th – A clarification of the March 8th channeling was posted ( still posted ) on Blossom’s Blog / March 12th – A global visualization announced – Friday April 10, 2009 / Details posted on Blog / Suggested – visualisation daily

(~)   (p.14)  March 10th    A small clarification on my blog regarding this channelling. ( March 8th )

(~)  (p.14)  March 12th    http://blossomgoodchild.blogspot.com/      Please see blog for details regarding A GLOBAL VISUAL AFFECT!

(7)  (p.15)   March 14th    FOL messages contain a beneficial energetic (codes) / Lightworkers beware of spreading fear within attempts to inform / What are we paying attention to?…the Lower energy is in survival mode / The New World’s arrival depends/hinges upon us / Are visualisations of a New World a chore for you? (vigilance) / Exciting changes on Earth will affect, change everything/the whole ( oneness ) / We are our feelings…feelings can’t lie / Title of this eBook revealed 

(8)   (p.17)   March 21st     FOL – many crafts sighted speak for themselves / Replica/deceptive crafts are inferior by comparison / Reiteration/explanation of October 14th, 2008 no show / The delay of the plan has been/will yet prove to be beneficial / FOL showing themselves/ships will be a declaration of war by some / Eager Lightworkers wishing to do more will be activated upon FOL’s arrival / Why do we feel at “home” reading FOL’s messages? / We’re on a need to know basis now, Blossom’s cites the Beatles – LET IT BE / Earthly imprisonment, but we have individual power, the key for freedom / The key is explained

(9)   (p.20)   March 22nd    FOL concerned humans are rejecting the FOL connection / New waves of Love (energy) proposed to assist / Symptoms described with higher vibrations, remedy provided / Easy choice FEAR versus LOVE is made difficult / Many want to assist, but do they really? / It’s TIME for many things ( a list provided ) / Say, “Hello self”! / How a soul can make progress / Negative character traits/behavior to avoid / What would make a dream place – our Mother Earth? / FOL encouraged, their message is making a difference.

(~)   (p.23)  March 28th   Blossom: “Couldn’t get through today. Clearly lines are busy! Tomorrow’s another day

(10)  (p.23)   March 29th    FOL commends the human race / Light on earth getting brighter / Compassion for Lower Light reaping what was sown ( Universal Law ) / Transforming Lesser Light to bright / FOL repetitious for emphasis / FOL explains the thoughts from the “heart space” / Mind versus Heart, which should lead? / Where can the answers be found? 

(11)   (p.25)   April 4th     FOL describes preparing/monitoring Blossom connection / Comparing FOL and humans – “Like peas in a pod” / Humans need to prepare for FOL’s frequency / Frequency adjustments required / What about those unaware of FOL? / Colour of the rose quartz crystal, raising our frequency

(12)   (p.28)   April 6th    FOL to reveal new information / Visible visit planned to affect/up frequencies / Image for Blossom – the Great Pyramids / Blossom explains no expectations

(13)  (p.31)  April 11th    Earth energies monitored and up / Lightworkers mass visualisation worked / FOL suggests a continued/full time effort / Hastening the FOL light show / Creating the New World in our hearts / Worrying ( fearful ) about negative events – not Love logical / Read FOL messages with your heart – soul’s “digestion” / Blossom’s soul is thereby committed to continue…”keeping on, keeping on” 

(14)   (p.33)  April 12th    Comparing Earth’s ( Human ) diversity with FOL beings / Pre-life planning enthusiasm is lost when incarnated / Lower vibrations gained a stronger grip on Earth / Beings of Light & Wisdom incarnated / New plans were required preventing Earth’s fall / FOL through Blossom is the FOL on Earth / Beginning of/after the “point of no return” (The Event?) described  / For now FOL words will suffice – take heed with one’s heart / Concentrate on LOVE / Let go of untruths / Feel what you want, and a clearer picture by feeling higher vibration

(~)   (p.35)   April 18th    Blossom, sick for three days, loses what she thought was a 40 minute channeling, by mistake. It could not be retrieved.*

(15)   (p.36)  April 19th    Blossom receives inquires describing heart anxious feelings / No need to feel guilt when “swimming” in the lower vibration – less joyful / Many feeling “Something is going on” – Their soul is speaking to them / FOL clarifies Blossom’s “unworthiness” / Increasing yearning for home / Transposing feelings/energies to be compatible / * FOL has covered the lost channeling from yesterday

(16)   (p.39)   April 23rd    FOL – “Beware of false prophets” /  Dabbling with fear, fear expands / There is no fear in Love / Vigilance of mind required / Fear generating trap of apathy / Accepting we are a powerful force / What if everyone believed it, lived it – Love conquers all / Freedom is ours for the taking / Simple solution – LOVE / Brief answer to, who exactly is the FOL? / Blossom closes tearfully overwhelmed with Love

(17)  (p.42)   April 26th    Blossom shares some ups and downs of late / Not all human behavior understood by FOL / Human “brick walls” – FOL offers Love / Avoid wasting time and energy – attention to the “wall” / Can we accept – there are no questions/no answers? / Earth now a culmination of earth’s past / Seek the answers where they always have been / Why some humans have found Peace within

(18)   (p.45)  May 2nd    “Hold on to your hats” explained / Blossom’s struggle to “stay jolly” – not uncommon / FOL in friendship lifting Blossom’s spirits / FOL encourages Blossom to continue today

(19)   (p.47)   May3rd   FOL share keeping track of earth time / FOL “shutting down” compared to human sleep / Accommodations for different species aboard / A time when all species will walk on Earth / Preparations for a “dissension” / Transportation/communication advancements on earth – nothing “out of reach”

(20)  (p.50)   May 9th   Bodily appearance/forms of FOL depend upon one’s vibration / Blossom is a Light being, temporarily serving away from “home” / All humans volunteered to assist without protests / Fear is part of the illusion / A difference – FOL dispersing your doubts versus removing human doubts yourself for a New World / Planet “Lightens up” when we “Lighten up” ( laughter )  / The beginning of the end – explained / FOL suggests – visualize ourselves in a Light body

(21)   (p.52)   May 10th    Amidst earthly rumors/mumblings, remain steadfast ( perseverance ) / Blossom reports many more are climbing aboard the “happy ship” / More ships are becoming visible / Gifted energies not received well by all / Love ( energy ) is filtering through / IMPORTANT statement by The Federation of Light – “You are the reason that allows us to be here” / Weak channeling connection due to intruders

(22)   (p.53)   May 16th     Earthly turbulence natural for change and upliftment progresses / Resistance from Lower Light being discarded – acknowledge it and send it Love / Blossom asks, why is so much “soul searching” necessary, noticing loving people of the Light are in despair / FOL answers at length ( encouragement ) – to gain strength / Our home decor can affect us negatively – is it “in tune”? / ( releasing ) What is lost within/about us struggles to remain familiar / Be the “torch” to guide the way / When “Light sword” energy low – recharge

(23)   (p.55)   May 17th    Blossom is shown a yellowy/gold stone or crystal / Symbolism of the crystal’s layers are explained – current turbulence and inner Truth / Turbulence was worth the ride after knowing the Truth / Be “steadfast in dreams ( thoughts & visualisations & imagination ) of the future” / When will chakra energies settle? / Laughter raises the vibration – no fear in laughter / Heart doesn’t lie to us

(24)   (p.57)   May 23rd    Future events lying in wait, it’s our perception that’s unpredictable / Analogy – A child’s imagination with story book / “How does that fit in since our thoughts create reality”? / A child’s coloring book – outlines a given, but the details with colored pencils, eraser, and sharpener / FOL leads us – finding answers ourselves / From different soul perspectives of Truth, future events interpreted differently as they happen, not told in advance / Keep coloring your New World

(~)   (p.59)   May 24th   No connection with FOL today … Blossom presents an extract from “The Bridge” / Many changes are taking place in our world / Too much for us to grasp at once / All life adapts slowly to rising vibrations / Time is speeding up / Humans are a key factor for changes / What if you have a bad day, or falter / Meditation is essential

(25)   (p.61)   May 30th    Chakras active anchors the physical body – release what no longer serves / Achieving a brighter outlook / More Light within us means more Light shines / Yes, time constraints, but everything has to do with timing / Joyous reunion with self / How to achieve a greater power of self / Turbulence on Earth likened to a renovation/construction project / Our responsibility towards those yet unaware of vibrational frequencies / “Special” senses used to visit “off planet”

(26)   (p.63)   May 31st     The ups and downs it APPEARS the “downs” can override the “ups” / What “is” and what “is not” / What we think is real, is not real / What “IS NOT”…”IS” / Care to look “behind the scenes”?

(27)   (p.66)   June 6th   Increase of UFOs and crop circles / FOL provides insight on crop circles – “signposts” / Many UFOs are not FOL / A bubble from liquid illustrates UFO illusions / What we don’t see/can’t see on earth – is real / Similarity to a human light show / The purpose of UFO illusions / True freedom our right/ours for the taking / FOL is a significant part of a vast unified group 

(28)   (p.69)   June 7th   “Step up the pace” on our path / Use your “inner eyes” – more that can be seen within / All is going according to plan / FEEL the Higher resonance/power/strength / POWER OF LOVE thrives or becomes dormant / Analogy – Humans are like an electric generator – source of energy / Reading the FOL versus “FEELING” the words

(29)   (p.71)   June 13th    Ponder, imagining ( visualising ) the petals of a “pink rose” and be transformed / “Getting it” – that everything is Love – “a “quickening” to speed up” / Focus upon pleasures of the heart / Thoughts of beauty transform our world / Analogy of a fetus in the womb – Mother Earth / A downtrodden human spirit becomes insignificant remembering the Light you are / Turn up our “dimmer switch” says White Cloud

(30)   (p.74)   June 14th     FOL through Blossom has assisted many / Things hard to accept will in time be common knowledge / Plans for the FOL – the show well underway / Image of an oven baking a cake – and waiting / Reflecting upon Oct. 14th 2008 – why a success / Individual sparks of Truth ignite flames around the world / Live your Truth, not another’s

(31)  (p.76)   June 20th     FOL observing humanity’s “getting it” – upliftment / What is living all about? / Suggestions – How to live / How to deal with fear mongering / How to indentify/recognize your Truth / Individual paths, yet all roads lead home /  Magnetism strengthening within the matrix / Final piece of a jigsaw puzzle = The Turning Point (The Event? ) / The Divine Plan on target – remove fear / How was fear created – how to remove it?

(32)   (p.79)   June 21st   Readers to seek understanding – words used can be a challenge / We can become/be closer to Truth of ourselves / Humanity that “gets it” is the higher vibration / What is our purpose/reason for existing now? / FOL does not have “off days” like humans / What the FOL does when we have an “off day” / The regular FOL contact group take a “day off” / Blossom speaking to higher ranking Overseers / The FOL in charge / Insightful details of FOL’s form and locations / Blossom shares a vision from the night before – a preview of the surprise channeling today

(33)  (p.83)   June 27th   FOL’s purpose, while some sitting “on the fence” / Will we reside on Earth, or in a New World? / What about loved ones who are “asleep”? / Conversing with those in a higher vibration / How would the FOL define “angel”? / Those with many questions – image of a library/how we use it / Light attracts those who are lost / How we can feel a vibration of Peace

(~)   (p.86)   June 28th   Blossom writes: ” I spent twenty minutes tuning in and awaiting a channel … nothing. I then spent 45 minutes looking for an appropriate excerpt from my books and it just wasn’t happening. …”

(34)   (p.86)  July 2nd   FOL’s agenda – appropriate information / Blossom asks about many crop circles / What are crop circles for? / Why the FOL cannot reveal everything

(~)   (p.88)   July 4th   Blossom thinking about, and sharing why reducing the frequency of channeling is necessary. 

(35)   (p.88)  July 12th     FOL reveal more about themselves / Doubters need to “pin down their hats” / A plague of disbelief eons old / Words do not suffice – an injustice describing what lies a head / FOL plans moving forward – asking us to do the same / Light will reveal and heal ( physical & emotional  ) all atrocities / No escape for Lower light beings, yet Love is offered

(36)  (p.91)  July 19th   FOL mission will end desolation of earth / “Light bearers turning the tables” / Unlike previous ones, this lifetime has a different level of expectancy does it not? – FOL appearance / Blossom’s knowing she would have a second child / Knowing within us has reasons, not all can be understood by humans / FOL was the Knowing Blossom had for nurturing, “giving birth” to the F.O.L. on earth / Birth of a new understanding on earth

(37)  (p.94)   July 26th      FOL and Blossom reflect back – the channeling evolved / FOL – “Dear lady, how could we not be uplifted by the gift of laughter”? / Blossom looks up many words used by the FOL / An upgrade for planet Earth / “Could you please elaborate on the term Ascension Day” / Manipulation of mankind – a path to total destruction / FOL elated as mission is succeeding / Earthlings, give yourselves credit / How does the FOL plan for the future? / FOL is our family

(38)   (p.97)   August 8th   FOL suggests “mass forgiveness” / Metaphor – two puzzle pieces / All pieces form one big picture / Higher self – our counterpart is adjusting / Plan continues in spite of human resistance to awareness / Forgiveness of self Individually, extended to all that is / Symbolic candle / Vibrational changes after forgiveness

(39)  (p.99)  August 17th   Human laughter compared to FOL “moments of colour” / Veil of forgetfulness worked well / Soul self awareness growing – veil of forgetfulness losing “strength” / Lightworkers embrace the human experience / Human Lightbearers act as a guide for ETs / FOL feels pride when a soul “awakens”/remembers / Analogy of a butterfly shedding the chrysalis – freedom / FOL in awe – progress of human Lightness / Keep It Simple versus complexity of untruths

(40)  (p.102)   August 20th     Access to “codes” by “Diviner self” / A higher level of the FOL speak – The Hierarchy / Awakening on earth to surpass previous year / FOL channeling is a prelude in “snippets” to reduce shock / FOL ask Blossom, “Is your planet ready”? / Blossom’s heartfelt/humble reply / Blossom’s inner knowing what is truth, but no proof / FOL not creating a “wild goose chase” / Future reveals so-called “nutcases”/nutters most suitable to channel

(41)  (p.105)   August 30th     FOL will continue seeing great potential on earth / Blossom reflecting upon life, her life, asks, “What is the point”? – regarding life on earth / FOL describes “other side of the coin” – gratitude for life / New World accessible to humans now / Blossom asks, “Why only for a select few”? /  “Betrayal ” of the self “adding layers” / FOL “untangles” human “knots” all what keeps us “tied down” / Blossom wonders if she’s missing the point / FOL does not have bad days / Blossom wants to feel at home – FOL – It’s not far away – Feel the Truth / FOL – To all who read these words – blending as One to Feel the Divine.

(42)  (p.108)  September 7th    Internet overload of Ascension information / Read all with your heart / Game of “Chinese whispers” / Interpretation of channel and readers / FOL suggests a fast from all information / Take time to “smell the roses” / The future is no different than the past / Connectedness with each other devoid of technology / Human programming superior to earth’s technology / We feel so advanced – analogy – university level ?…yet still in kindergarten / Thought provoking questions, i.e. -” When was the last time we laughed and our sides ached”? / New World = fun…create it now 

(43)   (p.111)   September 16th    Frustrated readers – nothings happening / FOL describes a distant past earth / When the FOL vessels were in Earth’s skies, and will be again / Post Event – some invited to a “top up” refreshing chamber experience / Recalling our dream time on the FOL ship / Energies “stepping up” – challenging Lower Light / A “turning point” described with Higher energies / What’s the difference between vibration and frequency?

(44)   (p.114)   September 23rd & 24th   In spite of a “no show” last year, humanity has progressed / FOL taught us well – cannot be swayed / Other conflicting, argumentative channeling/comments /  No place for “belittling and judgment” versus The Golden Rule / 2nd day Blossom affected by offensive emails / Not tests, but opportunities for soul growth / How wars begin / Will individual far fetched ideas and beliefs be their destiny? / It concerns mass consciousness / Another aspect of Blossom was with the FOL / Let go of fear – listen to your ancient selves / Remember who you are / Strip away lies and deception ( untruth ) – Love is there

2010-2024 Channeling Summary

Federation Of Light ~ Blossom Goodchild


7th  (p.2)    Many other anticipated predictions from channels of Light are not from FOL sources / Inner knowledge reveals all / Individual changes happening are like shedding skin / FOL is close – shall be appearing to many who have prepared / Old or current world not fit for the New World / Mourning a millennia of self-sacrifice – the Divine Plan / “The Blessing”  poem

17th  (p.5)   FOL to humanity similar to – humanity to an ant / Communications with Blossom different than telepathy / Description of how FOL communicates with Blossom / Why Blossom and not others? / Important to acknowledge who we are – magnificent spiritual body / Connecting with higher self / Purpose of acknowledging true self / Spiritual understanding is progressive / Human destiny explained / Imagination expands with vibration

30th  (p.9)   Who will be able to see the FOL ships? / Google Earth mysterious shapes / Small ships breaking through time barrier / Size of FOL ships / Objects circling the sun – FOL no comment / Questions answered through unfolding / What are we searching for? / What is meant by “Knowing” / Words are inadequate…understanding from Higher self at the appropriate time – “Less is more”


11th   (p.12)    ET Light Ships with high vibration storage of Light – a gift of Divine Grace / A “sprinkling” upon earth / FOL Bringers of Peace / Overseers aborted the October 14th show / Blossom wants to know more about Light storage / The number of those Keepers of the Light is 12

26th  (p.16)    Frying Pan on the head / Disasters on earth a positive – phoenix rising / Things we don’t see – analogy growth of a tree unperceivable / Sickness/ailments are chosen – part of the illusion / New world not an illusion /  Everything in service to the whole / Can we “get it” or not? / New World is not the same as Nirvana


14th  (p.20)   Contrast those on deeper esoteric level vs. those receptive to message of Love / Hold to a future of Light the knowledge of Truth / F.O.L. have not incarnated on earth / Freedom of choice can change the Plan / Evolving human race running the system / Knowing of Oneness, and being of it, and feeling it, are different / Take comfort in Mother Earth’s New Dawn

24th  (p.25)    Being human is “going with the flow” yet heart and mind struggle / What will happen to untruths/false beliefs / What if FOL stopped communications? / How do the “sleeping”, those unaware assist Ascension? / Illustration – corked bottle neck and escaping souls


8th   (p.28)   Readers own truth is their Light – explanation / What is Nothingness, and everything / Everything is God, you and Love / Love of Self / Be the Light / What is real, what is part of the illusion? / What’s the reason why life is not going our way? / More Light improves understanding = more Light within and around planet

19th   (p.31)   Inevitable surrendering metamorphosis for all souls / Follow the heart requests / Serving or loving self, serves others and planet / Thoughts create our future / All things are possible / Past, present, future happening now / Different scenarios for New World / Without us feeling, there is nothing / Blossom’s dream car


14th  (p.34)    Blossom’s burning heart chakra / “Brush off” necessary transformational changes / Clarifying October 14, 2008 / The mass destruction threat by Lower Light / Many like Blossom – prepared, ready with Light

27th  (p.38)    FOL tracking energy around globe /  Lightworkers encouraged to “keep on” the correct path home / Blossom requests 6 month forecast of events / Vigilant meditation a means to “receive FOL orders” / All on earth agreed to help with Ascension process / Imagination is our future reality / Feeling your imagined future reality,  hastens earthly awareness and awakening


9th  (p.41)   Spiral configurations in the skies small preview of what’s to come – what are they…why and how? / Recalibration of new energies merging with old / Blossom asks about the effects of the oil spill – what can we do? / Destructive events are “meant to be” / Knowing something, different than believing / Stop waiting, be who you are / Send your energy/work miracles / Words fail – Feeling leads to knowing

21st   (p.44)    Blossom suggests “Be with it” do not rush through this channeling / Focusing attention upon the Gulf / Send Love and Light to change the world / Earthy aspect(s) must choose to activate systems / The FOL “orders” stated / Activation > meditation + visualization / Short activation visualization/meditation provided / Heed your feelings – this is your truth / Brothers in arms – of Love / Bronwyn Freihaut’s enlightening healing work


4th   (p.47)    Varied results 6-21-10 activation – explained / FOL comments > Gulf oil spill / Please “scrap” the word “SOON” / Feelings are your Truth / Making decisions – guidance / Playground Earth experiment changed / FOL – little comprehension of life on Earth / Ships to arrive with higher versions of us / Multiple humans could comprise one Star Being – Insight on Oneness / Serendipitously older channeling August 2008 pops up > see 2008 INDEX channelings  #36 & #37 – eBook “Snapshot”  pages 156 to 161

23rd   (p.53)    Bygone era description of life on earth / We may not perceive movement in life / A difference being made on earth / Blossom wanting to see FOL saying – “I miss you” / When we feel downcast or tired / Knowing makes hope obsolete


2nd  (p.56)   Blossom asks for more info about FOL / Overseers of the Overseers – Living Light / Are there Overseers above FOL? / FOL = how many ships? /  Much speculation about Ascension / FOL bemused by spread of fear and doom / Discernment of Light – how do your feel when you read? / Souls choosing the easy way / What is the energy of our aura?…It is you/your soul without a physical body / Seeing through the “eyes” of living matter / Blossom asks, “Are we doing well down here?” / FOL waiting for the “green light”

15th  (p.60)    Energies rising last week / Some focusing upon turmoil / What to focus on – creating a New World / Recognising what life on earth really is / How does the game of Scrabble fit into playing The Game of life? / A belief system indoctrinated / Fear inspiring “devil” is by design / Feel your magnificence / In the New World will we remember this “dream,” this illusion?

29th  (p.64)  We don’t know, that we do know / What’s stopping us – accessing knowledge of everything? / Visualizing ourselves firmly within a “throne”- chair activation / “What is real and what is not?” / The world is ready for the FOL


7th   (p.68)    FOL focus – enhance our vibration / FOL lowers their vibration communicating with Blossom / Will humanity make it to the New World? / Number of awakening souls is vast / Send Love to negative thoughts / A new perspective coming – greater understanding

21st  (p.71)    Original plans for Earth discarded /  Changes that will astound and give hope / Lower Light persist keeping FOL Love/Light at bay / Lower Light originally from Light / FOL providing a sign to uplift / Light = Love & Love = Truth / Sympathy for Lower Light – no blame, no mocking

29th  (p.76)    When FOL appears – no direct communications with governments / FOL preparations for a “surprise” /  A need to “hot up” ( = keep things moving along ) in line with plans / Aligning/’tuning in” with the FOL frequency upon their arrival / Through words used by FOL gauging energetic reactions of readers / FOL learn about/take on human traits / Everything will make sense in the New World


12th & 10th  (p.80)  Re: October 10, 2010 Stargate / Focus upon/mixing in other truths / Think & feel what we Love / Time lapses = next moment of now / Staging of an alien invasion / Repeating – Hold your Light / Avoid fear mongering “mumbo jumbo” / Who is a “Light Bringer”? / How do we discern words of untruth? / Be in your truth at all times / Love everything equally

22nd  (p.83)    FOL display in New York / Previews of what’s to come / Blossom’s channeling reaching hearts – why? / Deceptive channelings – pretenders / “Fearsome banter” by design /  Lightworkers “wavering” / Remember why you are here / Repeat this – “I am an anchor of the Light of Christ” / Atheists are shown the Divine after death / Is the Light of Christ a person? / Lower vibration = Divine Light not at full strength / Belief  versus  Knowing


3rd   (p.86)     Discerning untruths i.e. a second coming / Who really is the second coming? / All we have to do is? / FOL’s role in the Divine Plan / Our worth unquestioned – chosen for task on earth / FOL at our side always / A reminder for an FOL display, a rehearsal

14th  (p.89)   Blossom assessing her position with the FOL / Blossom requests something tangible – FOL wow humanity, just a little / Humanity is “on track” / FOL “sprinkles” hope, not political or economical information

21st   (p.91)   FOL never feels alone / Oneness –   are we of it, or in it? / How to BE in a place of full Love / FOL raises questions for contemplation – revealing progress / Blossom’s request for a “sleep over” not far from the Truth / Uprising/stirring within – an acknowledgement / Lower energy projects persist /  Lower light technological “toys” pale by comparison to the real thing / What was at risk Oct.14th 2008 = Life / FOL fully aware of Lower energetic challenges / What if we keep thinking /believing the controlling Lower Light is our reality?

28th  (p.95)    Are you feeling out of sorts – here’s why / Higher energy merging with our being / New World hinges upon this process / How can we communicate with FOL? / Why can Blossom channel and others cannot/do not / A more essential sign – feeling the FOL in your heart / Blossom asks to see what the future holds / Explain – The Truth will present itself, to itself


11th   (p.99)   Blossom reassessing her role as FOL’s spokesperson/channel / FOL asks Blossom for one important question / Unanswered questions superfluous / What is essential – truest meaning of Love / Yearning for our real home – by itself assisting and transmuting energy / Some things cannot be explained now / A “map” to Ascension described / Addendum note: Blossom’s experience at a U2 concert

20th   (p.103)    Christmas spirit and activities compared to coming times / Lower Light controlling Earth is an illusion / Clarifying a weak connection to Blossom / Shafts of Light visible next year / Not flashes of lightning – containing Light and energy / Light shafts create a link – a missing piece / Gift of renewed hopes / how long would the shafts be visible? / Number of sightings will increase / More details about Light shafts

28th   (p.108)    Blossom asks about Light shafts in Norway – disappointed / Not created by the FOL, but connected – will serve the same purpose / Not caused by, but enhanced by weather / Interfering with weather is testing FOL’s patience / FOL’s “tolerance tipping” as compared to human anger / Self-empowerment destruction/atrocities terminated / Earth’s blueprint of human experience was distorted



5th   (p.2)    FOL to embark on new “territory”/subject matter / New information can now be understood / Many still sleeping in material world density / Wanting to believe it  versus  knowing it / Blossom feels FOL extremely close / FOL entering a new phase with Blossom / FOL>Blossom>Readers, will feel a direct connection / Deeper and validating connection to FOL / Hearts will say, “Hello” / Blossom asks about the shafts of light

7th  (p.6)   Blossom relates a question from readers about dying birds and fish / FOL remains guarded about sharing knowledge at this time / The birds and fish problem – FOL no comment, and why / The problem’s cause is not accurate / Redirect focus and priorities – some knowledge not worth knowing / The lure of man made fairy tales / What is most valuable to your soul?

20th   (p.8)    Maintain focus on the heart, in spite of “oddities” / Many choosing to remain in fear / People ask what’s going to happen, yet they can affect the future happenings / FOL cannot create the New World / Alignment with the new vibration, “the New Dawn” / Giving energy and focus on Lower Light – a trap, undoing what’s been accomplished / FOL urging those who know better to stay focused on LIGHT / Be the change you wish to see / Fantasize like we did as a child / What should we do, how should we react when disasters occur? / What is compassionate? / Listen to your heart of truth, not the mind / Heeding ways of “enlightenment”

28th  (p.11)   Readers are asking for more information from FOL / What matters to an individual is not always beneficial to the whole / Answers, information, words can be manipulated >confusion and doubts / FOL can only be a guide for all humanity / Blossom mentions more pillars of light appearing / Truth is “swept under the rug” / FOL maintaining integrity by silence on many earthly matters / Having hope a position of lacking? / Different sources for pillars of light / “Holding on to your hats” is not to generate fear / Fear does not exist, unless what? /  How and why connect with our heart? / www.spaceweather.com  for info on Light pillars


7th  (p.15)    What appears to be new – Love within / Why pursue what is not necessary? / Higher Love energy in small doses / Blossom asks, why do we absorb a Higher Love, if it’s already within? / Love is within and part of Lower Light – a part of us / Prerequisite for the New World – forgiveness and Love / Humanity’s rise in vibration allows a “blending” of Higher energies / Clarification of individual Higher Selves connection to Highest / Merging  Higher Selves within soul groups / White Cloud’s analogy – petals of a rose

17th   (p.18)    A decision to continue channeling / Yet continued silence on many matters / Why a change in the Master Plan? / Bewilderment of Light Pillars to follow / A boost to the senses / Gratitude releasing the old self / Pillars of Light enable downloads / FOL to become common knowledge / Talents given before birth also serve the whole / Some roles only “appear” greater, all are equal in service

25th   (p.21)    Individual choice embracing the FOL, or not / A fear based movie theme not a deterrence / Energies on Earth continue to rise / “Do not underestimate your role” / FOL suggestions to keep “in tune” / Are you asking yourself, “What can I do”? /  What about television and other fear based entertainment?…rather view the “diamonds” twinkling in night sky / Link to Walter Bruneel’s artwork … http://iasos.com/artists/walter/


3rd   (p.25)   Encouragement to focus upon oneself – its not a competition / Unusual rainbows visible / Interference with channeling frequency / What if the Pillars of Light don’t appear? / All is taking place as was agreed, and as planned

16th  (p.28)   With free will – intervention possible – Universal Laws / Recent incidents – has “the line” been crossed? /  Who or what is responsible? – Japan earthquake/tsunami / NOW moment channeling different than NOW moments reading /  Blossom’s concerns going around a “mulberry bush” / FOL can only present appropriate information

26th  (p.32)     Recognizing positive vibrational changes in humanity / FOL “beaming with delight” / Truth is dawning – a joint effort / Why are Light Bearers here? / Put aside fears of future events / Frustrations without more evidence / Restrictions upon divulging information / Trusting the FOL – an individual’s choice / Light Pillars delayed – “crowd replied, BOO!” / Ascension is not just an Earthly matter / Divine Plan not a trivial matter

31st  (p.36)   FOL has more to share about Love / “Bottling up” or holding Higher Love / Bottled Love saved – different than Love sent out daily / Spend time in pleasurable pursuits – laughter / Recall past delightful experiences /  Shutting the heart away is damaging / The heart is reliable and honest / NO such thing as a “broken heart”


15th  (p.38)   Feeling a bit “off planet” or “LIGHT-headedness”? – reasons provided / Deeper understanding by eliminating trivialities / Symptoms of this transition into New Energy / Humanity receiving Energies creates the changes / Feeling unworthy? – much is accomplished without our knowing / Is the world falling into ruin? / Reverse “brainwashing” – the heart cannot be conned / How can we Ascend quicker?

25th  (p.41)    Feeling Higher Energies – Where does it come from? / Souls readied for a new place / Seeing  versus  Knowing  versus  believing / Restricting “chains” are melting / New World already exists / Walk across “the Bridge” in faith / Recollections of this 3D life / Everything – thoughts and actions / Consciousness a collective thought / Think or thunk? / Power of Love – nothing can stop us / The choices we make


5th   (p.44)   White Cloud’s Golden Chalice/Golden Liquid / Shocking revelations – chaos for uninitiated / Our path was a Knowing of truth / Visualization – Warrior of Light with sword / Blossom reflects upon her awakening / FOL praises Light Bearers who carried on in Love / Battalion of Light troops on Earth + Legions off planet

12th   (p.46)    Why individual blessings will vary upon earth / Why a soul chooses difficult incarnations / Insight – The point of atrocities / Life doesn’t feel like an illusion / Are we ( humans ) an illusion too? – What is real? / Analogy – Technology changing a back drop / Is the Golden Age an illusion? / What about individuals lacking understanding and knowing? / A soul chooses where they belong / Earth will not be recognizable / Earth is our “backdrop” – what do we choose? / Illusions have rules and standards / Limited/progressive information – digest “one square of chocolate at a time”

22nd   (p.50)    Vibrational bond between FOL and those “getting it” / Speeding up of plans / Expansion of joy and excitement / FOL concerned about the focus upon fear / Downside of Internet connectivity / What will hasten the demise/disappearance of fear based activities? / Feeding fear versus starving it / FOL perplexed with human  fascination for fear based scenarios / Take a stand, remain in your Truth


1st   (p.53)    Changes on Earth / Progress behind the scenes to be made evident / A turnaround – Lightworkers will be sought out for explanations / Speaking tactfully (FOL – Loving) to those awakening / Love in heart can only be Divine / New World in conflict with materialism and greed / The emptying of Bottles of Love – when? / Heralding next phase – preview described / Earth is the “talk of the town” amongst planets / Feelings within confirm our connection

12th  (p.55)    Reader’s request to elaborate on understanding our role / Seek out Higher self  who knows everything / You know more than you think / The more you Love, the more you Know = recall / Visualize a vacation spot with higher self / Blossom – “What is the point of this human experiment”? / FOL’s understanding  – “there is no such thing as failure” / After questioning – Councils decided to continue human experiment / The Veil lifting is like a smog clearing / FOL – waiting is over

21st    (p.58)     Why are we here? / Cease trying so hard to gain more knowledge = balance / Enjoying ourselves is a serious matter / The joy is within, where the Kingdom is / What keeps our body active and functioning? / “Awakening” requires a body progressively moving to a higher gear / Ready for “Overdrive”? = Human “machine” in “top gear”? / Golden Key & pineal gland visualization / Acceleration of one’s journey into the unknown / Blossom – a little closer remembering/feeling who she is – Love / In “overdrive” comprehension (understanding) and “digestion” increased

29th   (p.61)    Should the Golden Key Visualization be repeated? /  Can humans be a pillar of light? / Pillars of Light before year’s end? / If this was the last time FOL & Blossom communicated / Deeper appreciation of what is all around us / Value of a paper bag and the tree it was made from / Deeper appreciation for everything taken for granted / Living from the heart at all times


11th   (p.64)    You know more than you think / No regrets for the human experience / Unaware the New World is coming into form / Big scheme of things – there is no end / Golden Age is important, but a small aspect / Is getting HOME the end, living happily ever after? / No end to Love, no end of creation / We are NOT responsible for awakening others, including children / Analogy – Game of Snakes (Chutes) & Ladders / Guidance is a different matter / Whatever we think of/desire can be created / Divine Plan created by desire of many souls / Free will factor “created” a monster / Freedom to choose another plan

18th   (p.68)    What about the Mayan’s prediction – 3 days of darkness? / A Golden opportunity to rise into Light / The to release the Bottles of Love / There is more time for preparations / Know that you are Love – nothing to fear / The most incredible days ever experienced / After darkness great changes within, the earth, and FOL friendship / Nothing to fear only great joy / What of those who remain in fear? / Not one soul will be left behind

27th   (p.72)    Reader’s question – Define for a better understanding, true cosmic Love / Words will fail – cannot define it / Re: Love, when you have it, when you get it / Love we shall feel surpassing what we know / Feelings can only be felt / Symptoms of affects of Love / A Master Plan subject to free will / FOL elated with progress on Earth / An idea – humans taken on board FOL ship and returned safely / Reviewing the pitfalls with the idea


10th   (p.76)    Oneness should eliminate prejudice / What’s done to another, is done to ourselves / Karmic law = the law of attraction / Punishment versus full responsibility / All questions answered at appropriate time / This life is like “kindergarten” / Blossom – No sign of FOL by 2020? / “Switching off” more often reduces questions / A higher vibration will ease the transition of our soul / Is the FOL wasting their time and ours? / There’s no waiting when living one’s Truth / Blossom mentions the Pillars of Light as a reminder

20th   (p.79)    Condolences for those fearing the worst / Doom and gloom propaganda – Designed to lower vibration / Your heart is your guide, not the mind / Intuition our best friend / Prepared for pandemonium – to lead and comfort others / “ELENIN” crashing to earth, and end of Mayan calendar? / Analogy of “the dog next door” / Turning fear into friendship / Too much knowledge in advance alters the plan / FOL – ” We do know what we are doing”


2nd   (p.82)    FOL to retreat for a while –  not a good-bye / Reasons will become apparent / FOL also suggest a break for Blossom is timely / Blossom provides insight on previous and questionable channeling attempts

25th   (p.84)   Truth of one’s Truth assisting the self releasing what no longer serves / Souls of a Lighter vibration responding to the call within and around – “atmospherics” / “dangerous waters” upon the planet are calming / In accordance with Knowing – STOP these…START these / Changes will warm the heart / Changes made by humanity will be recognized / If not experienced individually, do not be concerned / FOL repetition will be appreciated / The Love we expect comes in a different manner / New World depends upon it / That’s why we are here – to be Love / Power of Love dormant – our Divine essence / The Key opening the doorway into the New World


7th   (p.87)    Many Knowing souls shining brightly – pillars of light / Will the Pillars of Light appear by 2012? / FOL asks Blossom if she feels understood / Blossom concerned about another “no show” / Feeling LIGHTness is just the beginning / We Trust in Higher/deeper understanding – Knowing / New magnetic field requires adjustments / Memories of old, and skills revived / Joyous reunions of souls coming / What’s your answer – “Can I feel the change in me? & Can I feel my heart connecting with those off planet”?

19th  (p.90)   Uplifting illuminating assistance shines upon those “asleep” / Bells of celebration would be fitting / Beacons of Light have no doubts / Marching Warriors of Light – One with FOL / “We have had enough of the old way” / Are the events on earth the realization of our hopes? / Holding to one’s Truth in conflict with world events / Light Bearers bringing to Light what was kept in the dark / FOL a collective communication / Sharing future events will spoil the excitement / Path to the gate into the Light – the New World / Some on a different “bus route” (path)

27th   (p.93)   FOL – “Brace yourselves” – planetary and soul self shifts / The affects and benefits of energy waves to come / Is there anything we can do? / Energy flow fluctuates and persists then subsides / “Holding on to our hats” doesn’t seem necessary yet / De-cloaking ceremonies to come – leaving us speechless / The “finale” would be out of place before the “show” or, the “dessert” before the “main course” / Divine timing after eons – the union of worlds


4th  (p.96)   Those compatible with new energies – underestimate abilities / Where does the power for change reside? / New information will assist / Is FOL asking too much? / The waiting and yearning / What serves and what does not – discovering Truth / Reminders not revelations – we Know it / The heart Knows what’s going on  /  “Need to know basis” / Which “truth-sayers” scenario is correct? / The events cannot be understood until they happen

14th  (p.99)   Light shift on 11-11-11 – gelling of energies as planned / Higher energies – it goes without thinking / New energy “blend” like never before / We’re advancing out of “preschool” / The impossible becomes possible / As Love increases, so do our possibilities / Compare yourself with old self / “We ain’t seen nothin’ yet” / Feeling exhilarated, is more important than why / Advancing into the “fast lane” / As we are brighter and higher, our environment will be likewise / Heart adapting to a New you

24th   (p.102)     Blossom feels obligated to mention the time left to see Pillars of Light / What sacrifices has the FOL made? / Safety of Earth residents (humanity) overrides any statements / Any time factors do not carry weight where there is NO TIME / Blossom – “in our world the “time factor” has much status…” / Will there be Pillars of Light before 2012? / What has changed the schedule? / FOL – “We are not God” / We are in control of the Divine Plan / Metaphor – watching a movie / What we think is real is unreal, what is unreal is real / More human understanding required

29th   (p.106)   Blossom proceeds to sort things out – many questions from readers after previous channeling / Some readers “on board” others “jumping ship” / Why wait until the last moment to explain how the Pillars of Light would /would not be manifested? / “Dangling a juicy carrot” / Blossom questioning her suitability for her role / A sign of undeniable proof is requested / Fed up with the powers that be, to be forthcoming / Forward Blossom’s message to the Overseers of Overseers, of Overseers, etcetera / Blossom shell shocked / Commendation for Blossom’s outspokenness / FOL – No excuses, acknowledging distress and confusion / Blossom grieving, decides to discontinue channeling if no sign is possible / FOL heartfelt closing with Loving concern for all / Blossom relates the 2008 circumstances when a sign of a dozen roses was provided

DECEMBER  ( no channeling )


JANUARY  ( no channeling )


1st  (p.2)  Blossom note – Sharing previous reconciliation with FOL on JANUARY 17th 2012 as follows /  A comparison of marital infidelity multiples times, to the two FOL no shows / Blossom to FOL – “Who are you?” / FOL sincerely apologetic / Blossom asking a question 3 times – Are you of Divine Light? / Galactic Federation and FOL are the same / Two questions asked for better understanding Re: Pillars Of Light / Explanation why the Pillars of Light did not appear / Have any Overseers incarnated or visited earth? / A sign – not hard, but not good etiquette / What is the rule, of etiquette? / FOL acknowledges Blossom’s points in favor of a sign / FOL cannot read minds, but monitor the energies on Earth / “Back to the drawing board” / Mutual delight for reconnecting with Blossom

7th  (p.6)   FOL never to dishonor the brave souls on earth / Things not happening = Ah-ha moments for those Knowing / FOL proceeds cautiously achieves desired effect / Incredulous wonder and Divine Light to come / Vibration of Truth automatically “triggers” freedom / Where is White Cloud? / Weird eerie noises around the planet / Explanation and purpose of the noise / Analogy – a novice trumpet player gradually improving / Analogy – the maturation of a nut / Urged to feel our Truth and our Light – the path to home

17th  (p.10)   Communications with Blossom has raised the vibration / Rapid progress, an energetic “magical dance” / The final lap nearing the finishing line / “Will life carry on as it is at the moment”? / As the time approaches we will “attune to it” / Assimilating changes – new scenarios / Cannot “give the game away,” advising humanity is permitted / Next year will be whatever we create / Should Blossom book a trip to visit mother? / Foreknowledge would be counterproductive / The “language” of the FOL

24th   (p.13)   How to “raise the bar” to accomplish more /  How do we recognise ourselves – who we truly are? / Can we resonate on a higher vibration? / How do we “turn up our dimmer switch”? / Taking a stand with physical demonstrations versus  “giving out of Light” / Why are we here? / Time to play the Divine Symphony / Blossom’s fasting / Respecting the physical body – affects upon the spiritual body / FOL wisdom from the heart – their purpose


1st   (p.16)   Joy to those who are recalling what once was / Stay grounded vs heads in the clouds / Do not be concerned what others may say / Those in the Know will be sought out to pacify others / Reaping in 2012 what was sown / How to visualise you are Light / Is your Light dimmed, or a beacon? / FOL assisting ah-ha moments now / Interacting with FOL, like coming out of a coma / Don’t put the FOL on a pedestal – our brothers and sisters / Looking forward to cleaning up the planet / Quickest way to bring the dark and Light home / After The Event, the next phase

11th   (p.20)    What is the key to remembering who we are? / FOL can lead us, but not perform a miracle / The key is beyond expression, difficult to explain / Are you yearning to connect with Higher Self? / Is home in the stars, or inside of us? / What can you live without, that is of little benefit? / Imagine ( visualise ) living alone on an island for two months / Re-evaluate and reset priorities will hasten progress / Trust in the process, the heart will be at peace / How will superfluous things/thoughts serve you? / “Am I serving my heart?” / Personal changes will become evident

19th   (p.23)    Learning patience yet joyful hanging on / Tentative excitement / Initially, turmoil upon FOL’s arrival / Planet earth will never “sink into misery” / Effervescing FOL obliged to say “soon” / Those unaware they were “imprisoned” / How does our soul welcome us home? / The Game is over – Light has won / Do you hear the applause for the achievement? / More patience needed for many answers have to wait

26th   (p.26)    FOL accepting their role, are we? / Are we ready for change? / Warriors of Light serving on a much larger scale than ever / A “pep talk” – strength provided witnessing current events / Stay strong against bullying – keep sharing Love / Light Warriors, give yourself pep talks / Rejoice/Joy visualizing the FOL’s presence / Revelations of a lack of truth will “ring bells” / “Build on momentum of Love” / Drink daily from the Golden Chalice, recharging twice daily / Not to scare, PREPARE / Analogy of moving to a better location / Are you a happy human? / The heart “speaks” with the eyes and a smile


3rd  (p.29)    Why are there vast differences in channeled messages? / What do the messages create, fear or Love? / “Live in the moment of NOW /  FOL does not control other channels/channeling / What are the benefits of conflicting channelled messages? / What about chemtrails? / What if all communications systems failed on Earth? / The force of Love that cannot be defeated, it is us

12th  (p.33)   Be vigilant with meditation / FOL’s assistance is limited – What should we do? / Do you feel it’s a waiting game? / FOL provides the most beneficial / No point discussing possible scenarios / FOL describes a literal meeting in Blossom’s place /  Who will represent the FOL when contact is made? / How and when – meeting the Overseers of Overseers? / Our Higher selves could not be on earth / The earth that once was / Is a near death experience seeing God? / Blossom wonders why the FOL did not choose a rocket scientist

28th  (p.36)  Finding the correct path to awakening / Pondering the word “feeling” / Are feelings hidden or removed? / Blossom describes Love / Where do we find God? / God/Love takes many forms / The higher we rise affects everything around us / What happens to anything that is not thought of? / What are you thinking of? / Who’s, or what prophecies are being fulfilled?


3rd  (p.40)  How can people begin communicating with FOL? / What are the issues involved affecting communications? – FOL recommendations / Accessing your core essence – go within / Attainment of a level of enlightenment required / Meeting with FOL – comfortable vibration for both / How one feels, is their choice / Why do many believe there is a restraint against rising up? / Can the soul over come mind control? / Humanity is looking for a “savior” / What can one do besides complaining / Who is “reigning over the planet”? / Keep on…Keeping On / What is a Loving attitude towards the Lower Light? / They are us/we are them – ONE

9th  (p.44)   What’s our best action? – things getting underway / Preparing for all the hidden horror / If we are bewildered or confused /  Analogy – reading a novel with a happy ending / Discerning what is Truth and what is not / Astounding results – following one’s heart / Light Warriors uniting to aid the “sleeping” / Fear is everywhere – nothing to be afraid of / Importance of breathing daily / Can you be joyful and Loving with such despair? / Start sending out Love now to build what will be required / What is imperative for us to be, be doing? / Mass meditation worked – keep going / “Stormy seas ahead” / Are you asking, “what can I do”?

20th  (p.48)   Energies almost “tipping the scale” / Accomplishments on and off planet / Importance of balance / Taking care of self – grounded and breathing / “No turning back” – energetic plateau reached / “Amped up” – what can we do/expect? / What about the “Bottles of Love”? / Are we close to a tangible happening? / FOL’s “soon” vs Humanity’s “soon” / FOL ask – “Are we ready for it”? / When is not the issue – “when” is now / Soul-self confronting the soul – what we think/believe we are vs that which actually are / Recognising what’s real and what is not / In two different dimensions – the “cross over”

28th / 29th  (p.52)   Are you wasting time, twiddling thumbs, waiting? / Expectations up by other channeled messages / Changing a habit versus changing the world / Have you run out of patience? / How will those “asleep” react being woken up abruptly? / The nature of the turmoil – Earthly or human? / Why wait? create a New World now / FOL describe how to “fine tune” ourselves / “Graduation Day” is coming, will you be ready? / Truth revealed – “up” will be “down,” “down” will be “up”


6th   (p.55)   Readers losing heart / FOL passing on their excitement / Are the readers vibrations dropping off, or leveling off? / Humanity is raising the vibration – why wait for the FOL? / What about disclosure, the Pillars of Light to be very soon? / Readers hearts keep “tuning in” /  Take a moment to reflect upon what will be (meditate?) / Is Blossom mad, talking to herself? / A question about Divine timing – change in plans / Analogy – wedding plans/date changes / FOL on Earth before the year ends – Blossom prepares for different Divine Timing

14th  (p.58)     Ascension – Does earth move to higher dimension / Description – life in higher dimension / A massive pole shift definite? / Magnetic poles already moving / Human reactions will affect what happens next / Chess game analogy / Humanity’s reactions to current magnetic shift / Three days of darkness – dependent upon us / We Know what is to take place / Round and round the Mulberry bush / An Event – a soul’s kick start / FOL – a proposal, the outcome determined by humanity

24th  (p.62)   Confusion abounds with many predictions / Happenings to come only outside of us? / A variety/degrees of awareness of FOL / FOL – What do we mean by “disappointment” / Feeling at home within ourselves / What will we be remembering? / If everything is rising – what of those who are yet “sleeping”? / The rising of those with understanding and heart / Is there still free choice with life “contracts”?


2nd   (p.66)    Much speculation upon Earth / Analogy – Progressive breeze of a hurricane – changing times / Still those trying to sway/mislead the clueless / Remain in Love – Feel your Truth / Anticipating a “D-Day” / FOL – All going according to Plan / Reminder – vigilant in protecting our Light Being / Means of protection from energy “vampires” – image of an egg / What about those seeking Light?

7th  (p.69)    Blossom – expected more happenings / Things are not what they were – And, prevention of what “could have been” / Many focusing upon December 21st 2012 / A date that’s been in our belief system for eons / Things will happen, but … what? / Knowledge in advance alters dynamics / Anticipation + expectations + questions = confusion / Knowing and not knowing / Light Warriors feeling lost – part of the path / Analogy of a dramatic play / All that might be – is wasting energy / What comes through a channel –  their level and state of mind / Sincerity is key

14th   (p.73)    Channeled messages differ with different channels / Some “think’ they are channeling, but are not – why/how? / What part does one’s ego play? /  What of the conflicting messages, said to be from the same source? / Analogy – the path to a central pivotal city / Thread running through all messages of Truth / How the answers we seek will reveal themselves / No one is right – no one is wrong / Some messages not from higher realms / Blossom  asks, “Am I influencing the messages coming through?”

29th  (p.77)   Blossom’s frustrations with technology / Times of change – confusion will persist / Meditation is URGENT / Connecting with Higher Self / Mass focus upon Olympic ceremony / Widespread results of that focus – happiness / Connection broken – interrupted by sinister intent / Not everything going smooth behind the scenes / A catastrophe was averted / To uplift – imagining core being GOLD / What we’re waiting for, is happening /  Recognition of our accomplishments – magnifies strength / Analogy – re-reading a book / Blossom reveals the heart and mind fight / Can the heart change, like the mind?


5th   (p.81)   Listening to the heart – how? / Analogy – sifting flour through a sieve / FOL – If it appears to be the Truth to you…is it? / Blossom asks about “false flags” – FOL no comment / How do we “resume our full status”? / Taking deep breaths / If we could see our planet from another position / “Feel what you feel about everything / Desperate attempts, mixing truths with untruth – a lure / Love and Joy “sieve” – untruths become obvious / Analogy – a wrong musical note stands out / Did Blossom’s intuition fail her? / We will smile at our not knowing 

13th   (p.85)     Explaining “universal quandaries” / Change is not without turmoil and upheaval / What will the FOL talk about a year from now? / Blossom – “everything I hear/read, taken with a “pinch of salt” / Has the FOL wasted their time with Blossom? / FOL – reminding us of who we are / FOL wonders why we’re waiting – the change is happening / We have changed / Are we staying on Earth after the change? / Those asleep – “remain as it is”  vs  “as they are” / A separation – Wondering about those who are no longer around / What is the nature of the Big Event? / We are here to fulfill our part in the Divine Plan

20th   (p.89)    Questions asked/answered of no benefit / Much knowledge not required even if true / FOL = TRUTH / Why does the illusion feel/appear so real? / Control mechanisms of the Lower Light are an illusion / Comparison to a child playing with a doll house / Power to alter the illusion / The Matrix movie /  Are we trapped in our illusion? / When an how does the illusion change? / Is living on other planets an illusion too?

28th  (p.93)   Blossom hears of pillars of light sightings / Explanation of the phenomena / The purpose of the phenomena – is it just a pretty spectacle? / A question about Crop Circles – Multiple reasons – (one >) help humanity to think “out of the box” / Can humanity figure them out? / Site visitors feel JOY = Love / Codes within codes within FOL communications / Extract from The Spirit Of White Cloud / White Cloud’s brief explanation – purpose of Crop Circles / Links to Crop Circle article & FOL/Blossom 2009 channeling


7th   (p.98)    Overseers of Overseers at peace overseeing plans / Is that keeping Overseers busy? / To what extent does the Lower Light have feelings? / Who are in the way of Lower Light? / Can the Lower Light stop us? / FOL ask Blossom – Still waiting for something to happen? / Like a pregnant woman’s contractions / Progress out of sight / When will we see True evidence? / Can we prevent the consideration of disappointment? / Energy influx like a “white wash” over Earth / Mass “Awakening = The Big Event > part of the “white wash” / “Almost there” (are we there yet?) versus “create it as we go”? / Ascension is a journey / Analogy – road trip to a destination / Take your choice to Ascension – travel first class, or chained up in a rail car

16th  (p.101)   Congratulations to increasing Light Workers / FOL sending Love to human family / Doubts about FOL “melting” away / “How can we assist bringing about a union with FOL”? / Many feel they’re not doing enough / Humans reactivated will be fully capable / Visualise and feel what you would like to be – creates it / Excitement is gaining momentum / There is visual proof of FOL Online / Proof in the hearts of others / Earth’s upliftment – FOL “quest for so long” / Is the rising expectancy due to the closing of 2012?

25th   (p.105)    Blossom asks about the variety of predictions for 12-21-12 / How can we find the Peace within? / Do we really need the inside scoop to be at ease? / Your recall button, like the “flick of a switch” for activation / What if the FOL wasn’t around to tell us, “there is nothing to fear”? / Alignment with the Divine Plan / Why there is nothing to fear / The New You,” different than the “Old You”


5th   (p.108)    “Intense energies filtering through” / Are you freeing yourself – burdens that do not serve? / Are you anchoring the JOY? / Are you feeling the changes? – just the beginning / Changes lift the planet  vs  making mountains out of mole hills / Will our houses, trees, parks and seas appear the same? / Description of life beyond our immediate future / Nothing will be beyond our capability / The shift and changes will be gradual / Analogy of progressing in school / Feeling true freedom – beyond rejoicing / Deeper understanding of all, for all / Be in Love

13th   (p.112)    Will the FOL ever change their tune – Love? / Why do some find the repetition a problem? / Does a spiritual person need to tell others they’re spiritual? / FOL speculation about near future disturbances/interruptions / To come – a releasing all suppression of who we are in Truth / Analogy – the go ahead for an architects approved plans / FOL likened to yeast during the transition / The New World project to proceed and revealed in phases / It will be said – “can this really be happening”? / In our current state – dreams of a Golden Age cannot match what will be / Great enthusiasm to serve all

21st   (p.115)   FOL witnessing a blending of colors – almost like the change happened / Many letting go of what does not serve / To be in alignment with what is to come /  Why The Event will be a surprise for some, but not for others / Some pre-Event signs mentioned – Blossom sees what FOL sends her / A reminder to breathe when Event happens / Reasoning why timing is so important for remembering all / FOL display human humor back to Blossom


12th   (p.118)    A time when “proof” will replace faith / Waiting for the go ahead / Our task – create/maintain a level of Love / Analogy – a flower, from seed to blossom / Blossom reports many are sure something will happen on 12-21-12 / FOL – best to remove all expectancy / Life will continue after The Event – not the same / Blossom speaks of noteworthy changes in our world / FOL provide an overview of their fulfilled purpose / Will Blossom’s communication continue with the FOL?” / All events hinge upon more accepting the Truth / Does Blossom feel any different than last year? / Will we “Know” instantly when Light energy comes? / Knowing within – all doubts removed

20th   (p.122)    Are there Overseers of the Overseers of the Overseers? /  The Divine Plan leaves no one behind initially; ultimately, definitely not / Are we going somewhere else to the 5th dimension? / Analogy – a young girl dreaming of her future wedding / Why the Ascension process is individually unique / What if nothing happens on 12-21-12? / Shouldn’t Blossom, of all people be convinced everything will change around 12-21-12? / The higher Overseers speak encouraging words of Loving wisdom / A “Happening,” (The Event) but for those still “asleep,” an “unveiling”

26th   (p.125)    Time “whizzing” by – less important as time moves on / Love/energy influx continues / Information regarding solar energies – “the sun god” / Explaining a future desire within the heart to “Get it right” / Focusing upon “forgiveness” of all/for all during “Showers of Light” / Stream of Light cannot be missed / Waiting can become unbearable – what to do? / Once again, no specific date given / The Golden glory of our accomplishments removes doubts


2nd    (p.129)     Energies “amping up” – ecstatic feelings a beginning / Any suggested end of year activities? – Seize the moment / “You are The Event” / One’s awareness/self-awareness of Truth is the variable / Appreciative significance of The Event due to humanity’s transformation / Will channeling continue through The Event? / Post Event we will be unrecognizable to self / Be kind to yourselves – Love yourself now /  Readers expressing deep appreciation for FOL / FOL thanks those of humanity in line with Divine Plan / What’s been our “safety valve” in the process? = Inner Knowing / FOL suggests replacing Christmas lighting with our Lighting up the world / We are the “betrothed” of the FOL / Who is White Cloud?

14th    (p.133)    Expressing a BIG thank you to the FOL / FOL reviews their learning process / Blossom describes a “dragged down” sensation / White Cloud “drops in” / Becoming more capable using less energy / Rejuvenation in the process / Children “seeing” more things, adjusting to new energies / Energy upliftment 2 days ago / Blossom describes activation on 12/13 / Choosing the Highest good was a gradual process in training / The world “on hold” when the Light/The Happening arrives? / FOL’s response to Blossom confirm why she was chosen / FOL final thoughts before the holiday  / Link to White Cloud’s 12-12-12 activation audio

19th   (p.137)    Anticipating 12-21-12 Blossom raises questions / Have we found our Truth, or the God within? / A desire to “go home” vs  “home” coming to us / Your true colours will become known / Blossom suggests many will feel fed up and lose faith if nothing happens / “What is to take place, shall allow what CAN take place” / Expectations unfulfilled – clearer understanding later / FOL conclusion in part – “There is only good that is to come out of all this” / Blossom sees her/our expectations not fulfilled, as a “bit of an anti-climax”

29th   (p.140)    Blossom provides a link to blog describing a journey since last channeling / Awaiting a “major show” / Disappointment was not as huge as it could have been / Asking FOL for comments on Brazilian pillars of light – Link provided / A joint effort – Mother earth + FOL / “…you have Ascended” – Whoa! We have Ascended”? / New self is emerging – do you feel it? / Our internal flame likened to a gas cooker / Not The Event, but vast changes / Some readers were let down and left, but will return / We know what we need to know / Misunderstanding – misinterpretation of FOL words / Onward and upward – Appreciating human resilience



5th  (p.2)   Where do we go from here? / FOL mission – help us understand who we are / Good, bad and in between reactions to disappointments Re:12-21-12 / The transformation rests in our “hands” / “Something huge did transpire” / Analogy – a cake with a new ingredient / Those impatient – choosing another path / FOL does not control the outcome / How do we move into a place of peace? / New modes of transportation by February 2013? / How do we bring new things (i.e. transportation) into existence? / How often do visualise teleporting? / Replace HOPE with KNOWING, and how to do it

13th   (p.7)   Energetic differences upon the planet / Things that no longer serve will not Ascend / Media = Doom and gloom / Replace FAITH with KNOWING, same as with HOPE / Knowing is progressive, but at what pace? / Instantaneous Knowing would be detrimental / What affect does a “desire to BE that KNOWING” have? / Give thanks for “every breath you take” / How do we feel about others who trigger us? / Matters that are incomprehensible / FOL reiterate their purpose, which has not changed

20th   (p.11)   Are the FOL the “teachers of Teachers”? / Overseers of many worlds / Words are insufficient between different vibrations / Readers trying to communicate with FOL – Success and failure is not preferential treatment / Incarnating to assist the Divine Plan – challenging / A “battle to stay cheery” since 2012 / What of the “segregation of souls”? / “The Change is working its magic” – slowly / Analogy – A jug shaken with sand and water / FOL to Warriors of Light – carry on during the strain / Feeling the Knowing as One / White Cloud excerpt – regarding shifts

28th  (p.15)   Changing it up with questions for the FOL / How do other beings look as compared to humans? / What about spiritual advancement on other worlds? / Oneness with a consciousLESS giant ant / Those from the Highest level of Love – in “The Game” / Our God self  versus  our Higher self / Many, many, many levels of existence / Is spiritual advancement dependent upon technological advancement? / Doubting something happened on 12-21-12


5th   (p.18)    Alignment with Higher aspect – letting go of what no longer serves / Is it essential to “let go”? / The Change – a release from bonds of darkness / Ever a time when there’s no more shifts? / Shifts will become more pleasant / Many didn’t expect this type change / What were we expecting? / “Do you still have your eyes closed”? /

How will the difference within ourselves play a part? / Why did the FOL elaborate on all the unfulfilled promises? / Does getting “hyped up” raise our vibration? / FOL illustrates our chosen part in the Divine Plan – a dream

13th   (p.22)   Blossom – Nothing seems to be changing? / Feeling out of sorts  vs  moving to who one truly is / Middle man – between old and new / Analogy – washing machine – Is this the last rinse cycle? / Isn’t there a sense beyond removing karma? / The aftermath of the change / Is it anger, or no more tolerance for the old / “No man’s land” part of the journey / “Out of sorts” permanently, or temporarily? / Letting go, of what can’t go with you / The means to awaken others – being you / Additional comments later on – Pope’s resignation


26th   (p.26)    FOL residing in Higher energies similar to Earth’s energies / Attracting good things quicker – Joy  versus  moaning / Awareness of progress by reassessing / Are we noticing The Change? / FOL “nurturing new avenues of service” /  Blossom relays what readers say – is the FOL evading questions? / Blossom to FOL …Who are you? … What form do you take? … Do you reside in a vast ship? … Do you eat or sleep? … Any hobbies? / The advancement of humanity on Earth / Living out our dreams in this reality – fulfilling our purpose / Our Love Energy like a fairy mist wafts over those “sleeping”


7th   (p.30)    Monitoring Earth energies – High + Low = Middle / Overcoming the lower vibrations / Blossom to FOL – You come down and try life on Earth / Evidence (of change) – Inside vs Outside / Duality rollercoaster deep dive, we can rise Higher / Is duality too hard? / Blossom’s project – “Change Your Attitude Luv” / We volunteered for this – acceptance is “getting it” / The “old you” will fight back / Analogy – caterpillar feeling at home / FOL = “We Are” – Is that the I AM? / Density of Earth “stains” one’s Being – this will leave a mark / Absent Mother ships does NOT mean defeat

17th   (p.34)   Could we integrate with FOL in our lifetime? / What percentage of mankind needs to “wake up”? /  The pull of duality – “pulled apart” = out of sorts / What is meant by “cementing (integration) of certain ways into your Being”? / The soul being created through experiences / Releasing old stuff, issues, “scars” being in relationship to humans / Any suggestions to speed up the process? / Serving (Loving) SELF serves the WHOLE / Changes will be more apparent/transparent / If we could look back and see our progress / The why’s of war, famine, hatred / Bomb in America – Everything has a purpose / Analogy-Spinning top / Telepathy soon

24th   (p.38)    How can we connect with FOL, guides, angels? / “No distance between” – energetic flow /  No Call Waiting, put On Hold, or lost connections / Question is NOT, if you’re being heard / Clarifying “crossed lines” / The matrix that connects all / Connection to Higher Self = “with us all” / The intention to connect – for the Highest good? / When the deepest connection is made / When to meditate? / What type of communication is most valuable? / When can you FEEL the connection with ALL / Being happy, Knowing self, or in touch with FOL – which is more important? / Our guides are not “chatter boxes” / One’s connection to Spirit is NOT a measure of spirituality / Being HAPPY = in touch with yourself = in touch with everyone


3rd   (p.41)    FOL thanks the readers – all on different levels / Messages appear simple, but layered / Circle of life continues on throughout eternity – What does that mean? / Why perception can be different, though many similarities / Why is Self Love essential? / Analogy – repeating a school grade level / How is it  “WE ARE LOVE” – Yet we’re here to learn Love? / Analogy – progressive evolution of telephone devices /  Blossom – Will I experience true freedom in my lifetime? / Selfish agendas cannot continue / How the Truth is found

10th  (p.45)   Galactic Channelings Questions: (1) Re: Bodily symptoms/changes during Ascension – how to treat them? / Your body is a temple – go natural / Don’t blame everything on Ascension / (2) Will the GFL friends communicate with certain individuals during dreams or visions? / Blossom asks for a day/night FOL tour for a break / How about a little more evidence for a boost?/FOL know of separated/low vibration-considering requests

19th  (p.49)   “Shooting for the stars” – Trusting and Knowing / Trying too hard? – Being yourselves / Analogy – Babbling brook flowing through us / FOL grateful for Translators / Question from Blossom’s Translators: What is the true origin of the human race? / A new thing – Humans expressing Love individually / More sophisticated being – many trials and errors / The human experiment – Not all went well – “horribly wrong” / Atlantis a perfect example / Individualising the Love energy into separate souls – how? / White Cloud’s “petals from the same rose” / New laws after Atlantis / Why longer necks – Giraffes? / “Seek what resonates with you” – White Cloud

27th   (p.54)   If we’re moving into 5D, how much of our 3D hologram is 5D?…5D is not a hologram, right? / The entire cosmos is an illusion / “Your thoughts are real” / Touch in our physical reality – expression of energy / Thinking that there’s no way out, is a choice / What do atrocities teach us? / “How did we get in such a mess in the first place”? / Where did envy and greed come from? / “What are we creating if nothing actually exists”? / 5D is our New World, our reality, yet it’s not real / Higher dimensions-self expression of Love is more of a true reality


5th  (p.58)  Question from Blossom’s translator…What’s the true explanation for the different races and languages on our planet? / Human voice box – part of the human experiment / What is Light Language? / Should we remove some words from our vocabulary? / Advanced races introduced language/writing from other systems / “Where is the Divinity in a village blown to smithereens”? / Seeing things through “ego self” or the grander perspective? / The human experiment gone wrong – how can it be Divine? / Those losing themselves – the density of “Satan.” / Does Satan = “lost in the dark”? / FOL learned interesting dynamics of the Truth of duality / Many races – another session

15th   (p.62)    Question – “How do we use the knowledge of Love, creation, thought, and free will to break free from the chains of our present world…”? / A great deal taking place behind the scenes / FOL at a level of “deliciousness” in view of progress – thrilling / What to say to those who cannot feel the Love? / The game you THINK you are in  versuss  the game you ARE in / The choice to play whatever game you want / Can we overcome those suppressing our true Light? / Can we change chemtrails? / The action we can take to dismiss any negative actions / What role does one’s belief play in changing those “asleep”? / Analogy – Being an owner of an island / The effect of new energies / How to overcome feelings of unworthiness and being incapable / YOU CANNOT NOT be benefited by quiet time and breathing / Why are we talking about egotistical Light workers? / If our house is in order, leads the world to be in order


4th   (p.66)   Is Blossom saying the FOL words are not enough? / Do we understand why the “Big Display” hasn’t happened? / Blossom is asked for a not-so-big display suggestion / How many more years to reduce fear factor? / Does all fear have to be removed? / How about a more personal “hello” to Blossom and her readers? / How does faithfulness to ourselves play a part nixing that idea? / Why isn’t this world change about an FOL appearance? / Are we ready to “take on board” all the FOL offers? / Why was it possible for a Big Display back in 2008? / A need for a little excitement – FOL suggestions / Arrival of our true self surpasses a display / How do we find our true selves?

14th   (p.72)    Can we please move on to something different? / “Home is where the heart is,” then there’s Home / FOL is “more than happy” with communications / There is no “Fast Forwarding”- doesn’t work / Re: the pure soul self, why there are different personalities upon entering a physical body? / Blending aspects of other lives/other souls / Analogy – baking a cake / How is the mind connected to our heart and “Home”? / Our thoughts are our mind, or the other way around? / Level of intelligence – NOT indicative of one intent Lighting up the world / FOL speaking through Blossom at events – is it to be a regular thing?

21st   (p.75)   Are channeled messages “going out of fashion”? / FOL will continue in spite of advanced humans / Blossom uncomfortable asking questions – no more? / FOL communicating with FOL, easier than FOL to Blossom / Main topic of focus – LOVE / Those bored with Love topic assume they “got it” / All comes through Love, changes and answers / Do the answers to questions matter? / Does it matter if Planet X will hit earth? / Knowing the future, alters the future / Endless possibilities of outcomes / FOL asks, “Do you get it”? – Blossom asks FOL, “Do you get it”? ( life on Earth ) / Recall your mission – What is our mission? / Like switching TV channels to a preferred program


3rd    (p.80)   How can we stay in Joy when experiencing physical/emotional pain? / Suffering is a blessing? / Karma is NOT a debt / Pre-life planning – What is gained by choosing to be ill? And, making joy a challenge? / Where does Joy come from? / Could there be a challenge to find Joy with hardship? / One’s attitude can make a difference / How can it help to know one’s suffering was chosen? / Many ask – “Why do I deserve such misery”? / What part does guilt and unworthiness play? / What of those suffering, and dying prematurely missing The Event? / Suicide is NOT a crime / Anticipating a range of reactions to FOL information about those suffering 

11th   (p.84)    A question about Muhammad and Islam / FOL prefer not to discuss religions / In what sense is there no God? / Truth of enlightened beings distorted / Knowing God = Knowing Love / FOL – “You are the ones you have been waiting for” / Can we speak about addictions? / Why do some individuals “fall for addictions” and some do not? / Can an addiction be part of pre-life planning? / FOL – “It doesn’t matter” – why is that? / A new “game” to begin SOONER than you think


12th   (p.88)   How did FOL feel about coming through – Sydney event? / Speaking words through Blossom an intricate process / The pupils of Blossom’s eyes changed color / FOL and White Cloud seeing through Blossom’s eyes / Why did Blossom’s skin appear yellow gold? / Why was the FOL’s energy felt to be more feminine? / FOL “dressed” for the occasion /  Sydney was a special event for FOL – jam packed with many Beings / Blossom asks about, disappointed readers after 12-21-12 / Some tuning in to self, not other conflicting channels…What is the point”? / FOL’s purpose versus their point – THERE IS NO POINT / Contemplating charging ($) to read the FOL channeling? / FOL intelligence versus deep “layers of Love” / Purchase video of Sydney event

19th   (p.92)   Can a shift alter a careLESS attitude? / FOL – human behavior shocks them to the core / If Blossom was to visit the FOL – and where would that be? / We visit them, and they visit us / Classifying ships as planets and planets as ships / Mother earth a living entity and vessels are “Living Light” / Vessels programmed by thought / Is the FOL individuals or consciousness, or both? / Vessels of a different/lower vibration / Beings and vessel morph into same vibration / Visited by “the Friendships” via White Cloud / Crystal energy sources / Large crystals remain under our oceans / Crystals programmed – to be reactivated later

29th   (p.96)  How does the FOL cleanse crystals that power vessels? / FOL – Material things only as needed to accommodate  / How is a meeting with FOL and a visitor made possible? / Are there many meetings with humans? / Cleaning crystals upon Earth / Big companies and governments ripping off the powerless / All that does not serve will be discontinued – already in process / Awareness is the proof of the process in progress / Blossom feels expectancy – like butterflies / “Cannot go wrong, if it feels right” / If you’re bogged down with energies / Why bring this up again – “Shine your shoes”? / No intent to deceive with soothing words (“cajole“) – messages to prepare the soul / Qualifying – “VERY SOON”


6th  (p.100)    “Shine your shoes” comment affects readers / The Event – Biggest humanity has known / Ask yourself – Am I ready? / FOL – “Soon” is the Truth / Blossom doesn’t trust the message within / A date and time not an FOL issue / What is close is a relative term / What life will be like after The Event / The after affect = hinges upon ones reaction / Analogy – Gestation period/birthing a New World / Again…replace “hope” with Knowing / What we wish to believe is controlling, is controlling / Blossom sees an image of a vast army / Take Back your power / A change – Commerce/trade halted / Noting Blossom’s words “make believe”, “Make…Believe”/ Blossom’s blog/more thoughts

14th   (p.104)    Now 5 years to the day – “Big No Show” event / The Event – many scenarios on the Internet / FOL – no specific comment on storing supplies / FOL would not use the word “catastrophic,” rather euphoric / A pole shift  versus  poles moving / Disastrous thoughts misleading / Analogy – It’s not a horror movie / What about looting, power outages? / Will everyone accept? /  Concern for children and pets / Line in a song – “I can feel it coming in the air tonight oh Lord …” / Doubting intended to bring us down / “Deceiving energies predictions of falsehood playing with emotions…” / “Why can we not be told, when”? / What does “hold onto your hats” mean? / Exhaustion and aches and pains – What to do?

19th   (p.109)    Inquiries about Comet Ison / Fear mongering tactics – gloom and doom / FOL implores – STOP THE FEAR / The topic of LOVE is still boring some / What if we stopped worrying about life? / Imagine – the mass meeting before incarnating – what should it be like? / WAKE UP PEOPLE! – Seriously / Does worrying make any sense? / Stop worrying about IF and WHEN – AMEN / 50 years away is not imminent / Four questions from Blossoms friend – Re: the element of surprise / What about the reaction of the dark souls? / Divine Law – “You reap what you sow”

28th   (p.113)   Blossom asks, Why do I feel so against asking deep and meaningful questions? / Searching for Knowledge vs searching within (Knowing) / Without channeling information, what would we do? / Can we let go of the WHEN question? / If excitement lessens, would it take much longer? / The Event postponed a few times – and why / Pre-Event energy unmistakable / Procession or a “parade” of Events / The Seed of Love planted, and when? / How big will the shift actually be? / How far reaching is The Event? / Highly honored Humanity / The chances of it happening – 2013, 2014, 2015? / Blossom deduces – The Event connected to an FOL Show


5th   (p.118)    Mixed responses to last channeling / Are we acknowledging our individual progress? / Wonderments of gratitude from within the heart / Yet again, different perceptions of “close now” / FOL – all going well “in full swing” / Be more specific about the pre-Event feelings? – During and after / Mankind’s reaction to The Event cannot be predicted / “Blast of Knowing,” but why not a “Full Blast”? / More specifics on “changing course,” but not all things

13th  (p.122)   Readers relating experiences, feelings of “oneness” / Analogy – fireworks display / Individual degrees of “oohing and aahing” / If we’re on bended knees, how can it be so different? / How can we Feel in preparation that which we have never experienced? / Is it experiencing “times” of “almost feeling” it? / Recent death and destruction on Earth / Our concept of TIME will appear different – how? / How has time speeded up for us? / Describing some of the changes within oneself / Defining the words – “Holy” & “Highest Order” & “Voice of Wisdom”

21st   (p.125)   Why has Blossom feeling so tired of late? / The Event now referred to as “The Events” / Will karma and reincarnation be “over and done”? / Those that choose not to move Higher – where will they be? / Analogy – a radio frequency – tuned in clear, or not / Will the majority of humans “be on the mark”? / Regarding the residency of souls in a different frequency – clarification / What is the major role of The Event? / Will the dark ones be granted forgiveness and no accounting? / Does the FOL have enemies?

27th  (p.130)   Blossom never imagined being a channel, just an actress / The most Knowing yet to imagine in dreams what is to come / Concern for loved ones and The Event / Heart attachments are strong on Earth – FOL explains the detachment / Detaching from an attachment to emotion / FOL understanding what will occur  vs  knowing affect upon the whole / Is it like the Biblical Rapture, or Second Coming? / Key factor – human imagination / What does the FOL “strategy board” say for “E” day? / Some are concerned about the chaos / Be prepared to have your “socks blown off” / Knowing is growing, we are not “Fruit Loops”


4th   (p.133)    What is the buzzing in Blossom’s head? / Something going on “knocking” Blossom “about” / Parts of the Human brain dormant now being activated…heightening senses / Many also at work during sleep, balancing out energies – Event preparation / Many concerned about being left behind – those not “getting it” / What it means “being left behind” / Are we “moving up” or “moving off”? / Analogy – rolling double 6’s twice / If a body explodes/human combustion, it was likely pre-planned / An “unconditional Love” experience / Ask yourselves – “Have you lived your life well, from the heart”? / What is the intent?

10th  (p.137)    Variety of opinions (channelings) about The Event and Ascension / Is ISON a comet or a spaceship? – It’s both! /  FOL reveals information when it is appropriate / FOL is minding their own business regarding other channels / Overseers will take part in The Event / Blossom’s preoccupation with life – The Event does not dominate / For eons, stories of an Event – Bible inaccuracies / Ascending and progressing individually – play a part at the Event / Analogy – Game of Snakes (Chutes) & Ladders / What of those going back and forth over The Bridge? / Mother Earth is ready / World within those refusing to “wake up” – a brighter disposition / Will the “board game” ever end?

19th  (p.141)   Link provided to a magenta pillar of light – Is this what the FOL was speaking of? / Future pillar sightings will be different – more oohs and aahs / Activation codes rushing through one’s brain / Are Light Pillars part of The Event? / How will reincarnation work after The Event? / The Event = a “graduation” perhaps / FOL- giving the game away is “against the rules” / Reincarnation info – could be too much to cope with / One’s EVENTuality is based upon individual needs and desires / Blossom says, “no more dieting”! – already lighter foods chosen to accommodate a Lighter Body / Changes happening – sleep requirements, going to new places in meditative states, and more info to follow



2nd    (p.2)    Blossom makes a request for a sign for tired Light Workers / FOL discussing the matter / Another plea for action / FOL will continue to encourage – asking, “Your hearts do not tell you to give up do they”? / Earth needs assistance now / What would we do if the FOL was not communicating? / Call it an S.O.S. in Love / FOL wish to continue communications with Blossom / FOL’s desire to assist humanity, but now, not in the manner suggested

9th   (p.5)   Was the FOL dumbfounded by previous conversation? /  FOL acknowledges the affect of Earth’s low density living / One’s Light may be “dimming” will not go out / Creating a stir in Hierarchy councils / Is the “end in sight”? / The Event and the Divine Plan will take place / To happen at “it’s correct and rightful place” / Analogy – a magnet with surrounding magnetic pieces / Things appear “imminent” from FOL’s perspective / Blossom’s request still under consideration / Is humanity a mix of Light Workers and those not? / The Event’s wide range Loving affect upon all levels of awareness

24th   (p.8)   Blossom receives many emails / FOL Council meetings ongoing Re: a “Guiding Light” / Blossom has made a name for herself – for those not of Earth / Concern about a “sign” causing an affect – altering The Event schedule / Light Workers want/need a little action / Don’t the Overseers of Overseers make the decisions? / Please do not add the “sign” to the “waiting list” / FOL being in NO TIME = imminent  versus  Earth TIME imminent = years / How to break free from dark energy programming? / Analogy – toy soldier playing drums / FOL not “tuned in” to individual thoughts and feelings – reading energy vibrations / FOL learning the “language of words” / FOL thought process / How sentiments transmitted telepathically / Analogy – “sleeping” like a newborn adjusting to energies

31st   (p.12)    Blossom asks why the FOL can read her thoughts? / FOL cannot change course to suit humanity / Emotions that serve versus do not serve – how to differentiate / Many see the FOL “beating around the bush” / Progress is made about the proposed “sign” / Acceleration of the Plan has complications / Is working out the details “child’s play”? / Human mind cannot comprehend because…/ FOL = the highest good of all / Something to lift Light Workers spirits / FOL not exhilarated about the “sign” / How much Light versus how much darkness is there? / FOL sees progress/Light, we see darkness feeling pooped / Consulting the I AM presence? / Link to – The Invocation


12th  (p.17)   Channeling attempts aborted recently and why / Commendation for Light workers / FOL alarmed understanding human desperation / The “sign” for a boost – only if for the Highest good / The need for a “sign” – why? / Even a dim Light makes a difference / FOL request – a bright and happy disposition be our/is our mission / Blossom asks, “How do you know for sure the Divine Plan shall take place”? / Is free will and negative forces delaying The Event? / Analogy – a boiling kettle with water droplets rising to top / A sign = a “message from home”

21st   (p.21)    FOL comment about Blossom’s Invocation / FOL understanding the human plight – any suggestions? / Love is the answer to all things / FOL consulted those Beings understanding 3D trials / The Golden Age is a certainty / FOL cannot remove our trials / Meditation can helps us become more familiar – choose a topic / Focusing upon the breath to “switch off” / The unique positives of being human / How long will channeling continue? And, what to discuss? – stay tuned / We are invincible – deep Knowing /  Blossom to take time – an acting break


26th   (p.25)    Human topics of interest differ from FOL – the disappearing airplane / What benefit is it to know the details? / FOL communications – Fluff or from Higher place? / New energies effect – like wearing a new suit / Shedding “old skin” / Less egotistic and more self-assurance / Additional positive affects of rising energies / Our Lightworker contracts successful / What type of evidence are we seeking? versus What it is / Are more persons “getting it”? / Belief is different than, experiencing the Truth / Clarifying Divine discovery


16th  ( Note: This channeling is out of sequence … Located at the end of 2014 Channeling pdf )   White Cloud spoke about keeping vibration high / Channelers desiring information Re: conspiracies and revaluation / FOL not representatives  Lower Light / FOL wants our friendship, “toe the line” together / Segment of soul-self offered as one reads FOL messages – two benefits / Release that which no longer serves / Focus upon all that serves – raise vibration / Beings of Higher Light “do not speak ill of another” / One will struggle during change if they forget they are Love / Blossom shares observations of others sharing/being Light, and those that do not – “It’s all about being/bringing Joy / One’s attitude determines life being easy or tricky – FOL suggestions / Take moments daily – Stop and breathe / How can we know the FOL is with us in meditation? / All visits with FOL will be recalled later

23rd   (p.29)    Clarify the need to “call upon your inner strength” / How do we use our inner strength, and under what circumstances? / The Event will challenge even those who are expecting it / Blossom asked to state what she discarded/omitted – “feeling out of sorts” / New/deeper topics avoided – concern for new comers / Blossom suggests newcomers read older channelings / Is Blossom ready for the next level? / ( Everyone ) Ask yourself, is there room for improvement? / Better prepared for The Event / Why the delay of The Event has served well / No end to the learning “road” / “Home” is not the end / What one knows versus what one FEELS / Breathing is key / What is it that separates us from the whole/Oneness? / Life through Love – Love through Life 


16th   (p.33)    What do you think of the photo from a Croatian translator? / What was the vessel doing there? / The energy of Croatia differs from England? / Also, the people inside the Earth? / Closer contact with those below ground / Insight into the activities of those underground / More information – the photo/FOL vessel / Is a “portal” the same as a “port hole”? / Responsible use of technology by enlightened beings – analogy of a toddler using a chain saw / One’s attitude is essential ( key ) / Universal Law – More Love given = more one receives / Some disgruntled with FOL’s Lack of continuity / The Event getting closer / Analogy – Traveling away from home, feeling a desire for those comforts / Home is where the heart is / Two Photos taken in Croatia with photographer’s note


13th   (p.38)    Did we really ever leave “Home”? / Incarnating – a choice to experiment / How is our soul enhanced? / Why does our soul need enhancing? – It’s from the Highest Divine Love / How much longer do we need to be in a lower vibration? / What is, is not…what is not, is? / How does our chosen thoughts affect feelings? / FOL – Is your Heart trapped? / How can we individually hasten the system’s end? / Does the system rule over us? / What harm could an FOL display do to the planet? / The Delay – Is it considered “waiting”? / Smaller signs are being provided

19th   (p.42)     Blossom’s dream of a ship / Plans on course – vibration of many is rising / Six years time on Earth = blink of an eye to FOL / Regulations prevent FOL from sharing too much / Only sharing that which serves humanity / The suffering of many is difficult to witness / Atrocities are not going unnoticed / Analogy of a family – children getting out of hand / The BIG picture is BIGGER than we can understand / Previous times we “destroyed ourselves” – not so these times / “Love is the answer to everything” / “Love cannot produce anything other than Truth”

JULY  ( no channeling )


1st    (p.46)    Change in circumstances – part of one’s evolution / Human’s with little hope anticipating death / FOL’s purpose – getting our planet on track / The near future – Does the Golden Age appear likely / Meeting the Golden Age halfway / Lovingly, FOL considers other possibilities / Blossom’s energy different in Australia than in England / Individually we “arrive” in the New World – not collectively / Locations on Earth vary in frequency / Individually, how one hastens their “arrival” / We are not responsible for another’s journey / Does feeling sadness about others help in any way? / Who we truly are = No sadness / Is sorrow another vibration of who we are? / Level we choose, are at, determines Love accessible / A condition of the human experiment / Why the change couldn’t happen if we understood ALL / How do we know we “got it”? / Discuss Universal Laws another time ( See 8-16-14 ) / Video Link

16th   (p.51)    Let’s discuss Universal Laws / FOL ecstatic about awakenings of late / Universal Laws speak for themselves / Law #1 – Live in Love / Deep repercussions for broken Laws / Deep pain “amplified” by understanding the pain caused another / Even one’s thoughts of judgement come into play – beware/be aware / What if a vile act was requested – pre-life planning? / Law #2 – Respect all life / What does “Universal” mean? / Law #3 – Free will / Earth situation = humanity’s “collective consciousness” / Planet receiving different Light – strength, intensity, lightness / Do you agree – the planet will be lifted? / When? Not as important as, Knowing it’s happening / Knowing stronger energy than hoping / Know who you are! – How? is explained

27th   (p.55)    FOL – All is very well / Offering more knowledge of a different level / Who you are can expand – Higher consciousness / Giving permission of the Higher soul / Choose to serve your soul for it’s Highest purpose / Feeling out of sorts? – a question to ask ourselves? / How has brain conditioning hindered us? / Tell yourself these things / No need to feel helpless to upgrade planet’s vibration / Can we/should we judge who needs Love? / First – we embrace the Love / Viewing horrific images of atrocities with sympathy – does it help? / Embracing responsibility – Be Love at ALL times / Self-discipline versus desire / All wee need to do is… / Ponder these suggestions by the FOL / Video Link- Federation Of Light’s Wisdom On Love 


26th   (p.60)    ( Dated out of sequence … referenced as is to Channeling Topics Of Interest )  Exploring what diminishes a soul’s Light – with encouragement / The soul is Love / Awareness of feelings – then act upon them / How to move beyond a lingering bad situation / Trusting the process essential / Is it possible to “get it,” yet block the flow? / Feelings resonate on a vibration – everything exists because of its vibration / Everything is energy – of Love / “The design of the flow of the Divine Plan” / Analogy – a plant weathering a storm / Humans, like a plant alter greatly within new energy / Can we not access the fullness of that energy? / “One cannot raise one’s own vibration alone” / Opportunities to lift “The Whole” of itself / Link to video – FOL speak of Love

14th  (p.64)   Years of FOL knowledge – “pieces are finally fitting together? / Readily accepting with joy and enthusiasm / Whining is waning – On with the job of being Love / Best way to serve the planet / All souls equally important – yet what one does can be greater / What will the New World be like? / The key – opening the door to happiness / “The Quickening” in the past – now another energy “spurt” and it’s affects / How can we tell if we’re personally on track? / Our JOY extends beyond Earth / Highs are getting Higher / New World expressed through each one / FOL proud of all Light “performers” on Earth

20th   (p.68)    A finer essence of your Truth / Lost souls “awakening” feeling remorse/regret / Wherever a souls is located physically, was chosen / One can be of service anywhere / Grasping the greatest service to the whole / Only responsible for ourselves / Analogy – Nurturing a parcel of land / You reap what you sow – applies to us and our soul /  Effort versus Focus (attitude?) / A choice TO BE (nurturing), or NOT TO BE (nurturing) / White Cloud – Water & Love / Human body mostly water – replenish it! / Blossom remembers drinking the Golden liquid from the Golden Chalice / Mindfulness produces results / White Cloud is a being of great service

28th   (p.72)    FOL – “We have greatly increased our data base of late” – meaning? / Change for SELF = Change for ALL / Difficult to understand a soul’s desire for abuse / A soul’s right to choose – no judgement from Source / Judgement is due to a lack of understanding / What about public beheadings? / Negative energy goes out to the ALL / Analogy – a dark room with one lit candle / Soul contracts – to be tortured/killed / “Why are some given the experience to step outside Earthly confinement…”? / If everybody could “step out” – why not? / Clarifying – “deserve” something / Discard what no longer serves-move “up the ladder” / About the word “GOD”?


5th   (p.77)    More about the word “GOD” / Someone suggesting Blossom would be refused at the “pearly gates” / The “invention” of hell / Blossom mentions documentary – 12 year-old child who died – saw Jesus – FOL comment / Why there is  NO TRUTH, and yet, everything is TRUTH? / How is it “nothing matters”? / In the beginning there was nothing/no thing / “How did Love start? / Will there ever be nothing again? / Does it matter what we create? / As we move into a Higher dimension…surely our behavior matters? / Why does TIME make it appear and feel that things matter?

12th   (p.81)    Can we continue to discuss why “nothing matters”? / A stretch of the imagination, considering the Grander picture/big scheme of things / Source of life = Love, expressing itself, to Know itself / To be complete = every single possibility / Does it matter if Love is complete? / The nature of The Game we’re in/playing / Does winning or losing The Game matter? / Does it matter we are trying to be Love and get Home? / Does it matter the FOL is helping humanity? / Doesn’t matter if FOL cares – the difference is / Why doesn’t it matter if someone tortures another? / Different perspective – In or out of The Game / Why does The Game feel so real? / The Game is an illusion/game of experience / Defining “illusion” / FOL not in The Game – having different feelings / Does the FOL go by “nothing matters”? / Does Love matter? / Blossom’s bad mood mattered, then it didn’t – Love took over

25th   (p.86)   “…assurance of reasoning’s behind “matters” that don’t matter” / Addressing the issue of karma / Let’s focus on “choosing”? / How many wish to play the “Game of life”? / Choosing to let it matter / Is there a point and purpose for the Game? / The Game, a new experiment – what is the required result? / Earth/us moving to 5D is on the Divine Plan Game board / Why does it matter how we treat another? / Imagine you’re not in, or, of the Game


1st   (p.90)   “What happens reaching the end of the “Board Game””? / Is The Game restricted to those alive on Earth? / What “on Earth” has us wanting to come back to Earth? / Memories of previously playing The Game / The expansion of the soul / Post Game – do we become part of the Oneness? / A desire to enhance the One / If the One is all Love, how can we enhance it? / Energy cannot stand still / Is reincarnation starting at the Game’s beginning? / “Does one leave The Game before completing it”? / No instructions – You are The Game / FOL suggests LIGHTEN UP playing The Game ( Joy & Laughter ) / Why FEELINGS are considered a “treasured asset” / Heavy Feelings in the Illusion / All that is – Tapestry of Truths / Do it and Be it – for Love / Feelings of unworthiness – not serving self or Love

8th   (p.94)    The song’s chorus – “Consider Yourself” – musical “Oliver” / “You are One of us…We are One of you” / Does the FOL reside on Light ships, planetary abode? / Do other planets think they’re alone in existence? / Why all the secrecy on Earth Re: ET life? / Why was the FOL Show “a go” 6 years ago, and why so long to retry? / Will The Event happen in Blossom’s lifetime? / Is it true, the governments are the major hindrance? / Blossom’s request for a FOL sign – is not ignored / Do some FOL members need to retire?

14th  (p.97)    Reader’s question – If earth were just one grain of countless grains / Is it only Earth that’s waiting FOL’s arrival? / Why the governmental elites +- 1%, are allowed to interfere with free will? / Why is nothing being done, allowing the destruction of our planet? / Does Blossom believe her input is discussed in councils? / FOL repeats the question – moving Blossom to tears / More personal thoughts – http://BlossomGoodchild.BlogSpot.com/

22nd   (p.101)    Elaborating on the governments secret dealings with ET’s / Have exchanges been made with the “Greys”? / Are there ETs held in captivity on Earth? / Are they alive? / Can they be rescued? / Soul in an out of the body – death is required to leave the body permanently / Are the ET’s tortured? / How did the ETs get captured? / About how many ET’s are in captivity? / Weren’t these underground bunkers emptied out? / Information FOL shared is safe

29th / 30th  (p.105)   Clarification – Are there Greys in captivity? / Which ETs are in captivity? / “The “does not matter” aspect, is not how you FEEL it” / One’s perspective on captivity will differ / Lost souls/Lower Light ETs devoid of emotion / Have any of the bunkers been emptied? / How can we on Earth assist those ETs in captivity? / Global Togetherness meditations – FOL honours the organiser’s efforts / Analogy – connecting the dots / The Plan is on track ( 30th > ) Revived question and answer from 2013 – the chances of FOL showing up before 2015 / Broken promise versus “reneged” / Why the changed forecast for the FOL show? / Will there be damage to many – expectations unfulfilled? / What has NOT happened on Earth preventing the FOL show?


6th  (p.111)   Where are the FOL and others in different dimensions in relation to humanity? / How can we FEEL/see another dimension? ( vibration ) / What factors on Earth has made it more difficult? / How can our location be more suitable for connection? / “What if you ask, yet do not receive”? ( vibration ) / Are you seeing “fairies”? – How to practice this – Being HAPPY / Conditioning of adult humans – dulled senses / “How can we practice this”? / The Vibration of Happiness – domino effect / All enter the Earth plane equally / Who benefits more – a soul physically disabled/deformities, or one with a “silver spoon”? / In lieu of a BIG FOL Show, how about more personalised shows for individuals? / What is preventing FOL readers from connecting with FOL? / FOL suggestions to connect with them / Is there a difference between expectation and deep Knowing? / What is it about humans that need this proof? / What prevents Earthlings from receiving FOL communications? / Gratitude is one of the highest frequencies

14th  (p.116)   “Strongest of the strong chosen” – yet so many have “slept through their alarm clock”? / How are those “slumbering” playing their part? / “How can there be a Plan, when we are creating as we go”? / Isn’t part of the Divine Plan to lift Gaia? / What if we forgot why we came, changed our minds, or got distracted? / Isn’t it pre-programming for us to create the lifting of Gaia? / FOL has said – “you create your own reality”- a Divine Truth / Defining “appearance” or “appears” / What appears outwardly can be very different from the inward / Souls with varying levels of purpose for different pathways



10th  (p.2)   Exchange of old energies with New / Affects of this Energy exchange / Analogy – mixing cake ingredients / What can we expect with Higher energies? / Explaining “a Higher doorway” / Entering the “Doorway” – how? / “Open the envelope” – What envelope? / Clarity about one’s purpose / Meditation provides the answer(s) / Time required “opening” instructions / Who created these instructions? / Instructions to assist others in “awakening” / Deeper understanding and comprehension / Higher level of oxygen in the forest of Light & Love / Analogy – child opening a present under a tree / Link to video & 17min. meditation

15th   (p.5)    Video of a Lightship with orbs – real or hoax? / If a hoax can uplift, imagine the real thing / No reason to let our Vibration go down / Noticing a change in you/who you are? / Are you FEELING more that THINKING? / What causes disillusion and disappointment? / Urgent – go within in meditation / Higher self “longing to be heard” / Accessed within = changes materialize / More of us than meditation / What are we missing about breathing? / Breath is Love – awareness brings changes / FOL expressing thanks for valiant efforts

23rd   (p.8)   FOL proposes a new way of communicating / Blossom stops writing, turns on recorder / Is Blossom disgruntled? = displeased/disappointed / FOL wish Blossom to have full recall / FOL’s purpose – help us remember who you are and why you are here / The only thing that will ever make a difference – Loving ourselves and Love others / “To be who you are” – nothing else to know/it doesn’t matter / Our seeking knowledge amuses FOL / The New World…is within you, it is you – what is necessary?

25th / 27th   (p.11)    Link to another video of Light orbs, the so-called “hoax” / Others say it’s not a hoax / Blossom reflects upon her position as channel / FOL sticks to their explanation / Blossom needs to know the Truth / Blossom’s justifying her doubts / Newest videos are not hoaxes / “A dilemma with a new spin thrown in” / The “curve ball” by the “Council of Light” / Blossom wants proof she’s not talking to herself / Blossom is not influenced to alter channeling – A channel “of a Higher calibre” / FOL explains the nature of communications with/through Blossom / Doubts that the first video was a hoax – FOL confirming it was / FOL pleased, welcome Blossom’s questioning (27th>)  What exactly are these orbs in the 2nd genuine video? / What’s the purpose? / But why in the same place as the hoax video? / How were the orbs sent? / Any other purpose for “Energy Balls” than for display? / What does the Light Energy do? / FOL displays will be more common – a small sample of what’s possible

28th   (p.19)  The orb or “Energy Balls” turning into “The never ending story” / The trees in the second video were blooming, while a reader questions the sequence of videos, since it’s the winter season in Massachusetts / FOL reasoning presented in an audio, with the Link to YouTube provided

30th   (p.20)    Blossom receives hundreds of emails in response to audio/video explanation / Blossom recalls six core teachings of the FOL / Blossom rests/reassured by White Cloud’s validation of FOL / 9 years of channeling has gone well – many Feeling the FOL Truth


5th / 6th    (p.21)   When one FEELS Gratitude, vibrations rises / Heart is controlled by FEELINGS / “Mastering” our FEELINGS = instinctive change all around / The key is FEELING Love / Many claim to have “got it” / FOL says, “Not quite yet” /  Link to video… FOL speaks / FOL do not use names / Blossom is a given Earthly name / Direct Voice Channeling 2-6-15 + transcript > A different frequency makes communication possible / Truth of the soul-self resides in the heart / Duality makes it a challenge to BE LOVE at all times / “Switch” the feelings of your choice, it is an illusion / “Rise above who you think you are” / How to change the world – our purpose / Layers upon layers like a shell has kept our Love hidden / Shine the Light – nothing else is needed / Sending Light ( Love ) to those suffering – NOT an illusion / Concentrate on what is good, not what brings you down / FOL intention, to change our world

15th  (p.26)   Love – “we choose to speak of nothing else” / Though some complain about the repetition – FOL enjoys it / Aside from meditation, what leads us in LOVE? / FOL voice channeling brought a reader’s children in to a peaceful mindset / “There is healing in this sound” / Link to FOL Voice Channeling – Blossom apologizes for audio interference / Transcript of Voice Channeling > Vibration of our name / Our vibration fluctuates, not below our level / Remembering who we are – by Feeling / We have control of our Feelings / Oneness = Our joy can be expressed through another / Situations balancing out occurring within duality / Love self = Love everybody = Love everything

21st   (p.30)    Bouncing back even better after a low spirit / Humans created – an experiment by whom? / Direct Voice Channeling Transcript > Answers to all questions lie within / Analogy of a robot / Human programming is thought from a feeling / Maintenance for the body / The soul is the computer programme / Power of mind brings about Well-Being / Feelings used as an “eraser” / What to do when you’re feeling sick /  We programme our body / Comparison – A house kept in order / Treat your body like a friend / Did we choose our body, or did our body choose us?


6th  (p.34)   FOL wish to speak of Bi products = Productive movement / Circumstances to insure productive movement to Higher Vibrations / Transcript of Direct Voice Channeling + transcript > The Feeling of doing something = the doing of / Bringing Brightness to your being / More Heart/mind connection – the Feeling of doing with imagination / The Mind is NOT the Feeler, it’s the heart / Feeling downhearted? – Breathe In/As/Through/Of Love / Repetition of knowledge – it becomes automatic, creates Joy / Joy to come – beyond what we know/can handle / Assisting the saddened and heartbroken / We are part of the Whole / If the whole world felt the Joy we Feel / FOL to switch the new communication format with the old

14th   (p.38)    Blossom requests clarification – a computer program among other people / Blossom uncomfortable reading a document / If uncomfortable – STOP reading, and why / What if it’s because I don’t like it? / Only your Truth will resonate / Confusion – I don’t wish to deal with the Truth / Document created a need to know more – is it necessary/feasible? / How to “beat the system” – setting us free / Freedom expands – understanding/playing The Game, seeing through the illusion / Are we in a programme “internally”? / External subliminal tactics in our world affecting us internally / Media and entertainment – subliminal realities / Is “negativity” a never ending battle? / More awareness of the differences to break through programming / “No one can control who you are” / Struggle to survive – no joy / Analogy – Blossom’s acting / Why are we “acting” in the illusion? / Incredible opportunity to express Love 

19th   (p.41)    “Can we get to some nitty-gritty about Truth? / An occurrence creates Feelings – a fact it happened, is it True? / War – does not “ring True” – yet it does for others / FOL – this is a complicated matter / Transcript of Voice Channeling > Do not dwell on what makes you feel uncomfortable – what’s the purpose? / Being True to oneself – different than an uncomfortable fact that is true / The Truth of your being / Comparison of war and rainbows / Invent ( create ) what makes you Feel happy – is True / The Truth of one’s reality, what thoughts are chosen to concentrate on / Some are happier taking the miserable “road” 


12th   (p.44)    A scientist’s question – Is our reality being restricted/bound to a greater unrestricted universe that houses it? / Are we controlled in many ways having limited choices? / We are NOT aware of our capability NOT to be controlled / Analogy – If we go deeper/beyond 2+2=4 about Love / There is “magic” in breathing / Are these secrets hidden from us? / These secrets are coming to light – how? / So about that Energy Earth bubble question and the “Afterlife” / Cannot explain “Afterlife” – there isn’t one / Is the Earth really a tough school? – FOL’s viewpoint

18th   (p.48)     Blossom seeking the Highest good of all / Many more finding self fulfillment, and responsibility of self / Awareness of Feelings required to activate the soul-self / The “rippling effect” for the Whole / This what we should do for the great change – choices / Preparing souls for what is to come / Are Light Workers making a difference? / We knew the challenge, but also success / Do you feel when you’re “on track”/”off track”? / Blossom receives many expressions – “I Love You” / Being happy with/within the NOW – how? / Blossom wonders what she would do with one week left on the planet / Instant vibrational lift – emotion/Feeling Gratitude / Is the FOL beyond moods? / What about all the disruptive people? / A choice to Love or hate / If our world isn’t appealing – visualise the New World

25th   (p.52)   Direct Voice Channeling YouTube Link + transcript / What to speak about – “Love is everything” / What if there was a graph charting Love thoughts? / The battery of the human body – the soul / Downcast = Low battery, Love & Joy = Charged battery / Treat our miraculous body as a “temple” / Harmony – Mind/Body/Spirit / What of the body’s rejuvenation? / Why does the body deteriorate? – not the same on other planets / “Switch OFF” – the growing old mindset / Turn ON rejuvenation – how? / Bombarded with information – gets us “off track” / Do you Feel the impetus urging you on? / FEEL and visualise the New World now / “Ticket” to the Golden Age 


9th   (p.55)    Counteracting all that is of negative thoughts / Making the difference on our planet – through these 6 things / Can you Feel the change in vibration? / How can we help LIGHT UP everywhere? / Everywhere = Everything including beyond Earth /  FOL suggesting a mass meditation event / Whoa Neddy! A light Show? / Why is this possible now, when not so previously? / Vast Pillars of Light descended – via another channel / The momentum of more souls participating makes it possible / I DECREE ( The Invocation ) video from FOL / Excerpt from whistleblower Corey Re: The Pillars of Light

23rd   (p.61)    Blossom’s “energy slump” – close to giving notice / Interpretations are left to the individual souls / Many souls are Brighter and Lighter / What keeps us keeping on? / Lightworkers frustrated – seems to be taking forever / Hold onto your hats – explained / Assignment Planet Earth – a selfless/selfish undertaking / We Know it’s coming – patience is lacking / Analogy – Hanging on, if only by a spider’s thread who builds a home / Should The Invocation be focused upon a date? / FOL – the Change includes The Event / Link to video: The Invocation – We Are the Game Changers

30th    (p.65)     Blossom aware of changes, though it’s not The Change, right? / Changes individually – the Truth of their Being / Where is the change leading to? / What are we to expect ahead exactly? / What does “sameness” have to do with our topic – Change? / The future cannot be revealed – doesn’t the FOL know the foundations of it? / We change dramatically, means all things will appear different / The dramatic Change – varies individually / Is it a gradual happening, or one outburst? / Analogy – rocket ready on the launch pad / Our countdown has begun / Where is countdown starting from 10 or 10 billion? / Do we FEEL we’re almost there? / Ground crew – strongest of the strong / The Game will not stop – games are for fun / The countdown ticks away – Joy to the world! / Link to The Invocation video – We Are The Game Changers 


13th   (p.68)   There’s talk about September 22nd – 28th, is something happening? / YouTube Link Direct Voice Channeling + transcript >  Much speculation – The Rapture and alien abductions / Yes, great changes occurring at that time / A vast change in energy of Earth / The essence of you are – different / Blossom asking – Is it a gradual change or an “Event”?…What is taking place?…Just felt, or an historical occasion?…Why hasn’t this time frame for an Event been mentioned? / Remember the Breath, be in your heart / Old issues coming up for a final release / The expectation of what is to come within our heart / An occurrence before the year is out – Happiness and Jo

20th   (p.71)    Re: previous channeling saying “we shall take flight” – reader asks what does that mean? / YouTube Link Direct Voice Channeling + transcript > Listening, close your eyes focusing on your heart space / There are reports of gloom and doom  / Choose for yourselves – Feel Love or fear / Why choose to go downwards? / Some will be exasperated – will it be you? / Your purpose is to be of a Higher vibration / Tapping into your Truth, Goodness, Happiness serves Everything and yourself / No need for questions – you are the answers / Teach by example – Goodness and Love 


28th   (p.74)   Blossom reports “an uplifting change for many” / The human condition is turning itself around / Outward appearances look the same – newness on the inside / Steadfast Being Love – It is all making sense / Energies of Love outweigh Lower Vibration Energies / YouTube Link Direct Voice Channeling + transcript > There are healings that shall emerge / Until conditioning is undone – miracles cannot be performed / Do you feel you’re capable of performing miracles? / You are here on Earth to perform miracles / Go deep within and find yourselves there / This power is not reserved for outside of physicality / Trust – resonating with messages from other realms


20th   (p.77)    News spreading about Pillars of Light / FOL confirm the timing is right on / Energy beams to resonate and blend with Earth atmospherics / Information is contained within them / How is the information received? / They are for all – the Highest quality “patents” for New Awareness / Pillars contain “Ground Plans” to enable renewal / Meaning technology to clean the Planet? / Analogy – a person using a computer for specific purpose / Reports that weather disturbances created these Pillars / Again, what of the time – the end of September? / An explosion of Love energy like never before / Pillars of Light will become more noticeable / Why don’t they last very long? / Many more with different energies / Are these Pillars making up the Light Show mentioned in the past? / What of the “void”/numbness some are feeling – will the emptiness be filled with Higher energies? / Defining the word “fortitude” / Listing four video Links to Pillars of Light


8th   (p.81)    YouTube Link Direct Voice Channeling + transcript > A need to remember deep inside / FOL energies blending with those aware – and doubts persist / Earth is confusing/downheartedness – FOL messages to uplift / New energies are unlike other times / Pillars emitting a pulse, a beat of Love/rainbow Light / Instantaneous Knowing/Feeling completeness / Prepare as you see fit and BREATHE / Many souls are in need of this energy – Breathe it in/send it out / We are one family 

25th   (p.83)   In the throes of Wave X / YouTube Link Direct Voice Channeling + transcript > FOL inquiring as to our well-being these days? / Feeling flat or are you connected – accept Higher Wave Energy / What does it mean? – “As long as it takes” residing at a level / Some will move up multiple levels / A new Knowing the long journey is worthwhile / The ONLY Truth = Love / We thank you…being who you are / Analogy – a sailboat with smooth sailing

30th   (p86)    Monitoring your continual upliftment process of late / How are you reading the FOL messages? – “Merely reading, or more profound level? / YouTube Link Direct Voice Channeling + transcript > Assisting the Knowing of who you are / Message of the same vein, at a Higher vibration / Do you accept your Truth – you are different? / Incarnated repeatedly to experience Love / Higher Vibrational form of Love – does not exist on Earth / Why we can only reach Higher vibration of Love – only when we “switch off” the physical? / New Energies lifting Vibration Higher – deeper in to being / Energies Higher than when Earth went awry / Incredible events – not in skies, but within you / Blossom asks, how do we discover miracles from within? / Trust in ourselves – nothing else / Are you damaging your souls by your own self demise? / FOL Light shines brighter due to Light Workers / Analogy – jigsaw puzzle falling into place


12th  (p.89)    Blossom feeling a bit despondent / Previous message of High Energy – wanting to bring something new/exciting to the table / How did we become so far removed from the Truth? / The Truth locked up inside due to blockages = Lesser Light / YouTube Link Direct Voice Channeling + transcript > Are you Feeling our Love transmitted through Blossom? / Is there a system of hierarchy Re: those who volunteer ( Mission Earth plane )? / Those choosing volunteers – are of a Higher system – though all equal / Those chosen – more compatible with situations encountered and awareness / We as a “puzzle piece” not aware of the associated “puzzle” / Part of the experiment, The Game / Love choosing many forms – Freedom of Choice / Laws needed to be adjusted / Playing with low vibrations was not anticipated / Great Councils formed – Purest Seeds of Love planted / The atrocities of freedom of choice displayed / Breaking the low vibration barriers down – Love, Love and more Love / The need to KEEP ON KEEPING ON / Mission of Highest importance – Love / Volunteers honoured and admired / Grabbing onto a Golden Rope sinking into a quagmire / Reaching a certain vibration on earth – hopes fulfilled / In 2012 –  we were close to the finishing line / The greatest mission ever taken place on Earth – Its happening

20th  (p.93)   YouTube Link Direct Voice Channeling with White Cloud + transcript > Revelations via “whistle blowers” are “mind blowing” / Ignorance can be bliss, but expansion of the heart takes us beyond / Love was, is, will continue to be the topic / Answers to specific questions are of little benefit / What is necessary ( matters ) is simplified and presented / We can change our vibration – how is explained / We can raise the planet’s vibration / What is it that defines our character? / That KNOWING we Know so well, cannot be put into words – a Feeling / If we feel good, affects everything to feel better / Consider this when you’re having a down day / Why some are “swimming” in joy, some “swim” in their tears / Analogy – a website’s terms of agreement / Focusing on Love – not a lack of awareness, not insensitive to the world sufferings / How one’s Love serves all / Description of the world to be, what we desire

29th   (p.97)    Finding our Truth, like finding a “needle in a haystack” / “Letting go of everything, discoveries OF SELF are made / YouTube Link Direct Voice Channeling + transcript > A reality we feel is real, yet is not (illusion) / Avoiding confusion, and a humble surrendering suggested / Nothing else to speak of – except Love / Sewing a tapestry of our lives – Golden Thread / Why sometimes, things don’t make sense / Breathe in/hold Breath of Life/Love / Finding yourself – finding one another / Connectedness – no disconnect from Source / Trying leads to Knowing / Analogy – a sweet smell of Home / White Cloud takes us Home for a visit


4th   (p.100)    Blossom is reading – “The Disappearance Of The Universe” by Gary Renard / “Illusions of mind” are perplexing / Pure Love is forgiveness / Truth being revealed versus the choice of acceptance / The breath – another example of Truth / Where does the FEELING come from – heart or breath? / Life never began – Life never ends / A Spirit encased in a body / So, are we “life” outside of this illusion” / What is “life” outside this illusion? / What is Love’s purpose? / “Outside of this illusion is it not perfection? – Is it not what some call God? / A name is just for the purpose of recognising / If this is an illusion, if it doesn’t exist and it doesn’t matter – what’s the point ( purpose ) of it? / It’s just a dream – where does Feeling come into it then? / If this isn’t real how can there be any guidance needed?

25th   (p.103)    Can we speak more about The Illusion? ? What about the end of year massive changes? / How can expectation, desiring, hoping, needing “melt away”? / Why mention The Event, Light Pillars, etc., if nothing matters? / FOL’s calendar versus Earth calendar / FOL ratings drop and soar – changing topics / Some ships were visible October 14th 2008 / Residents of Earth need to “buckle down” to soul searching / Wouldn’t visible Ships change ( awaken ) minds, recognising one’s Truth? / FOL’s suggestion for easing minds / Time to remember how to live in Joy


3rd   (p.106)   Not a channeling – Blossom speaks to Purest Love from her heart / Planet Earth in disarray – for what? / Channelers are looked upon in a bad light / Unfulfilled changes = despondency / What to do for Divine Plan to take shape? / Message of a Golden Age is 50 years old / Requesting a “major breakthrough” / Overwhelming concern for hearts that hurt deeply / Blossom is acting responsibly – Humanity is lost / Why not a “helping hand’ for Christmas? / What could be done to increase/encourage more Game Changers / A requested birthday gift to Blossom – Tune into one, or all three Links provided: We Are The Game Changers, Wisdom On Love, An Invocation

12th   (p.109)   YouTube Link Direct Voice Channeling + transcript > What are Blossom’s readers expecting from FOL? / Earth life is not easy for seekers of Light / Individually there are choices in The Game / Games are played in Light-Heartedness / Earth life not always fun – one’s focus determines results / Sending Love to areas deficient in Light/lower frequency / What is reported in the media is not the truth – do not be taken in / Take back control being in The Game – you have power / Displaying ownership of that power through LOVE / Readers want action – FOL says take action / Greatest affect upon the whole – giving/receiving Love / Everyone’s actions contribute / Visualise all humanity holding hands – including terrorists / Light up the world with a smile



9th   (p.2)    Blossom suggests “a change of approach” / FOL – a new approach possible / FOL Accessing Higher knowledge to bring through / Overseers above the Overseers of Overseers? / Where are you ( FOL )? / Are you ( FOL ) beings in form, or in/of Light? /  Is it humanity’s fault entirely it has been “blinded”? / Blossom – “I just can’t seem to breakthrough to who I truly am”? / How do we access ( become aware ) Higher part of the Light we are? / FOL knows they are Light – we need reminders constantly – “I AM LIGHT” / New contrary brainwashing, but with FEELING / Where “within” really is – the mind, the soul? / Going to the space where there is nothing and everything – Breathing and focusing instructions ( meditation )

16th  (p.6)   Speaking of something different – wormholes / Wouldn’t “portal” or “vortex” be correct? / Is the Bermuda Triangle a worm hole? / Both “natural” and man made wormholes / What is their purpose? / Programme the wormhole’s destination / The Universe is all one energy / Traveling to other planets, other time periods / Everything is “your oyster” / Physically traveling versus the mind / Falling into a portal without warning? / Have changed the course of history / Discovering a portal – just enter?…What does it take to go through? / There was a time when it was easier / Energy is ever changing – anything is possible /  Are wormholes A to B? / Getting lost in a wormhole / Dematerializing and rematerializing is different / Lessons on manipulating energy to follow

24th   (p.11)   About energy manipulation / Portal perceived as a tunnel / Is the energy the portal or the soul? / Analogy – Vacuum cleaner / How is destination programmed? / Human wormholes not accurate / Self created vortexes / All Energy – Loved based / Thought creates one’s reality / Trans-thought progresses to transporting / Is it dangerous to make an attempt? / Earth’s density makes it difficult / Human density – unlike any other – with a Blossom * footnote / Best to focus now on mind travel / How do we know the energy of where we’re going? / Good intentions helpful for success / If one frees themselves from what they know/think they know ( releasing? humility? ) / Channeling today – Is FOL more human versus Blossom less human?

31st    (p.15)    Requests for more info on “mind travel” / Meditation – a platform for “lifting up/out of” / YouTube Link Direct Voice Channeling + transcript > Extensive and detailed meditation procedure for leaving the body and coming back / Blossom describes an attempt applying the instructions with music


7th   (p.18)     What often confuses the mind – protocol / An example – name something one thinks is impossible / At one’s best is below par versus what is possible/capabilities / Analogy – breaking down a wall / How was “dimming the senses” done by the “elite”? /  Could that be for a good purpose? / Relates to our purpose for incarnating – rediscovering a whole New World / Downfall of man – by OUR design / Why create The Game? Why experience a such a mess? / Never a “time” when Love is done, finished experimenting / Earth is just another “creative experience” for Love to discover itself / ” Are there more Earth’s hanging about”? / Surmising – this experiment has to have a purpose? / The Game has reached it’s peak – how would one expect to end it?

27th   (p.22)   Blossom returns from Hawaii swimming with dolphins / Can we speak about “many Earths” mentioned last time? / How about discussing innumerous parallel lives? / Whatever you are thinking…so you are / What would you call “your reality” Blossom? / Many aspects of ourselves having varied experiences / That which IS…very complicated to explain / Many other aspects of individuality – sharing experiences / Possible to experience the Energy of ( name an animal, insect, or dinosaur ) / How can something not exist if EVERYTING is happening in the NOW? / Analogy – ball of Playdough holding potential for many forms / Playdough made into a house sometime after it was a ball, how is it all things in the NOW? / Drop of water in the ocean – continues as a drop / Horizontal perspective is linear TIME – versus vertical and all happening at once / Analogy – multi story building


5th   (p.26)   What is so special about planet Earth? / Focus upon Earth – interest how The Game is being played / Reason for attention is Ascension / Analogy – making a movie i.e. Ben Hur / Hierarchy needed to step in – “Fall of man” / There is a FINALE – no tampering / Potential for different endings, then the FINALE / All participants agreed upon the FINALE / “Happily ever after” – For it is done / Waiting for many to “get with the programme” (“awakening“) / Could DIVINITY itself overlook something? / Why are we on Earth to change it – but forgot why we came? / Light beings here via different avenues / Backbone of The Plan – recognition of the “key” / When did The Plan get devised?

17th   (p.30)   Stars in alignment to assist an increase / Planet negativity takes a turn off course / Boosting one’s Knowingness – Giant leap / What shall be presented to “blow us away”? / Not The Event yet – “warming up the band” / What kind of “spectacles” to “stupefy”? / Blossom’s concern – nothing happens / Need for understanding the BIG picture / Have we heard/seen the “warm up band” before? / Will it be a Feeling inside…uplift senses…shift in Vibration? / Analogy – presenting 4 aces / Blossom, don’t you believe us? / FOL – why do you doubt, Knowing the Truth? / What does the Big Picture – “jigsaw puzzle” look like/Feels like? / We do not Know that which is Truth of Love


20th   (p.34)   Magnificent occurrences rests upon souls longing for home / No denying “Presence of Self, even on a bad day / Time is NOW to recognise our magnificence /  Can you Feel your magnificence? – let’s do so now / Open your minds to your hearts reality – the Truth / Create Peace and Joy – nothing else exists / Be mindful of your mind / March onwards in Light – it is not in vain / Raise your vibration, with every breath you take

26th   (p.37)   FOL offering a challenge – a time frame for Ascension be provoked = stimulated / Blossom -” you don’t like to work with “our time”” / Analogy – “stepping up to the plate” ( baseball ) / What are you getting at…be specific / “How will the “ringing true” within ourselves present itself”? / An infectious outbreak of HAPPINESS / Comparing a sneeze to a smile, both contagious / Happiness Bug is being broadcast on all media – there is no cure / Do you mean there is actually a “time frame”? / Much within us awaiting activation – everything changes / Infect everyone with the HAPPY BUG


5th   (p.40)    Spreading the Happy Bug – Blossom’s Happy Human Day / A thought of good intention without action uplifts / You are in charge of your vibration at all times / Try to change negative situations to Higher Frequency / Consciously, see all things with a “White/Golden Glow” / Perseverance required – train your thoughts ( your mind  ) / Power to a level within not thought possible / See through the “heavy” world – Lighten up! / At a place now to break through to new identity / Lighten up the planet with SMILES / World domination and killing changed the world – darker place / Feel the words and go deeper – remembering Truth / Awareness is one thing versus “Doing of this” is another / Analogy – Are you a Happy Little Bunny”? – own little world / New High Energies cannot blend with low Energies / “Planetary system electric romance” / Ponder this – Love, the “perfect solution” / Smile whenever you hear anything negative 

15th   (p.44)   YouTube Link Direct Voice Channeling + transcript > Safe place to escape, going within / Knowing you have arrived at YOU – does this make you smile? / What is it that you came here to do?…Why did you choose to come? / Cloud lifting from your being – let your Light shine / A SMILE – the greatest symbol of Love / If you make the choice, anything can be accomplished / Projecting Love, presenting the greatest Love for yourself / Purest connection to Source / Everything you touch, feel, see, hear to be of a Higher Vibration / Do you feel powerless and helpless – you are misled / To be, or not to be? – that is the question

24th   (p.47)    Earth taking an upward turn, changing course / Time to take hold of your Truth of Self / Reminder – serving ( loving ) self serves all / Blossom, do you feel the Higher Level? / Metaphorically – Earth at warp speed / Bright news, in spite of the prevalence of hopelessness / Love is working/weaving magic Light upon Everything / Thoughts of Love transcending negativity into Light / Know who you are – Magnificent power / “Holding hands” with the Divinity within / You’re NOT a human being, but in costume to perform miracles / FOL review the point/purpose of the book – The Bridge / “Crossing over” does not mean in death / Analogy – Caterpillar into butterfly / Blossom blog posting


1st   (p.51)   Questions from readers: “Is the Earth flat”?…”Is the sun cold”? / FOL chooses not to answer – only Vibration of Love ( see * below ) / “Dearest Blossom, what is TRUTH”? / Why would a soul stray from the Truth/Love? / Is there an ultimate Truth? / What about all the other “truths” that are not really Truths? / * Earth or Sun can be anything one wants it to be / How can all these possibilities be going on at the same time? / How one chooses to perceive everything / How many Earths need to have their vibration raised? / A scenario presented: a group of Blossom’s friends having coffee, and a UFO is spotted / How come people who don’t believe in UFO’s actually see them? / “All of Everything is understood by all” / Blossom – “And I have no idea how to “skip” into the dimension that “is” ALL KNOWING” – FOL – Because you believe you don’t / “So, why can’t I jump into that ALL UNDERSTANDING ( same as FOL )?” / Blossom – “Where is the ME that understands ALL and Everything”? / Illustration – a ball of string being unwound

9th   (p.55)    “God” is a word, words have coding and Vibration / FOL prefer Yahweh for God, and why / Blossom waiting for that “Light show” within…experience of the Truth / “What kind of “Light show”? / Which Truth? / FOL- What makes you feel you don’t know it ( Truth )? / What do you think that ( profound God experience ) is? / Blossom – “Why am I not ready”? ( for the God experience ) / FOL – Tell us what difference it would make to you? / Don’t those who had a “God experience” wish they had it again? ( frustration ) / Who is ready for the God experience?… and why / Why do we struggle with “Knowing” in its entirety? / Blossom explains “the point of not remembering in this physicality / FOL illustrate our understanding being understood – the ball of string 

18th   (p.59)   Readers have issues with previous “Yahweh” discussion / Higher Vibration pronunciation / If you’re Feeling Yahweh is darkness, FOL messages are not for you / Number of Blossom readers not important / “Warped upbringing” contrary to Oneness / One’s Truth – what resonates with them / Internet – source for incredulous information / Is it the Truth of the Internet writer, a distortion? / Writers/producers of distortion – on and off planet / Is it wrong to distort the Truth? / Those who judge another’s actions/choices / Feelings about those who choose to stay “asleep”? / Why there is no right or wrong? / Horrors of the illusion “designed” to stir the “sleeping”

24th   (p.62)    Discernment when displaying Joy / Not Feeling Joyful versus what remains inside/Knowing / Love = Joy / How do you know, you do not feel Joy in its fullness? i.e. “waking up” / Exhausted from “working” during sleep / Why can’t we recollect ( remember ) what is done during sleep? / Replenishing a weary soul during sleep / When you Know Joy, not just believe it / Those living enchanted lives, assist all those disenchanted / The “key” to keeping the “door” of Joy open / Joy = “key” opening the door = heart area = Light from within set free / Everyone is a being of Light / Why don’t I FEEL like I’m a free soul of Light? / How difficult is it to tap into the subconscious? / One must FEEL in Truth that this is so / Recognising our power, everything changes / Soul’s journey ( human ) experience returning to itself


3rd   (p.66)   Explaining the FOL’s friendship and connection to White Cloud / FOL’s High Consciousness and that of White Cloud – does it make a difference? / What happens when White Cloud visits the FOL? / How can humans do the same, to “blend and be with each other ( oneness ) / Since FOL doesn’t breathe, how do they connect? / What takes place with White Cloud with the FOL? / Feeling of just BEING is beyond words / How can humans FEEL it placed in this density? / After death, a return to fullness of Light – are they still evolving? ( soul growth ) / So, we don’t go into this “All Knowing of Everything”? ( after death ) / All Knowing within that sphere of possibilities / All is Known and understood “within that sphere” / What is beyond that sphere – another sphere, then another, etc. / Re: hierarchy and White Cloud – many Spheres / How many levels are there? – Infinite / Higher levels Spheres merge / White Cloud’s Sphere with FOL?

30th    (p.70)    Disguised energy deterrence quickly detected by Blossom / “So what exactly is going on?…What is all of this about”? / Gateway of Higher energies – due to Human Light / After grounding Energies – Fireworks display = time for frivolity ( Joy ) / Earth Vibration Higher since 12-21-12 / “Future undertakings” – Leading to what exactly? / New energies – Feel the power within you / Stronger our recognition ( Knowing ) = “Happenings”  happen sooner / Blossom – “Will it be in my lifetime”? / “Events” that must occur – What sort of events? / Events will change everything / Humans to find their “Truth Groups” / How is it, we have freedom of choice – “Future days already decided”? ( Divine Plan victory ) /  When changes happen – don’t go into fear mode / “Envelope” inside our minds – our instructions / “The Quickening” – why so slowly? / Humans measure things by “time” – we measure things by “Energy Power”


6th    (p.74)    Re: Large Mothership seen in Columbia – YouTube Link provided / Blossom – “How come my heart does not let me know the Truth?…How can I figure this all out?…What are your views on false flags”? / FOL – not beneficial to discuss this for your ( Blossom’s ) safety / Was it “real” or a hologram? / Though large – not a Mothership / Happened a month ago – why so late coming out? / FOL smiling/amused – still doubting, yet the show is moving along / “Much of the Truth is not yet ready to be revealed” / Recognising your Truth is like déjà vu / Will we be able to discern the source of a “Grand Show in the sky”? / Analogy – frightened child / No doubts – you will Feel it / Blossom – “How come I didn’t Feel it watching the video”? / Impossible to have doubts – The BIG Show / Great change coming – “Pride comes before the fall” ( Proverbs 16:18 ) / Warriors Of Light take a stand / Blossom talking to ET’s in jimjams

8th   (p.78)    Blossom speaks at meeting after large ship seen in Columbia – YouTube Link provided / Reader email creates – tuning into FOL – Direct Voice Channeling Link + transcript > Is the Light Ship technological trickery? / Why only a few videos?…Why so little fuss/mayhem about it?…Why no filming of its departure?…Why no military response? / Confirming it was not trickery / There was activity after it departed / Why didn’t people in the video show interest? / No answers for Blossom…Blossom will continue communications / Feeling doubts, always question for the Truth

12th   (p.80)   What is so different about the current “buzz”? / FOL comfortable ( adoration ) saying “lady Blossom” / “Exciting times ALMOST upon you” / Circumstances occurring to confuse and bemuse / “Stretching of the Truth” the wrong way – What does this mean? / Time for Truth to come out – “Star Family” detained / Denying what is, making out their ( Lower Light )  own “truth” of what isn’t – Explained / “You mean that “disclosure” is to come out”? / Blossom chatting with audience about a being – YouTube Link provided / FOL truth, accepted or not/will not change / FOL to be of service – Not to make one question the realities of their existence / Holding back – FOL being patient, feeling our anguish/despair / We will know the FOL upon arrival in our Heart – Energetically / Blossom, why do you have these conversations with us?

26th   (p.84)    Speaking of spreading the news / Messages on Earth – the beginnings of the Great Change / No “space” for bloodshed – Vibration of Mother Earth / Festering Energy of departed souls in the ground /  A cleansing in what way? / What is the FOL’s part in the “cleansing”? / Earth will bloom with fresh New Energies / Wars will continue in a different dimension / Is there really a ceasefire to celebrate? / Everyone will choose – desires of the Heart / Isn’t it only an elite few that want war? / Ceasefire includes individual wars / The Consciousness decision for The Great Change, allows warfare to continue elsewhere / Saying, “it’s on its way” mean the year 2090? / “Walking in The Light and The Love” – Chapter 17 excerpt – White Cloud > So much to celebrate – a birthday party analogy / Transformation process – dizzy sinking then rising like the phoenix / Illustration – Jug of water with sand on the bottom / “The beauty lies in the sparkle of your eyes”…not any fine outer garments


2nd   (p.90)    Re: previous Channeling – Ceasefire of 52 year-old war / Light Worker ranks – excitement, some losing patience / Many shifts – disturbances disturb / How a child suffering in war torn areas can shine / Why a soul chooses to incarnate into challenging situations / Everything is presented for our Highest Good / Walking the “Peace Path” easier than the stress path / Blossom’s mum realization about worrying / Allow you inner Truth to “show you the way” / Breathe as long as needed, saying “PEACE” / Many humans in a “rat race” to survive / FOL needs our help? / Visualise the world you want – hastens Change / Longing for a physical meeting with FOL / Many feeling “unrest” – neither her nor there

8th   (p.94)    Reading through extensive amount of FOL channelings / A coding embedded in FOL messages ‘ to “hit home” / Everything upon Earth has coding – run by codes / What do these codes do?…What is their purpose? / Codes – a sequence of numbers / Blossom sees image – The Matrix movie / Who runs the computer?…Who invented it?…How does it work? / Runs by itself to continue “life” energetically / Coding changes to what’s happening and vice versa / Analogy – a human being walking / Are codes working when we meditate? / Do codes change more rapidly depending upon activity? / Does LOVE have a code? / LOVE (Source) in it’s Highest Purest original form is NOT coded / All of us reading this, designed this coding? / You are a Godly state of being / Does this coding ever stay still? / Energetic Encoding working rapidly for comprehension of the system

17th   (p.98)    Continue “Coding” conversation / Where is everywhere that’s coded – other dimensions/realms? / Are there no end to parallel lives? / Is every parallel life in a different Universe? / Elemental realm – in our world but different vibration / Jumping to a parallel life, is the coding the same? / Analogy – One movie made up of different scenes / Fundamental Truth from Highest Intelligence ( Source ) unfathomable in our timeline / Are portals/vortexes used to jump to a parallel existence? / Subject of Coding – WORDS do not suffice for clear understanding / Our imagined world does not exist – one big video game ( illusion ) / You live your lives through choice – change codes as you go / These codes don’t actually exist?…The Game doesn’t exist? / The programme has our mind believing we’re in a physical reality / How far does The Game go?…Does it stop when we die?…When does it stop? / Coding subject – matters not / Getting the hang of The Game – spend every moment in Love

27th    (p.102)    Blossom – “Feeling a little lost in my soul of late” / Transference of Blossom’s energy into a Higher place /  FOL has satisfaction – human’s search for it ( happiness ) / All taking place – ever changing into a finer improvement of itself / Life = every thought moving through/improving on itself / Are we failing/not doing enough if not “tickety boo”? / Seek and thou shall find – What is one seeking, and where? / Happiness on Earth is a real challenge as described / FOL – This need not be so / A thought in the right direction cancels any chemical / Effects of a virus strain from a mosquito – pain/illness does not subside / You are far greater than any toothpaste – by a thought / You can magically overcome anything / What good is Knowing all this and not able to bring it forth? / Choosing to acknowledge this Knowing from an ALL Knowing part of your Being / The difficulty is part of the Plan / Blossom reflecting upon the many challenges, with questions about life on Earth


20th   (p.107)    FOL come through in another language /  What’s the point if one has no idea what was said? / Do I send it out or not? /  FOL – We wonder, what makes you question? / Blossom questioning her abilities / On a Vibratory level Blossom had not encountered / Blossom asks, “Why can’t you say what was said in plain English”? / Penetrates deep within, in ways of acknowledgement of understanding, and assurance / When will the Higher self tell it to this aspect here on the Planet? / No need for a translator / Vibrational forms of sound that connect with the soul / Vibrational tones is of importance to the coming days / These Energy Codes = the messages inside your “envelopes” / What can we expect from now on? / Blossom reflects upon the this new aspect of her channeling experience, in connection with all experiences with the FOL / YouTube Link to audio + transcript ( except Light Language ) > Our world almost turning upside down – let go of confusion and doubt / Higher energies on their way / Arise, do not be downhearted – walk confidently in your Truth / Assist those afraid, who do not understand


5th    (p.112)    Wow! Response to coded Light Language / Do not be concerned if no activation was felt / Coming days you will Feel/discover more of self / Exposure ( revelations ) of a hostile world brings confusion/unease / “Belligerent activations” = untruths “flying around” / Topsy turvy world is NOT a polar switch / Other developments will be encouraging to all / Blossom – “getting it”…”Knowing the Knowing” / FOL plans for action were aborted / Lower Light – no more “cards to play” – The Game is over / When is the next message from our “envelopes”?

18th   (p.115)    Can we talk about the recent U.S. elections? / Changes coming – valid part of election / Thoughts of impending doom – “a place of Armageddon” /  United States not united – feel betrayed, fearful / Even those well informed will be shocked by revelations / Be at your Highest Good/Power – trickery with untruths / Possible “false flag” alien invasion by elite / Nothing to fear – recognising the Truth / FOL Knowing – the Light has won / Offering forgiveness for all atrocities – part of The Divine Plan / Love is the answer – there is nothing else / FOL known/recognised by their Energy / Deeper connection to Higher self – no fear / A revaluation is to take place – on many levels / “Money” becomes a friendly WORD – will enhance lives / Link – Dr. Steven Greer’s message / Blossom’s thoughts about ET disclosure becoming a “reality”

22nd    (p.120)    Many questions from readers – If no more cards to play, how about the false flag invasion?…Is the fake invasion definite?…Doubtful that the last channeling was not the FOL…Is the currency revaluation a Truth? / Being prepared for all possible scenarios – Feel/Know your Truth / Nothing to fear…This is a Game…The Light has won / FOL “deck of cards” stacked Highly / Can the FOL stop the fake invasion? / Direct Voice Channeling + transcript ( except Light language )> FOL preparing us, not intended to instill fear / Many changes within and around – consider it fun ( happiness )?


5th   (p.123)    FOL in service to all readers – not just speaking to Blossom / FOL concerned about our discernment of Truth via the Internet / Blossom confused on this matter…each person’s “radar” can be opposites…Who are we to trust? / Internet – source of Truth and non-Truth / What if the Internet didn’t exist?…Who would you be trusting?…How to unclog one’s mind, and be Pure of Heart…How many would know of the FOL? / Internet obsession – source of Love and fear / What another person believes DOESN’T MATTER / What of a Truth that makes us feel uneasy? / What service will the shocking news revelations provide? / Detach from everything – live within your Brightest Light / Who can stop you being the Highest expression of yourself? / Let go of beliefs that do not serve / Saying to self – “I am all powerful” – Feeling/Knowing / Is it true – we are in control of thoughts/feelings?…versus mind control and indoctrination?…”Love conquers all” / Love MATTERS / FOL suggest some Loving activities to connect with your Truth

15th   (p.127)    Blossom thanks FOL for the past year’s channeling / Earth’s current situation is good versus some say not so good / Lightworkers have reached a pivotal transformational landmark – can progress faster / Recent past feels distant – by being more in the NOW / The domino effect of Truths revealed – the “ball rolling” / Truths revealed empower you through knowing / Connect with FOL through breathing / Divine Source felt more, by/through/as your own Divinity / As Vibrations rise – a tangible Knowing of FOL’s presence / Other worlds commend Light Workers / All the challenges faced ( perseverance ) deemed worthwhile – Peace is on it’s way / “You shall spread your wings and fly…we mean this literally”

19th   (p.130)  Direct Voice Message from White Cloud + transcript / Showing Blossom – image of the baby child in a manger / What if you know this event to be a Truth that took place?…What do you consider that Christmas story’s twinkling star in the sky, to be? / It didn’t happen in December, but still appropriate to talk about / High Energy of this soul and others on Earth – Why? / Readers are also Way-Showers of Light and Love / The intention of giving/sending Love / Seeing your bright Lights from where White Cloud resides / Tune in to who you are/your Truth – finest array of colors/Light / Variety of individual beings of Light around us / Joy and Laughter – a most pleasant and easy way to raise the Vibration of all / Gratitude for Divine Source and Blossom / We are One Energy Source of Love / White Cloud to all – “I Love you….I always have and always will Love you



6th    (p.2)    Link to Direct Voice Channeling FOL & White Cloud + transcript ( except Light Language ) > Different kind of energy / Your progress allows a greater understanding of who you are / This year – changes awaited will be more apparent / Life as we desire by ease of thought patterns / “The Quickening” of the past was slow – now the speed is up to us / Float within Energies of Greater Strength / Lower vibrations dissipated by thoughts of Light and Love / A helping hand is the Greatest Gift / Light Language followed by White Cloud > Love yourselves more than you think possible / Our worthiness is obvious by our presence on Earth / Walking into a “Golden Dawn” / Sending you Light/strength in those darkest moments / Call out to White Cloud for a boost / Visualizing an open flower on top of our heads

16th    (p.6)    FOL information coming – “Upping the ante” / Dismiss thoughts that do not serve / How to wake those still “sleeping” / Under the rule of time – needless pressure / Hearts longing to be heard experience a faint whisper / Recognition ( loving ) of self – the soul can really live / Movie super heroes – that’s you! / How do I Know that Knowing that, I become it? / Physical strength is not enough – Body builder illustration / Can you cleanse a lake?…Can you make grain grow? / Go within to be within and become yourself / Think of all that could be done / Vibration bubbling versus Vibration feeling helpless / Key to one’s happiness / Why have we forgotten all that we Know? / Suggested – not to take this life all too seriously / It’s a Game – it doesn’t matter / Energy of Love is all there is – be an example / Describing success as a giver of Light

24th   (p.11)   Finding yourselves wondering if you’re walking the best path?…Has life let you down?…Feel like giving up? / Are your thoughts causing a stumbling block?…What determines a good day or a bad one? / A document received Re: words and their connotations / Intention behind the words that matters / How could God be called “knitting needle” and carry a High Vibration? / Light language is no different – the intention MATTERS / Words useless to express a feeling versus words are necessary to express ourselves / Empathy can be more accurate than what is said / Telepathy versus words placing an order / Blossom’s telepathy “guessing” game in the car / FOL play the game with Blossom / Déjà Vu explained / FOL asks for permission to send visions/feelings at random – to Blossom & Friends

30th    (p.15)    Everyday conversations seem so trivial and pointless / A change of thoughts about any activity – a great Joy / Humanity on a trivial pursuit rather than Joyous / We yawn, yawn, yawn, yet Knowing / Under attack from those controlling the Planet / Readers say FOL does not answer questions properly – not authentic / Resisting the thought to fight back – knowledge/awareness it’s pointless / Recognising the source of negativity / Feeling (Knowing ) who you are ( Warrior of Light ) versus trying to be / Unrest around the world – too much concern, adds to it / Are you strong enough to see this through? / “Suppressants from outsiders” – more fortitude required / Practice makes perfect 


12th   (p.20)    Periodically, channelings raise hopes with said change imminent, and hype dies down – why? / Defining High Energies as hype – not desirable / Energies ebb and flow, but never die down / Earth’s “soon” versus FOL’s “soon” / When will ( FOL’s ) “SOON” happen? / How about just a rough idea – a year? / What MATTERS – how you’re Feeling NOW, not then / How to bring real change about / Do we have to wait until the whole world “wakes up”? / Does your life improve as your thinking/understanding improves? / We (Light Workers) chose to hang stay longer for the sake of others/loved ones? / About the markings on the arms of Blossom’s friend

20th   (p.24)    Blossom asks for a “status report” on current energies / Will the discomfort subside? / Feeling “knocked about”- “downloading” and “uploading” – explained / More about Blossom’s friend – 2 purple marks / Why the oversight of human experiment – “running smoothly” / Other experiments failing were terminated / Not part of our ( FOL’s ) experiment – abductions and psyche infiltration / What are the markings? / Souls on Earth being monitored, are they ever taken aboard ships? / What is being checked/monitored? / Analogy – space suits for humans out in space / Energies changing our bodies – Lighter Model / Utensils used – no probing

28th   (p.29)    Some reader responses suggest markings/visitations are darkness / Vibrational pull leads a soul down a path / Avoiding curiosity of “nasty indulgences” – no energy feeding it / Or, feed un-pleasantries with Love / How could we possibly know all that this odd world has going on / Transition into the New World – why would one choose to leave physicality entirely? / At a Higher frequency, why would we choose to tune into a lower one? / Do we know “of the soul” we are ridding their negativity? / Is it our right to interfere with their choices? / Who would want to come down and cry out everybody else’s sorrows? / Blossom’s inner Knowings versus  hopequestiondoubthalf believewaver – the Feeling / Breathe the Knowing – Feeling serving the Divine mission / Analogy – moth to a flame 

MARCH  ( no channeling )


6th & 7th   (p.33)   Blossom and others Feeling like an observer / Dizziness closer to Higher energies, then grounded / Now it’s – “oh whatever” / Do you find yourself judging self or situation? – “The Observer” / Reminder for vigilance guarding thoughts and actions / Forces of Energetical Grace bombarding with Love / Blossom asks – Channeling the same during the age of dinosaurs? – same message / Huge transformation in progress / How about telling us something we don’t know / FOL relate a story – summary of The Game…The Plan…Lightworkers / Feeling as if I’m in a play, within a play, within a movie ( illusions ) / Divinity has many guises, in the Truth of itself / Be true to yourself – the Divinity within / Be consciously aware of the nasty weather ( negative world conditions ) = “loaded ammunition” a deterrence of your Truth / 7th > The story was known – tell us something we don’t know for a relief / Appearance of human beings will change greatly / So, what sort of changes? / Body transformation making no need for death? / Why aren’t all our conversations mind boggling?

13th    (p.39)     Link to White Cloud’s Easter Message + transcript > At times Feeling despondent, does it seem like the same old message? / From the beginning there was Love / Be vigilant to connect with Higher Self / Turn up your dimmer switch / Love – a thread throughout all there is / White Clouds tools listed for upliftment i.e. Golden Chalice / Do you Feel you are a failure at your Earthly task? / Even a temporary dim Light is working for change / Ahead is home – what is home? / What is there to know?…What is there to be…What is there to have? / Opposite words mean the same – everything and nothing / White Cloud – No problem saying, Warriors of Light / Loving self is Loving all / Knowing keeps us going / Breathing with White Cloud

21st    (p.44)    Receiving many letters Re: a feeling of observing one’s life / Alluding to movie – “Cocoon” / Energies upon earth – many feeling “out of sorts” / This major shift – how will things apparently be different? / “Outer” picture dim versus brightness within / Light Workers lacking enthusiasm – want to do more / Can’t we move on to another level of understanding? / What is it you’re trying to escape from? / The trap set by the elite Beings / Are you going to sit back and let them win? – suggestions / Do you really have no time for this/that? (priorities) / Analogy – preparations running a marathon / NO WHINING – Shine that Light / Entering the next phase – important transformation

27th   (p.48)    Where does the FOL reside if not “up there”? / In a “space” unpronounceable – mathematical co-ordinates / No travel tickets required – in the blink of an eye / At FOL’s arrival – who will greet humanity? / A complex Divine Plan – millions of other off Planet beings involved / FOL Light form beings could take physical form / Light Beings in a Light Energy ship = One Light Body / Not always a Light ship? / Where is the FOL communicating from?…So, you do not have a home?…Where?…Why would you need a Light ship?…So, you’re saying the Light ship is YOU?…In the Light vessel you could manifest into our atmosphere? / Love/Light not the same as an electrical light on Earth / Blossom would love the FOL to take form…Why can’t you do that?  


13th   (p.52)    FOL – “Doing nothing” encapsulates everything / Is Blossom just communicating with the FOL? / Divine will to BE something versus Everything IS / Nothing is real – only Love / Love can take any form – Do you understand this? / Chemtrails chosen on a collective level / Our world – who is to blame? / The darkness shall no longer overshadow the Light / Reached a balance ( dark versus Light ) yet tipping the scales? – how? / You have already won – It really is that easy versus  reader describing the warped happiness on Earth

20th   (p.56)   Reader ( quoted ) eager to confirm if the Earth is flat or round / FOL – many topics we are NOT prepared to discuss / Future – Truths ( revelations ) will stun population / Will the FOL inform us later on? / FOL – “We are not here to bring fear and confusion” / Jumping in and out of parallel lives/dimensions / Can you assist with an analogy? / Due to conditioning, limiting beliefs – confusion abounds / Beyond comprehension within Earth’s density / So, is there a flat Earth somewhere? / Why we’re in the same world with different Truths / We have created this way of living/consciousness – can individuals escape it? / Didn’t we have the Love Light experience before? / This New Earth in progress will remain intact – guaranteed? / Others might choose another dimension of Earth / What is a Dimension? / Readers see the FOL is “beating about the bush”?… Unanswered questions / Remain steadfast with Love

29th   (p.60)    Describing the process of channeling the FOL / Did what happen in the past with Edwina of the FOL side, actually take place? / Yet, you ( F.O.L.) are a collective consciousness are you not? / Is Edwina doing the same thing now? / Everything is real versus everything is an illusion / Telepathic – two different “Energy Vibrations” / Lesser Light interferences / How can a lower Vibration interfere with a Higher? / Why don’t they just “crash my site”? / Do they know every time I tune into you ( FOL )? / Lesser Light reading the channeling if they choose / Would you say the Lesser Light were successful back in 2008? / Best laid plans ( 2008 ) were put on hold / Worldly affairs of state, state of worldly affairs – in a state / In retrospect – we’ll appreciate these “topsy-turvy” times / Don’t you Feel it in your Hearts – the turnaround of events? / What is the Energy Grid that is now complete? / Anchoring Energies


10th    (p.65)    Re: Mother Earth – Where is/what is Her rightful place?…When was She last there? / FOL – “We offer you our fondest Love and Compassion” / Re: recent attack in London? / Is negativity getting through Energy Barrier? / Energy Barrier – What is that? / Energy Barrier restored / Light Workers Joy – what the media lacks / Where is Mother Earth’s home? / Vibration = frequency of Energy…Dimension = in a “space” / Scale of 1 to 10, Mother Earth = 7 / What about poisons in the air and sea? / Focus on GOODNESS ( Love & Light ) not reported – a partial list / Have a problem with the words “FIGHT BACK”? – FOL does not

18th    (p.70)   Reader – If Mother Earth = 7, when was She a 6? / “Yet our world is not in a peaceful place NOW…by any stretch of the imagination / Our world = havoc and rip-offs / “Your soul cannot be bought or sold” – some disagree / Are you depressed playing “The Waiting Game”? / Being Love uplifts others – yet not responsible for others / Peaceful world is within – not easy to find while living / The Game – How to best to play…enjoy…finish it / Board games come with instructions / “You have the KEY to all Knowledge / Obscurity (lack of instructions) designed for Soul growth / Individually The Game can be changed / FOL states one Game rule of their choice

25th   (p.74)    Reader questions – How to access the Key within us?…Any other clues as to how to play The Game?…Have many people sussed it out and “finished”? / Blossom “on board” ship? – no memory / What’s the point having no memories? / Blossoms skills far beyond her Knowing / What form do we take being “on board”? / We think we are stuck in time / Why can’t we remember “slipping in and out”? / Choosing to be somewhere else – what happens to our human form? / There is a “security button” – no explanation? /  Analogy – a rose (different than White Cloud’s) / Being a fairy, a tree or Star / Jigsaw puzzle piece = Each snippet of information/knowledge / Knowing all the answers – no Game to play / The nature and purpose of The Game = new experience / Analogy – colors of cows / Appreciating many things through contrast – fun and no fun


2nd    (p.78)    Experiencing  intense and “ongoing upheavals” – Is it the negativity? / Are you “scraping the barrel” of things to be cleared? / Those cleared, assisting those who know not / Shouldn’t one “wash their own” dirty laundry”? / Clearing energies trapped on the Planet / If “slipping in and out” can another soul “slip in” to our body? / The matter of/reasons for “walk-ins” / Why would a soul choose to “walk-in”? / How is the “silver cord” involved with “walk-ins”? / Two souls in one body – Is that schizophrenia? / Is that a malfunction – more than 2 or 3 souls at once? / What happens when one party of a “walk-in” changes their mind? / A temporary “walk-in” / What about a body taken over without permission? 


12th  (p.82)  New Energies – a troublesome “tipping of the scales” again / Higher Vibration being absorbed/integrated / Blossom internally conflicted – swimming around in Limbo / Everything shifting to Higher resonance / Earth is the focus – why so much interest? / Earth – a precedent for other Planets / Have other Planets “gone down the pan” like ours? / This Game playing out on Earth being played elsewhere? / A better understanding of “Pure Intent” / Transsexuals – finding their soul is housed in the wrong gendered body / All things chosen in advance – no mistakes / Was it agreed in advance one would swap genders? / Analogy – Feeling comfortable in a mansion or a small flat / Link to Blossom’s Blog – The Cocoon

18th    (p.87)    A pre-plan between souls ( one body or two ) does not go as designed?…Is there a Plan B? / There are Plans B,C,D,E,& F / How does it all happen/all work? / What is required in manifesting anything? / The Universe IS/HAS an intelligence / The Universe – understanding our words? / Universe – Understands/works with vibrational energy / How does one know what comes along, or fails to, will/will not serve them? / Does the Universe have no say in decisions, only our Higher Self? / The Universe does not judge…is impeccably accurate / A devastating personal event – can’t laugh it off for a Higher Vibration / Knowing from deep within…Knowing we are Love

24th   (p.91)   No mention of the solar eclipse…anything to say? / Astrological event to “turn the page” into a new beginning of understanding / Changing deep within – you will notice a difference / Synchronicities, manifestations, healings / Conquering the negatives/Change your world – Gratitude / Vision filled with Light – a long line of souls walking up steps / Reaching the “top” level of THAT Vibration / Vision – “We have arrived in our New World / “Presentations” of a larger scale – “little green men in tin vessels” / “Inheritance” of all to be bestowed – from Higher Self / Collectively, we changed the format – making The Game harder/less fun


1st    (p.96)     Reader Question: Can you be more specific about Energies filtering into our stratosphere? / It simply is everywhere and everything – no words to describe / What does it mean – Energies are Higher and stronger? / Who determines how much Energy pours through our Planet? / Analogy – washing machine cycles / So, these Energies/Powers are they actually felt? / So, are they physical? / Similar to White Clouds dimmer switch – Energy surges “amp you up” / Does this Energy have intelligence? / How does it travel…does it travel? / Who infuses it?…Who amps it up?…And how? / Why does Energy need to be “watered” down from Source?

6th    (p.101)    Blossom – “Don’t always manage to remain is a good space”…FOL – “Are you not more advanced in this than you were? / Book – Medical Medium/importance of a healthy gut / “I thought the spirit resided in the heart space”? / How can we “amp up” our own Energy fields? / Imagination is one of, if not THEE most powerful tool – White Cloud / Visualize and FEEL the experience / “Plug yourself in…turn up the wattage…Amp yourself up…and breathe / Law of Attraction involved / Explaining more about frequencies and electromagnetic frequencies / Is ALL mathematical Coding driven by God/Divine Source? / Is all Energy “floating about” within mathematics? / New Energies and the eclipse – Blossom and others feeling different / Are we in two dimensions at the same time?…Is this possible? / Analogy – educational system and moving up to higher grades

23rd   (p.105)   Can we hear more about the Energy Grid? / What do mean the Energy Grid suits the needs and requirements of Earth? / How does the Grid get damaged? /  Question from reader about “Empty Space” / Why are atrocities taking place?…Why are they allowed to happen? / This “Game” is not what it appears to be / Many wonder, when will it end? / Those “asleep” are like automatons – need assistance


1st   (p.108)   Some have lost the Knowing of the FOL’s Love / Divinity is within always – cannot be destroyed / Some choose to bury their Divinity, others Divinity is their friend / Those experiencing “Divided attention”/”Divided intention / The different levels/degrees of “indulgent play” / What is the significance choosing the word -“deliverance”? / Sending Light to those with whom you once resonated / The Universe will provide friends of the same “waveform” / What to do when feeling weary – suggestions / Living in a war mongering country?…Why did you choose to be born there/move there? / There are no mistakes, only decisions / Everything is Love – Be the reminder – here’s how, with your “hearts wrapped in the arms of Angels”


14th    (p.113)   Question from reader (summarized) > Will 3D manifesting be worthwhile if in conflict with our Higher Purpose/Higher Self presumably in charge? / What of an Earthly soul who decides to kill another/others? / “So, is the aspect of Self upon Earth in control over the Higher Self? / Is our Higher Self our God self? / Back to the manifesting question – Blossom answers it, FOL offers Blossom a job / Because “nothing matters” – freedom to create / If we’re watched over to divert circumstances, who is in control? / “Yet, does that mean the Higher self will find the best way to kill, if that is the intention? / Struggling with “Ascension symptoms” – is forgetfulness and short memory loss one of them? / Next 3 to 4 months bringing a Lightness – Is it only for some or all? / Oneness, serving for the WHOLE involves taking on board thoughts of others

21st  (p116)  QUESTION #1: Not knowing what we’re here to learn, what’s the value of affirmations and meditating?…Nasty elite humans in control are learning for their Soul growth?…Am I missing something?…We are players in their game of corruption/ murder, and therefore it’s an honour for us to be here to serve? / Finest position – send Light & Love to Lower Light / QUESTION #2: When we want something, should we want it, but not too much?…Easier to manifest this way?…Trying doesn’t seem to be the ticket, but gently allowing us?…Just continue to “Let Go and Let God…Not my will but Thy Will”…and trust / God/Love doesn’t want one to create a mass murder? / QUESTION #3: I’ve been taught by Spirit that you cannot manifest what you are not supposed to have. Example – If you’ve come to earth to experience the life of a pauper, then no amount of wishing to win the lottery will change that…Is that the case or has that all changed now? / QUESTION #4: At what point does a soul decide to stop the Earthly Game?…Is it up to each soul to say they have had enough and try something else?…I have heard, yet it doesn’t resonate for me, that one gets trapped in the earthly cycle and can’t get off

28th   (p.120)   Manifesting questions: If a soul decided to be “single” or a “pauper” as discussed previously, how do they know that?…Then, what is the point of continually trying to bring that about if it’s not what the soul wanted as a chosen lifetime? / “For the soul would not have that requirement in it’s DNA” / Surely, one can change their mind once incarnated? / So, there is reason and a point to keep working on the vibration required to manifest what the heart desires? / “The hungriest of souls can experience far more joy than the richest of kings” / Yet, the “physical” can dominate the “spiritual,” if one is really sick / “Getting it” at a “snail’s pace” down here / Imagine! Changing the mindset of an entire planet / “What is your soul food, Blossom?…and for dessert”? / The Energies – ups and downs, topsy turvy / To avoid confusion – let go of fear / Unsure about conspiracy theories? – Let them go / A checklist – then “You will Know who you are”


8th    (p.124)    FOL not restricted to being at one place at a time / How can we master this ability? / Limitations of human consciousness – “indoctrination over eons of your time” / Choosing more self-love leads to new possibilities /  Reader question summarized: We’re encouraged to manifest and keep vibration high, how is it possible while being bombarded with what lowers energy and thoughts? / What about literally programmed assassins, and hypnotism? / FOL – “Much has been prevented by us” / Does that not take away our free will? / Seeds planted in Divine timing upon your planet / Metamorphism – The fullness of God-self upon earth / “That’s why you are here” / Breathe the breath of the Godself / Connect with what Nature has to offer

24th   (p.129)    High Energies = Knowing all is well ( inner peace ) versus Feelings of unrest / What do you mean by “surprise attacks” on F.O.L.( Divine ) plans? / So, aren’t these Lower Light efforts controlling us? / Limiting progress, unless you recognise the Vibrational upgrade / Re-charge your “batteries” – a necessity / Choosing to Feel who you are – more Lower Light fades away / Feel/tune in to the Vibration of momentum in meditation / The Lighter path versus moaning and groaning / Master your own destiny = Joy, Peace, Laughter and Love / Ponder deeply, you can Feel being human is an experiment / You have the power to change your thought patterns – ONLY to what serves / With gratitude, Blossom expresses a need for vigilance using many “tools” from the FOL


2nd    (p.133)    Reader asks, if the FOL could do a meditation, helping us to recognise and accept that we are in a Higher frequency? / Intro: The Game Changer Project / Do not be disheartened – energy of creating a project is important / Many becoming aware of what they choose to eat – betterment of the human form / What about those orange lights and strange sounds?…Link to photo ( 8-2019 Link is not working ) / Are these the Pillars of Light you spoke of?…What are the lights above it, like a connected trail? / “Blossom…what is it that “befuddles you”? / How does the information become The Pillar? / How do we receive the information?…What is the information? / In general the information is meant for the masses? / So, what happens next? / How come this picture didn’t “hit the world”?

22nd    (p.138)    What does 2018 hold for us? / Energy amplifying, manifestations, incredible changes – such as? / Distortions of Truth by lower Light exposed / Become full of Light for what lies ahead / More topsy turvy, with energetically charged phenomenon to balance / What do you mean…stunning One in Love? / Are the Pillars of Light connected to the ancient Scriptures Solar Flash bringing enlightenment? / The Pillars of Light – six year span since the announcement ( why so long? ) / Year ahead – great change afoot, many steps forward to your “New Residence” ( New World ) / A similarity of last 7 Christmas Channelings / Blossom’s concussion – could be a “wake up call” for the body / What sort of information do these/will these Pillars carry? / “Getting it”- is a Feeling / Will we see more Pillars of Light throughout next year? / Pillars of Light, Rainbows, Cloud Spectaculars, Lightships, Light Displays – Vibration allows them / Are they only seen by those in a Higher Vibration? / A “mind blowing presentation that will shift all” ( The Event ) – FOL hoping it will be in 2018



6th   (p.2)    FOL communications to be amped up – a more telling position / Souls to integrate – no matter their appearance, origin, what they choose to uphold /  What do you mean by “what they choose to uphold”? / “Improvement for the system” – why use the word “system”? / After unsettling Truths revealed settle in – an enhancement of You / Waiting and waiting…now, it’s happening / Look beyond the media and into your hearts / Love is needed now more than ever / FOL playing the same “record” – for your strength / Some will want to leave the planet – the lies / Everything falling apart – the Phoenix, the Knowing within arises / The system assisted by those from “other places,” = other worlds / Clues provided – what we will be as the Phoenix rising / Secret contact with FOL will be over / Prepare yourselves for a “bumpy ride” / State of anarchy = the road to freedom / Being the bright light for those with no clue ( those awakening ) / Time required to absorb each unveiling of disclosure before the next

12th   (p.6)    Reader comments on the Game Changer video – “spinal column power station” / Visualising spinal column –  a “Homing device” / Visual – a red electricity pylon reaching high / Isn’t it the Crown Chakra through which things entered? / Secrets waiting to be discovered? ( revealed ) / Would it help to create world peace – one’s frequency = Earth’s frequency? / Will that effect the “resident frequency”? / Revelations of lower energies creates an imbalance – “Step up your game” ( balance ) / “Are the pieces of the puzzle falling into place a little now, Dearest Souls”? ( personal progress )

20th   (p.9)   Readers asking about Artificial Intelligence / A.I. can never/will never have a soul / Comparison to humans that once only knew of goodness / Is it a good thing or a bad thing? / Feeling is the essence of who you are / New Year – noticeable changes in yourselves / “Full speed ahead zone” – Mastering your Mastery / Parts of our brain shut down – for our protection / Don’t focus too much on those “Mr. Nasties” / Becoming a Knower not a believer / Recognising what weighs down your heart / New more powerful Energies since the New Year / Illustration – wearing cement boots to stay grounded, when appropriate switching to feathered wing


1st    (p.13)    Request from the Highest source of Love – Reform = take charge of your understanding with Feeling / Non-stop “ball rolling” of turmoil unraveling ( revelations ) / Analogy – boat shattered against the rocks in a raging sea / Is our dedication to (Love) self/others having an effect? / Being more vigilant to step up our Game – helps to find what’s hidden within / Illustration – an open can of worms, they’re crawling out / Balancing necessary tasks versus the space to Empower / Can you Feel deep within, what your waiting for? / You would not be here, if you weren’t strong enough to “TAKE OVER” / Building strength – repeating I AM LOVE / Mother Earth restored to Her true self, an ecstatic place / The Light has won

11th  (p.16)   Reports of pending arrests in the USA – the Game is on / Reiterating last message – Ground yourselves / Is the FOL involved, beyond messages? / Does the FOL know of all horrors to be revealed? / FOL is more REAL than the system we live under / More sightings will be encountered on Earth / The orange lights – What is their purpose…Who controls them?…What kind of information / Phenomena of all kinds / Blossom reflects upon readers comments and the Illusion – conclusion is Being/Feeling Love / Ask for strength, courage, and value in your role ( worthy ) / What do you mean by this “Energy Barrier”? / Energy blocks – Food, drink, drugs, fluoride / The changes within Blossom 18 years ago allowing communications with the FOL and White Cloud 

18th    (p.21)   Why does Gaia need our help to make the shift? / Like ourselves, is Mother Earth detached from our pain, yet sending Love for healing? / Why does Mother Earth require Love, Feeling it in order to transform it? / Can you go into more detail about “those within her”? / What is their purpose?…What do they do all day? / Do they live in a world of time? / So, they are not humans then? / What are they called as a race? / Our myths will be proven to be Truth / These beings are involved with shift into the Higher Vibration / “Everything falling down” – some say bring it on, others are ( fearful ) scared


3rd   (p.24)   “Level of enlightenment” enables messages on a higher Vibration /  A “buzz” about The Event happening soon – Is this true? / Many feeling strongly something is about to happen / This feeling of expectancy, is because we can Feel it coming? / Analogy – The tail end of a pregnancy / Power in this happening – “black the planet out” ( earth changes ) / This Event will be taking place within the skies? / The Feeling of expectancy – yet it could be years? / How does the “system falling”, guiding the “un-awakened,” tie into The Event? / What about our “gifts” helping the system collapse?…What sort of gifts? / “Old self” is you, before The Change = The Event / “Step up your game”

10th   (p.28)   Internet is a “glow” with talk of The Event / Some saying “un-awakened” to be taken aboard ships, or we will be going elsewhere? / It will feel as if you’ve moved on to another place ( New Earth ) / We have been hyped up before / How long will the display go on? / How many will want to leave the planet during The Event? / The knowledge will “scare them to death” / Is Jesus involved in this Event?…In what way? / Will there definitely be a black out? / Our view of what was important will shift to trivial ( nothing matters ) / What about some being taken aboard ships? / What other possible ( Divine ) plans are there? / Will there be ships in the skies during The Event? / Will it be everywhere?…In the skies in every country? / What about airplanes in our skies? / Awareness signs in place leading up to The Event / Will it be scary? / Is this why so many feel desperate, ready to give up?…Shouldn’t it be the opposite?

18th   (p.33)   Link to Direct Voice Channeling + transcript > The Event scenarios like wild fire on the Internet / Highest Purest Energy of Love is approaching / “Envelopes” within shall provide the “Knowings / Your biggest question is when shall this take place? / Preparational signs – absurd rainbows, electrical anomalies, weather changes / Ask yourselves how are you feeling? / “The “time” is coming when you will receive more than just the “icing on the cake”

26th    (p.35)   Information and disinformation ( untruth ) – Your Truth is your Feelings / Do you understand what it means to US upon Earth when you say “soon”? / FOL – Do you feel we are giving false hope? / What happened to all the talk of great change and a topsy turvy world? / World activities does not allow for full Ascension – though many more have awakened / Describing changes in our perception and Feelings after The Event / If it’s a wave of Love, why will some be scared to death? / Why other channels have not spoken of The Event? / Blossom uncomfortable with last message being a matter of urgency / Defining “urgent” / We do not know what “imminent” means to the FOL


6th   (p.39)   Blossom affected by Energies, not feeling good / Can you talk about the positive and negative Energies?…Is it just me?…What is this all about? / Some Feel confusion and depression, others Light as a feather / Is it “dampening down” or “flattening completely” – How does it work? / If we’re the “strongest of the strong” why can’t we pull out of it? / It’s that feeling as if the darkness has beaten me …no more “will” left ( Light has won ) / FOL – And yet , it passes does it not? / Some get so low they remove themselves from the Planet / Those who leave the Planet – did they make a promise to see it through? / What does it take to Know the answers? / FOL – Can you see, or Feel why we are so repetitive over the years? / Go within and find your Light / Power accumulates the more you allow yourself to know it / Will The Event give this a boost in the right direction? / Blossom confused/uncertain with all the talk of The Event

13th    (p.43)    Speedy removals occurring in current times / What exactly do you mean by “removals”? / How is this being accomplished? / Heartening to hear that a rapid “clean up” is underway / Does “removal” mean negative souls and arrests? / FOL makes a topsy turvy statement = a positive sign for improvement / Topsy turvy = upside down – FOL’s perspective things veering towards the good / Blossom asks – Where are you? / How do you tune into our frequency to become visible?…Is it difficult? / So near the finishing line, do not give up / Analogy – last quarter of a pregnancy feels longer than the first three / Have you noticed displays in your skies? / Precursor to the Big Display / Blossom’s vision of a painting – one half different than the other / Blossom is shown dice being thrown = The Game / The Game manual is inside us – no rules / Complex Game in Earth’s density – Simple when one “Get’s it” / ( other planets and beings > ) Universal gatherings make “Your Planet” the talk of the town

20th    (p.47)    How long the “feeling” of this Wave Of Love within, will stay with us? / What would these outward and internal “preparational systems” entail? ( phenomena & signs ) / Within those ready to accept versus Those not ready to accept / Why on Earth would someone deny what is happening? / “Normality will not be normal ever again” / Sought out by those who previously thought of you a bit cuckoo / How does the FOL know we are Feeling a difference within us? / More recognisable during sleep or mediation – how would we be more so now, than before? / The timing of The Event is not the point

28th    (p.51)    Can we talk about clearing the pineal gland? / Similar to a walnut / Is fluoride the main cause of a crusted shell built up around it? / Let’s focus upon the “cleansing of” / The Pineal gland is your minds eye / Throughout time, the gland has been worked on – how? / If it’s secrets were free, those in power would be gone / Using the most powerful tool – visualisation daily /  Can you elaborate on the Pineal gland not being used therefore diminishes? / Vaccinations a disguise interfering with the Divine workings of the body / Yet you say, no one has control over us/our soul / The Game can be fun, if you so choose / Try finding fun amidst all this insane chaos / Recognising the “sham” that is presented as Truth / Another “trick” invented to “downsize” the soul – conditioning it was more acceptable to think less of yourselves / Unworthiness = an insult to creation / What about Giant statues found all over the world / The Giants still exist on another more suitable planet 


6th   (p.57)   Speaking about different matters – Listen to your Inner Knowing / No voices in my head – Is it the “feeling” we are listening to? / Beyond feeling?…What?…How? / Analogy – plugging in technical equipment / What is “to do it’s thing”?…How do we get there…within? / What more are you trying to “get through”? / Questions Re: “Go into…focus upon your heart space”…Visualise the organ…as a Golden Heart?…How are we supposed to “Get in it”? / Heart = “Central Station versus the majority of “our spirit resides in the gut? / Majority “being in the gut versus my spirit feels more in my head ( other than heart ) / Soul = a Light within the gut?…How exactly is the soul represented physically within us? / If we could see ourselves, the spirit, the soul inside of us, what would it look like? / This is where we ask you to take yourselves – the Light within / Human experience versus what we are capable of / The possibilities = teleport, instant healing, growing limbs, and more? / What is it we are missing?… Blossom – Not part of my experience / Have you tried?…Why not? / Why does anyone feel unworthy of completing such a task? / “Inner Knowing”, that’s the missing piece / Analogy – the feeling when the missing or last puzzle piece is put in place / Wisdom of visualising / Blossom – Uncomfortable with the word “God”?

14th   (p.63)   Reader’s request for more help with visualisations / If one cannot see/imagine/visualise at all, what can they do? / Tricky part – being able to “take the soul into that visualisation” / Add to the mix – the Intention / What is the difference between an Intention and desire? / The mind is still thinking what should be happening / “Going within” then, is being nowhere, just an empty space, correct? / Yet, I thought one needed to visualise what one wanted? / “Abraham” – holding the visualisation + 17 seconds / For those that cannot visualise how can they manifest? / Are you not saying the opposite from last weeks channeling? / These suggestions will bring The Event closer ( soon? ) / If we don’t know what The Event actually is, what is useful to visualise in this case? / Blossom describes The Event, as She sees it


16th    (p.67)    Feeling vulnerable and insecure…is this normal for this time in “The Game”? / Protons are disguised as one thing, are actually another / What are protons?…What are they disguised as? / Definition of “proton” not helpful – where to go from here? / Now that we have “crossed the finishing line” where do we go from here? / Don’t tell me…another race? / Next level of The Game – “renew thoughts that one had long given up on” / What kind of thoughts do you mean? / Feeling the way before you began The Game / Alluding to games – Snakes & Ladders, Monopoly, and Chess / Next step of The Game is on

22nd   (p.70)    Blossom senses this channeling was like a previous one / Receiving many deep questions from readers with inquisitive minds – let’s focus upon The Event, not mentioned by other channels; let’s get it straight / FOL – There’s much that cannot be conveyed…Why not? / Why is there so much conflicting information, aside from deliberately false? ( untruths ) / Diverting the subject – many experiencing off beat regulation of heart energy / Wondering if The Event is just a “carrot” to keep us going, or opposite effect? / Back to conflicting information about our future / But, if not even mentioning a HUGE happening, creates doubts – why should we continue believing it’s so? / Blossom, do you personally believe The Event will take place? / FOL – The Event in our own Truth…no right/distinction commenting on another’s opinion / Blossom’s “rant”(?) – How about a lead up to it?…( a sign ) Just do something…Did we really know how difficult it would be?…many need a boost (encouragement) / FOL held Council – smaller scale displays / Blossom’s soap box – throw a light ship into the already big mess, we’ll pick up/clean up with a better heart; it is time, no?

30th   (p.74)   A reader asking about “protecting ourselves” / FOL – protection from negative energies/influences / When entering a particular space feeling the limited ( lower ) Light energies / Motivations of lesser Light – type of beings and sources described – Be Aware / New Meaning for LOL = Lady Of Light / What have you got to lose, placing a shield around you? / Visualizing a Golden Shield and other possibilities / Planet in the darkest of times – Light is needed from all / Souls ( of the church ) torturing/sacrificing children – Prepare yourselves for what is uncovered / Regenerate and recharge your Energies / On the Light side – progress is being made


21st  (p.78)   Enlightening Energies are stirring the lesser Energies / Be thoughtful towards your well-being (physical & spiritual ) and remain guarded / So many desire to find their purpose > To Love / (revelations)”Crawling out of the woodwork – shock you to the core”? / Can you provide any hints? / No – but many untruths to be presented / A world upside down is NOT a pole shift / Free will is different from stolen freedoms / Minds blown, yet all will make sense / Lesser Light – played their role, so no judgment, only forgiveness = Love / Hidden Truths revealed – part of “The Final Purging” / Clarifying “across to the other side” – other channels say we’re going to another place / The Book “The Bridge” – “Over the bridge” = Higher dimension / So, where are the unenlightened ones going? / Will no time frame/time limit encourage or discourage? 

28th   (p.82)   Response to potential “can of worms” ( revelations ) = One’s Truth is not another’s, and generally, forgiveness not on the agenda / How do we know what is Truth and that which is not? / Social media = mixed bag of tricks / At the correct moment, all shall know the Truth / FOL – We cannot tell you…”what the “BLEEP” is going on ( Blossom ) / What will make it so obvious, to know which is Truth? / Some souls choose no TV, computer, Internet = Vibration High / No Internet – FOL messages reach no one / Won’t the TV/Internet be the source of great revelations? / You are Love, you are Light, you are – doesn’t/can’t always feel that way in Earth’s circumstances / You wanted to be right in the thick of it ( pre-life plan ) – more than anything / “We can remember…now”? – haven’t been able / 10 HINTS – how to remember


4th    (p.86)   Would you talk to us about “Free Will” – reader’s thoughts Re: choices under duress and manipulation / “You can choose how you choose to choose” / That which you think you attract – Law of Attraction / Yet, do we  have the Free Will to be ourselves with mind control? / The will of the soul has the power to break through / Is it laziness that some choose to keep things as they are? / Analogy – White Cloud’s bus tour illustrating many ways to get to the same destination = Freedom of Choice / Some say we live in a computerized matrix – “The Matrix” movie is a “trigger” / “The possibilities are that, all things are possible” / Knowing ( Love ) Self = The key opening the door to your freedom / “Waking up” slowly, usually preferred to a loud alarm clock

11th   (p.90)    FOL vessels will become more obvious/more frequent / Current weather patterns changed since days of old / Chemical, chemtrails and gasses into stratosphere / Not natural and not global warming – insidious ramifications around the world / What can WE do about it?…What can YOU do about it? / Shine your Light strongly – imagine them ( visualise ) as you wish, it shall be / Can you go into this more deeply? / What is true?…That which comes from your heart / Some things just are (rent, bills etc ), cannot change them?- Why not? / Look around>be grateful for something / Change/The Event is upon you, (Blossom) okay no date is given

25th  (p.94)   Reader concerned about younger generation – bullying leads to suicide / Consider “both sides of the coin” – media focusing on what will depress us / Is it that the young cannot take the lower Light Vibration / Sacrificing themselves ( suicide ) could send a message for better understanding / What happens to the souls of tortured animals? / Changing the rules of The Game – when and how? / A world of PEACE is designed – The Plan / The affect of The Event – more important than labeling it/naming it / A great deal to contend with – all will not change instantly / Will there still be those ( lower Light ) of a rebellious nature? / No musical accompaniment – Love will be the orchestra and conductor / Find Truth>take deep breaths>peaceful state> re-read this message


1st   (p.98)   Reader question Re: How to reach the Energetic state regularly = Blossom’s Energy on overwhelm / With practise – one deep breath smiling will take you there = state of Peace / What exactly does that/should that Feel like? / What does/how should Bliss feel? / Your natural state is Bliss / Many concerned about what to say to the unaware ( “sleeping” ), now and after The Event / After The Wave – The student will soon become the “teacher” or “Sharer” / Skills will be carried out with passion assisting the New World / Giving from the heart – receiving a thousand fold through Love / Living in fear of paying the bills – nonexistent / Immediately after, we pick ourselves up from the floor, and then what happens? / Earth becomes Topsy Turvy Land after The Event – extremely different (changes) than previous topsy turvyness / “Soul self up front ( new you ), close and personal” / Is patience running out? / Analogy – baby born prematurely = complications

14th    (p.102)    Blossom’s mind, the channel was being hacked / Good lesson for all – slightest discomfort best to check in / FOL sending through a Heightened Vibration to Blossom / ( Skipping to aborted channeling September 7th when hacked  ) > What’s the possibility of meeting loved ones after The Event? / In different dimensions – no physical  touching, but Feeling them close by / The Event is NOT Ascension / The Event will shift every Planet, Universe and Galaxy, literally / How can this be, we are the size of crumb compared to all out there? / Earth – a Planet with jewels of untold mysteries / Like what…what are you talking about? / Secrets to be uncovered when the Planet is safe / A paragraph makes no sense – Blossom ends communication with White Cloud’s suggestion / The rising of the PHOENIX = Ascension / (Back to September 14th channeling ) > FOL – we spoke of treasures within your planet – all “eyes” upon you / Difficult to believe we’re special beings – look at our behavior / Treasures to be uncovered – what’s that about? / What Blossom sensed after aborted channeling / Did this happen before or after the pyramids? / Is the main reason for the pyramids to bury treasures?

22nd   (p.108)   Why have many Solar Observatories been shut down all over the world? / The Sun is a portal…used by who/what?…wouldn’t one get fried getting near it? / A Universal fuel station / Controlling powers-that-be in panic with images captured / Images of what exactly? / A solar Flare – is connected to The Event? / Ship?…Station?…Portal? … Anything else? / Being out in the sun, we feel better…Is this due to Source Energy? / Will the flare “contain” the Energy of Love to sweep over us? / What do you mean, this Energy has been “traveling” in a different form? / How come the observatories re-opened? / Images – Signs of preparations / Planet’s “state of affairs” = a downer


12th   (p.112)    Approaching 10 year anniversary ( 10-14-08 ) No show FOL ships / Disappointment, anger and hate, but with positives / Truth cannot help but gain momentum / Turmoil – The way to turn is go within / Change your thoughts to change the world / Visualising suggestions to raise Vibration / Walk on Warriors – FOL walking with you / Increasing and different displays of FOL maneuvers / No one can pretend they are the FOL / If nothing else – breathe and smile

21st    (p.117)    Reader asks about the containers of Energy on board ship / Blossom reposts here – February 11th 2010 channeling / Over 7 years Energy released slowly / What exactly are these Energy cubes?…What it contains? / Why bring this Energy up again? / What?…Did I receive that correctly – “a stumbling block”? / “Amp up the Vibes” is working – to dampen down a “blockage” situation on Earth / Turbulent Energy of those elite/not of the heart – many are “re-thinking” / Plans of the elite to reduce population – against Universal Laws / Are the Energy containers connected to Pillars of Light? / What kind of information will be released? / What each one is to do next?…(instructions) Each one of us?…Just a few?…How does it work? / Codes of Energy matching up to how every individual is designed

28th    (p.125)    Continuing from previous channeling – Energy cubes / Vigilance required – change thoughts in line with Energies / All thoughts, positive/negative are tripled in intent / Many countries drowning in disbelief and despair / All the political confusion/propaganda is designed to “keep you off track” / Will the Energy blocks being released be quadrupled? / Gauged by binaural Codes / Ears becoming acutely noise sensitive – sight and touch affected / Be vigilant of your wellbeing – “Walk instead of talk…Think instead of drink” / Affects of alcohol now the tripling effect


4th   (p.129)    Continuing with the Energy tripling affecting on our bodies / Aches, pains and unusual markings / Dynamic intensity of blood flow/ blood cells – and why? / Heart beat slowing down / Listen to “majestical” sounds or OMing for grounding adjustments / Tension in neck and shoulders / Necks are lengthening – Lightened attuned physique / Bodily changes to adapt as density of Vibrations changed / Breathe into bodily areas with a smile / Some examples of “amusements” for the body – no longer enjoyable / Decisions for the Higher good – deception of “scrumptious” / Ask for “understanding” and assistance from your Higher Self

24th    (p.133)    Reader questions FOL’s experience throughout Earth’s transition: Is it as you expected it to be?…Is it going well from your perspective?…Are there disappointments?…Big holdups that prevent moving forward? / FOL have not experienced being a human being / FOL “hears”/understands us, though we may think they don’t /  FOL monitors and observes / Different Energy flows on Earth – Energy “sprinklings” vary accordingly / Is it not unfair that we are controlled taking away our true freedom? / Did we really know before (pre-life planning) arriving how bad, sad, and confusing it would be? / “An abomination of Truth, through/into a Lighted programme” – explain programme / On top of the world or on the bottom – Energy Codes matching up, isn’t that unfair? / So, you are saying our thoughts are Codes – Why knowing that makes a difference? / Pressure upon Earth – a pressure cooker’s lid about to blow


2nd   (p.137)    Reader questions Re: Tripled Energy – Is everything tripled?…Are vitamin supplements tripled in effect?…And, what of all what we think, say and do?…How about Energy work healing? / “Listen” to one’s Feelings – deeper in quality, joy or otherwise / One’s awareness noticeably Heightened / A “floating” approach due to “blendings” of Energies – explained / Connection to Higher Levels of Being / Topsy turvy world is NOT geographical / Upheaval is part of the Divine Plan / Understanding of Self will fall into place / Downfall of the Planet versus An uprising of the soul / Gracefully, assist others across the Bridge bringing about this change

9th  (p.140)   Reader question:  Will the New Energies change us anatomically/physically, after aligning /activating?…And, will it be more obvious in some than in others? / Hastening of manifesting – be aware of what is desired / Removing ailments and inner workings of the body – How? / Deep knowing within versus contrary 3D “programming” / More results – Trusting yourselves and Feeling deeply these Knowings / Blossom answers the FOL’s question – “Do you think you are capable of this? / How can one accept ( all is possible/miracles ) yet not Know it? / Make an integral part of you – an acknowledgement of True Self into heart, body and soul / When your “envelope” is opened – individual plans/”notes/”orders” / Set free with the “keys” to assist millions (“awakening” )

15th   (p.144)   Are the profound “meltdown’s some are experiencing now, due to Triple Energy? / New Coding is requiring a rewiring – meaning what? / “The Heart/the Soul centre, is especially being “re-conditioned” / Recognition of Knowing is becoming stronger / A rippling affect to the unaware – through a stronger bond/connection of who you are / Codes seem very important in discussion at the moment? / Everything is a Code / Who invented or programmed the Codes in the fist place? / So does the Divine Source Energy have a brain? / Where is Divine Source Energy? / Coding phenomenon – The Divine desire to Become – become What? / Divine Coding or “programming” created life – “working for themselves” – How?

22nd   (p.148)    Master these Energies – Choose how You and/or how your world should be / Make your own reality versus conforming to those in power / Is “reclaiming our Power” as simple as “commanding” it? / How can we know our being is on board – wants it? / How do the Energies knock us about, even when we know we’re in control? / What do you mean by “step up to the plate”? / If you can’t wait any longer, then don’t – How to “Get on with it” / This is NOT a reprimand / Blast the negativity away – why it may not be working / Not close to that level – Is it because we are stuck in this density of Earth? / What is the ( personal ) Game Changer…to throw a 6 and go up the Game’s ladder?…Are we ready? / Wallowing, moaning and groaning is also Tripled in Energy – be grateful / Redirect your focus – to Light / Like we wait for the FOL – FOL are you feeling the same about us? / At Christmas FOL wishing us a Merry Lifetime



5th    (p.2)    What do you see lying ahead for us in the following 12 months? ? What do you mean by presented “on the inside” (going within), versus “on the outside”? / “Why is it that much has to be left unexplained”? (signs/phenomena-no answers) / “Be that which you are” = what “blows your blouse up” / You are in control of the WHOLE” by how you choose to Feel – you have the power / The year will bring exactly which you ask it to / Are those of lesser Light playing a role just as we are? / Blossom – a profound statement repeated 3 times by the FOL

18th   (p.5)    How a reader’s soul-self can absorb FOL communications on a Higher Vibration / We have upgraded in 5 years – words now resonate/accepted on a Higher Vibration / Rewiring taking place within Blossom / A Vibration to uplift/upgrade the Frequency of the reader / How can Light be transmitted within words? / Thoughts of the Codes existence and workings – much change takes place / Higher Code progression – analogy of a mathematical steps / Energies necessary to “UP” the Plan / What is meant by – “Do its thing”? / Can you talk to me about “Timelines”? / Heightened Energies since the New Year / Naming a few Grounding visualisations / Energies changing you physically and emotionally / Other Energetic affects / Blossom relates experience releasing souls entrapped by the darkness / Darkness is weakening dissipating into nothingness

27th   (p.13)    Accepting FOL info depends upon positioning of the soul-self / Elaborating upon “positioning” / Some pointers how we can assist the penetration of FOL info ( become the Truth ) / How humans and FOL differ versus FOL saying “in essence we are the same” / Many awakening to deeper levels of Truth / What/How/Why the topsy turvy occurrences of Higher Energies? / Everything moving up, even Blossom’s table / The Source of the Energy is moving up also / Mother Earth is the motivator/the seed of the Divine Expanse / Appreciating the privilege of being a human on Earth / The importance of “thanking” those souls playing the darker characters ( lower Light ) / Why would a Light Being choose to stoop so low? / Why is the Earth/human transformation “a risk one had to take”? / The Game is over – it will be fully accepted/understood in the future


2nd     (p.18)    Blossom asks about how unfair is our world – the poor  versus  the comfortable / Blossom mentions Michael Moore’s film “Fahrenheit 11/9” / A soul chooses where to born / Why are there little to no signs The Game is turning around?…or are there? / Who created The Game? / The Laws of the Divine Plan say the FOL can’t help us now / We’re hanging on with no proof anything is changing / Call upon/draw strength from multi-billions of Light Sources/Forces / Analogy – a long distance runner on the last lap / Book Mentioned – “The Little Soul and the Sun” by Neil Donald Walsh – the experiment has gone too far

10th    (p.21)    Any more encouragement for Earth’s “sad state of affairs”? / If the “experiment” has gone wrong, yet the FOL cannot “lend a hand”? / Choices to fill your desire for a Feeling of Hope – a list / Are you wondering what your life’s purpose is? / Who is being a more successful Lightworker? / What is it that changes the Energy of the world? / Many go to work unhappy to pay the bills – Is this really how it has to be? / The design of the Universe is to give you what you think about – what are you thinking about? / If you think the dark ones are in power ‘ you feed that truth / What generates the “ranting and raving”? / No need to ignore it – just don’t feed it, send Love & Light / What to do if you don’t watch the news / “Get back on board the happy train” / FOL – A few statements of GREAT IMPORTANCE / Remember your eagerness to be the “ground crew”

19th  (p.26)    Explaining the “trumpet” sounds in the skies and/or “groanings” from within the Earth / What about the areas that don’t hear them? / What exactly creates these sounds? / But, they sound rather daunting…almost haunting / In preparation in advance of what is to come – The Event / “What are the other ongoing scenarios”? / “The battle being won…the dark ones have fallen” / Wouldn’t an FOL display make a difference? / What made it possible in 2008, but not now? / Blossom, do you believe your ET brothers and sisters will walk among you? / Is it true that the LIGHTER we become, makes it harder to remain in that Light? / You world is going beyond topsy turvy / Until the “break out” ( tipping point on Earth occurs ) – meaning it’s peak and to fall / Old musical/title – “Stop the world, I wanna get off” – What are your options? / When “Energy” of doom and gloom washes over me 

23rd     ( Note: Not included in pdf )     “Hello there friends and followers of Truth” … Link to a White Cloud Video               ABSOLUTE TRUTH THE CHANGE HAS BEGUN ~ Blossom and White Cloud speak             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lchEdpuW5o4&feature=emb_logo


1st    (p.30)    The FOL’s Take on last week’s video – the veil is lifting /  “Spectacular Events” to follow – both seen and through Feeling / Do not put us ( FOL / White Cloud ) on a pedestal / When will we Know? – “ALL SYSTEMS GO!…Prepare for take-off” / “Would you say the next step is to KNOW from deep within that the veil is lifting? / “The trusting of the Feeling that will lead you” / Those wishing to “play havoc” ( lower Light ) are not coming through the veil are they?” / “The speed now, of change shall be exponential” / Will the communications with the FOL become the same as with White Cloud? /  “So, is it the two of us ( White Cloud & Blossom ), or just the one”? / Walk boldly into the Light and Love / Link to previous channeling – White Cloud video 02-23-19

15th    (p.34)    Could you talk to us about TIME?…Do you understand it, as we do? / What about the past, present, future set up?…Moving from one moment of now to the next, is that not also the passing of time? / Within the “Globe” of all that is…how does one “become their role” in “their” supposed past, present, and future? / I’m imagining we are all capable of “time travel”…can you elaborate on that? / So we’re in the “Globe” a space marked 1618, and is it just a matter of focusing upon that particular space?…pick a random body, i.e. the Energy of Jesus, and “live that life”? / Conditioning of worthiness/preventing it, is feeling less than

24th   (p.38)    Can we talk more about TIME? / When we “remember” our childhood, is that a “then” now moment, rather than a “now” moment? / Analogy – All the scenes contained in a movie / Is the FOL inside of this “Globe”? / “Let us move on to a “Globe” within the “Globe” / How does one physically visit and interact with any person in history whose physical presence is no longer there? / In the “Globe” – speaking of an activated human Energy imprint / Many things are out of the realms of explanation for those in human form


3rd   (p.41)    Blossom dealing with many negativities, including the emailing list – Is it me attracting all this, or is it outside energies? / Saying often “THE LIGHT HAS WON,” but where are these changes? / Inside/within us, okay, but where is the outer evidence? / Computer issues are beyond normal…FOL messages blocked…How can I control that? / What chance do others have, not having a blessed life as mine? – Blossom’s / Encouraging meditation – put yourself at the top of the list

28th   (p.44)   Blossom comments about the recent uplifting experience in Bali / FOL – Blossom, are you feeling like you landed with a “bang” back down to Earth? / Earth not a bed of roses at this time / One’s surroundings (circumstances) does not determine if one’s Light is dimmed or bright / “Grow up now” – analogy – as a rose bud reaching for Light / Why wait for The Event – let go, change your lives now / Be not concerned about another’s journey, only your own ( individual’s path ) / What is that Knowing? / Let go of thoughts of an Event coming / Be vigilant to “Keep yourselves High” / Change these – suggested list 


4th    (p.49)   ( a channeling and a White Cloud video ) / Could you speak more about how to “rise above” (releasing) all that no longer serves? / The Truth lies within you – You “get it” now / Is it what you SEE that you get, or what you FEEL? / Blossom, how can you Feel a Knowing? / Speaking about Source and an NDE ( near death experience ) / How do you play The Game? / A positive thinker for so long, yet what has changed Blossom? / How do you choose to think and Feel about anything and everything – including climate change? / Visualising Earth from above – send it Light-Love / Don’t buy into the “fearytales” – Blossom’s new word / Link- White Cloud YouTube video

12th  (p.53)   Many more are “boarding the Happy Train” / Clarification of the word “condense” – previous channeling May 4th 2019 / Enlightened beings moving up, need not focus upon Earth’s ( negative ) state of affairs / Feeling more Joy – a natural result of Lightening up – do you see/Feel this as a major breakthrough? / The Feeling when you’re tuned into the Higher Vibration / Changes affecting all that is, beyond Earth / Codes beyond “human understanding” / FOL does not have a voice box/White Cloud cannot laugh or sing / If no laughing what is the alternative? / Codes – an integral and inaugural part of the (Divine) Plan / We are The Game versus “Not of It”

19th   (p.58)    Readers speaking of an intense wave that “hit” the planet – Is this so? / What is the purpose of the Energy wave? / The wave is inevitably of assistance and “progression of soul” – explained / Human’s have an issue with judgement – Blossom is frank / How to deal with the judgement issue, most efficiently / “Blossom, would you say the issue of judgement has changed for you along the way”? / Self Improvement versus releasing what does not serve / How could being judgemental ever be of service? / Why would one indulge and linger with a personal issue for a long time? / What “lies behind a personal need to be needed by another”? / “How did you make the change, Blossom”? – “As will each one…”

27th   (p.61)     From the end of May 12th channeling Re: The Game – “Not of it” / You are The Game, yet “not of it” clarification / How does “nothing matters” fit in? / “You are your feelings…and who is in control of them? / “If I am my Feelings, how can I NOT be of The Game?” / Why nothing in The Game matters / Is The Game not all about Love? / How can learning of “knowing self” not matter? / Imagine – All Knowingness of who you are and bored / Feelings make us move through The Game – so how can we NOT be of it? / You “think” you are in it (The Game), that you “think” you are of it / The soul/your Feelings are much more than where it believes it to be – in The Game 


3rd    (p.64)    Can you speak more about ( previous channeling ) the soul and it’s “position” during pregnancy? / And what about the matter of abortion? / A soul’s pre-life considerations before entering fetus / Many may feel irate with FOL’s clarification / Beliefs are due to indoctrination of religious rules/regulations / The positive view of FOL messages – they are teaching you to think/Feel for yourself / Questions listed here for anyone questioning the FOL’s abortion information / This is your awakening – deciding for yourself = The Truth / A rule to live by / If it FEELS right for you, this is your Truth = then you Know it is so

9th  (p.68)   Earth’s frequency rising exponentially – unrest sparks awakenings / Analogy – Souls on a compressed springboard / What choice do we have? ( Keeping on …) versus “You have all choices” / ( White Cloud interjects ) / What are your thoughts on suicide? / What about a deaf and lonely 94 year-old man in pain? / What “appears” right, and what “appears” wrong – of assistance understanding Love / Rumors ( revelations ) of child sacrifices – coming from Love?…part of The Game? / The Game is an illusion – not everything can be understood

22nd    (p.72)    Energies assisting upliftment /  Encouragement releasing “Old wounds” /  Energies now of Higher frequency /  “Your ticket” into the New World /  Individual progress of knowing and loving self /  Image of soldiers with armour and flags – explained /  Another phase of “The Miracle” = The Event / A shift is a newer Knowing maintains an individual’s truth / Metaphor – Astronauts suited up /  FOL not concerned about “street cred” / FOL & Blossom acknowledge Blossom’s helpers

30th    (p.75)    High energies affect – “topsy-turvy”/healing a soul’s past, and past lives /  More to come, but a different and gigantic shift / Energies at the right time / FOL cannot answer how/why energies work / Higher vibrations cannot mix with Lower / What’s the point about all the sadness? / Change is almost here / Manipulation (control) of governments ends / Forgiving the Lower Light – can we?…and why? / Law – cannot escape our actions


7th    (p.79)    Upcoming events – “upside-downness” / Everything turned upside down / FOL urges us – PREPARE! / Blossom asks, “What the change involves”? / How to prepare / FOL- Does it feel like a change is coming”? / Blossom acknowledges skepticism ( doubts ) / “Misunderstanding concept of time” / FOL- Amused by a lack of Blossom’s “Whoohoo-ness” / Awestruck Feelings within – are listed / Blossom – Before the year is out?…FOL – Indeed / Strange behavior due to a balancing, or to even levels out / Energetic preparations for the Wave, the change / “The waiting is over” – Blossom’s reply

15th    (p.82)    Is the recent arrest part of “topsy turviness”? / Hold on to your Light – news revelations / Much will seem impossible / People in power deal with repercussions / ( perseverance ) Knowing and our Light we can cope with “upsidedownness” – a “ton of bricks” / Beginning of change / Will anyone ever say, “I’ll believe it when I see it” / Three things we should say repeatedly – I AM THE LIGHT…I AM THE LOVE…I AM / Calling for back up ( prayer )angels, Light beings, other worlds / FOL not leaving us – in this together / Trusting your intuition (Breathing & Heart) / What are the other signs and phenomena? / Training of Light Warriors complete / Things have to get worse before they get better / Trusting our intuition – How?…breathing and…/  Balancing anger and hatred energies / What will enable forgiveness…and why? / Wave of Love is on its way – where does it come from?

22nd  (p.88)  Heighted energetic is “through the roof” / What is the “protocol” on both sides of the veil? / Analogy – assembling a machine to switched on / Tornado like events to follow / More than enough souls to anchor Light / Be vigilant and alert / What will protect us – anger, confusion and opinions? / FOL use a new term – “Light Players” / Be ready to assist many overwhelmed ( “awakening” ) / The time to use Love training ( spiritual progress ) to help / “Clarion call for souls of Awakened Light” / Many revelations will be new / Will there be uprisings? / “Follow your heart not your head” / Removal of media and political persons / Freedom of your souls 


5th   (p.92)   One energy of Divine Love / Do you feel different NOW? / What happens when we breathe and enhance our energy? / FOL encouraging reminders/imagine (visualise) for connecting with Divine Light/Energy / Our current stage of “preparing” – analogy of sporting event to begin / Shocking news is the beginning / Why we are here, comes to the forefront (life plan) / All we have learned will be accessible to us – miraculously and naturally assisting others / Clarifying – “it is getting so close” versus “it is here” / We have the “REAL EVIDENCE” / Our strength increased after “the crash” / Disclosures ( revelations ) like a “can of worms” / Energy sent through “coded words” / Energy codes “switches” us ON – explained / FOL “pep talk” – list of things to remember / Aspects of Love

11th   (p.97)    Dismay of what’s presented in the news – disregards Knowing of Truth / Those (power elites) once held in high esteem – under a “microscope” / Energy of exposure present – more widespread / The unaware/asleep upset by news reports / How much more “upsets” – hearts fall into a cavity of darkness / Aware and awake ones – Stay strong / I AM THE  LOVE…I AM THE LIGHT…I AM / Repeating what was suggested – with smiles, breathing / Increase power of intention by…rousing instructions provided / Bonded, joined, united by your tribe of infinite Light / As One nation sing out / Melt away confusion and despair / Key to open many doors by Divine timing / “Envelopes” soon to be opened inside our heads / Blossom’s footnote explanation Re: “envelopes”

19th    (p.102)    I AM THE LIGHT…I AM THE LOVE…I AM…chorus helping many / When to Say, Know, and Feel the Blessing / You’re connecting up with Lighter resources / What about those large containers of Energy Light stored on ships? / Containers emptying gradually ( 3, then 2, then 1 ) and selectively / No bias, no judgment, but correct filterisation / Why are the Higher Energies “playing havoc” with us? / “Would you not say you are having good days and bad days?” / Imagine – releasing the old from ALL lifetimes / Be at ease, The Plan is very much on course / Analogy – a washing machine cycle / When do Level One Energy Containers arrive? / The Event – humanity can’t take anymore – will “washing machines” explode with Level One? / Aren’t you gaining Strength, and a deeper Knowing? / Not everybody will be able to receive Level One / What apparent differences with Level One?

28th    (p.107)     Emailing list problems for newsletter notifications / Lighter levels of Intelligent Energy threads find their way to you / I AM THE LIGHT…I AM THE LOVE…I AM  mantra to connect with/attract Energies / Boxes of Energy actuality = 7 large Spheres / “These times ‘are’ very emotional” / Topsy turvy is Universal/Global and individually/within / Where are these spheres exactly? / Are the spheres “visible to the eye”? / Are they involved with what is going on, on Earth? – And for how long? /  The purpose of the Spheres described / We come from these Spheres? / Did it create us? / Visualise and meditate to connect with the Spheres


26th   (p.111)    Much has been “diagnosed” and “put in place” – What do you mean by diagnosed? / “”Dusty” Energy has very little strength left” / Some feel we have been “hyped up” only to be left awaiting “it” / Full attention to the Love that you are, versus what is to come / How are you feeling right now? Is it joy?…Is it sadness? / What is the most important aspect which you can bring to the table? / What is it that will change your world? / I AM THE LOVE…I AM THE LIGHT…I AM “chord” = union of STRENGTH / “Every 6 months so much has transpired” – For instance? / Moving a lone object on a shelf affects ALL (Oneness) / Listing some of the huge changes behind the scenes / FOL – “We are NOT in charge of FREE CHOICE” / Mind blowing changes, Knowing you are the Light = power / Feelings with Knowing – you know “it is happening” / Suggestion for those waning ( Light “dimming” ) / Words cannot express that Feeling, that Knowing


31st    (p.115)    “Upgrade of Higher Energies fallen nicely into place” / Blossom visualises herself a column of Light saying, I AM THE LIGHT..I AM THE LOVE…I AM / Into the Knowing of the Truth of who you are / Boldly Lightworkers walking in Light & Love, leaving steps for others (“awakening“) to follow / All that is happening is leading up to something / To the “Switch”…What is the “Switch”? / New term for The Event/The Happening / Reader’s suggestion – instead of asking “when” – asking “How much work remains”? / “Changes you’re making upon your Planet are truly significant / The Awakening – Many people are seeing through the lies / World needs a shake – analogy of salt & pepper in the same jar / Blossom feeling an increase of heating – human combustion? / “Second half” accelerated by a revelation, to “blow the lid off” / Media to be in disarray – Topsy turvy world now spinning / Out of control – The Switch! / REMEMBER – Who you are…why you came…I AM THE LIGHT…I AM THE LOVE…I AM 


9th   (p.121)   The “slip” mentioned last week – media “slip of the tongue”? / Media leak to mainstream is the beginning / “Can of worms” revelations wise up the “ordinary folk” / Cover up attempts ( power elites ) will not succeed /  FOL predicted the “slip” up, can they tell us more about it? / Population’s disbelief, an unwillingness to accept the Truth – All hope is lost /  Who can they trust with the world upside down? /  Those so-called “awakened” will be shocked /  Joy of life is to come – change is coming / One’s Knowing will provide wisdom and strength / Pray for their ( lower Light ) forgiveness / Much anger and frustration, a desire to kill – Lightworkers ready and able to help / Repeat – I AM THE LIGHT…I AM THE LOVE…I AM / Prepare…Are you strong enough to assist? / We have waited…now’s the time / News dies down – not buried / Lady Blossom praying for strength, knowledge, hope, Light and Love / FOL at your side eternally with Love

18th   (p.125)   Intense energies with full moon – feeling out of sorts and melancholy / Much sadness being dispelled/absorbed by new Energies / Crisis and upheavals all over the world / How does the moon enhance it? / Turmoil is foremost in the Energies / With every breath – I AM THE  LIGHT…I AM THE LOVE…I AM – Key to freedom / The 20th > Blossom feeling better…repeating the mantra / FOL (repetition) highlights the main theme/thread of all their messages / This is why you are here on Earth / Why our Light dims at times – explained / On a path to freedom – able to help others who don’t know (“sleeping“) / Feeling despair – REPEAT THE MANTRA…FOL explains the positive effects / Hearing ugly revelations – REPEAT THE MANTRA / Building a “ladder” to “home” for all to climb / Superlative and encouraging pep talk for all Warriors Of Light / Light has won

25th  (p.130)   F.O.L.>Remove all doubts about what others fear in the future…here’s how / Ideal approach to shine through all revelations / What will come of the media’s…YouTube’s censorship…what can we do? / Does shining (Light Worker’s“) Light have a limited application? / Blossom – It hasn’t appeared as if the “Light Always Wins” / We say again – the importance/magical effect of repeating …I AM THE LIGHT…I AM THE LOVE…I AM / Remember “collecting bottles of Love”?…preparation for what is to come / Giving Energy of Light never depleted / Can you feel what you’ve been waiting for is upon you? / Topsy turviness off the charts / Lightworkers did not volunteer for a “stroll in the park” / Individual Knowing with “envelopes” opened in Divine Timing / Codes unraveled…You are a code / Blossom has questions about CODES = The Divine Matrix / Instead of moaning and groaning – suggested/encouragement- appreciate/Know ourselves (who you are), and repeat MANTRA


2nd    (p.134)     Commendation for Beings Of Light’s service on Earth by FOL /  New “normal” is approaching – a build up to The Event / Knowing the power within will protect one’s equilibrium / What should be our reaction to Lower Light revelations / Revelations of atrocities = a “wrapped gift” to unwrap with Love /  Completing the task – heart is “Light” and Lighthearted essential ( breathing & laughter & smiling ) / Are you feeling the magic saying I AM THE LIGHT.. mantra? / Repeating this – KNOW  WHO  YOU  ARE / Why have many have not “cracked the code”…yet? – Is it due to earth’s low density?…Some closer than others to “getting it” / Earthlings – Levels of understanding vary / “Experimenting with this Higher Light of yourselves” / I AM THE LIGHT…mantra is a code? / Why keep on, keeping on saying I AM THE LOVE mantra?

9th   (p.139)   The “can of worms” – News reports Re: lesser Light / “Plenty of more where that came from” / Wide range affects of the I AM THE LOVE…I AM THE LIGHT…I AM – mantra / Open hearts… send Love and compassion to those who have lost their way / Why compassion? / Big news – many are quaking in their boots /  Why are there different dates/time lines for The Event? (when?) / FOL will not discuss a date or the dates of others (channels) / Yet the FOL keep bringing up The Event/The Switch / Those in the Know lead the lost across the Bridge (“awakening“) / Waiting period has benefits / Signs The Event is coming + Feeling it / The reason you’re here – each will play a part / Does it really matter when The Event takes place? / Planet “acting up” – “dominoes” to fall and the altered weather / The weather corrects itself

15th (p.143) Blossom thanks FOL for lifting sprits, providing Love, friendship, wisdom, support (encouragement) / FOL – Blossom and Lightworkers deserve accolades / Feel the Love showering upon you / Planet’s vibration has changed, “”almost” ready” for Higher positioning / Having discovered more of yourselves – Dearest souls of Light/Love…Feel us…Know us / Connect with us…breathe deeply…I AM THE LOVE…I AM THE LIGHT…I AM / Imagine a pre-life meeting reviewing the Divine Plan / How do we Know now that we Know? / What is this Knowing that you think you don’t know? – Blossom’s answer / FOL is the remembering trigger / All Knowledge within – no need for questions / Seeking superfluous Knowledge raises more questions – you’re off track / Finding a balance with “stillness of mind” versus seeking knowledge / FOL cannot supply all answers / Divine timing will reveal all / FOL – “we cannot stress this enough (repetition) – Feel this Love Light” / “Coming of Light” = the greatest Game Changer ( The Event ) / FOL describe how they celebrate “Christmas”



9th   (p.2)   Greetings to Children of the Light gracefully accepting the position on Earth / Enormous Changes will be experienced in this “New Time/Era” / Coming years…You’re the ones saving the Planet / Onwards…No new revelations / Encouragement…All things are and taking place as they should be / Blossom – it being 2020 feels we should have made more progress / Laughter changes vibration of sorrow, pain, and disbelief / Blossom asks about disbelief? / What the news media exposes…2020 it “blows it all wide open” / What’s going on with the fires in Australia?…and Why? / Elaborating upon cleansing old Energy in “The Land of the Rock” / Explaining history versus “His Story”…a cover up / Do chemtrails have an effect upon the fires? / Character traits of Lower Light elite / “Hell within hell” for Lower Light…send Love / FOL explain “hell” / Find the Light in all things ( thoughts/thinking ) / Visualise Joy & Peace


2nd   (p.6)   Different vibrations high versus low causing the upheaval at these times / Why does it have to be so personal when clearing the Energies? ( Oneness )…and it’s been going on for decades, no? / The systematic removal of the dark side of the whole ( energies )…lesser light struggle /  Insight into the fear generating coronavirus / F.O.L. ask Blossom how she feels, hearing about the virus or other bad news? / Be free of it all…I AM THE LOVE…I AM THE LIGHT…mantra coding / “A storm of great magnitude shall break”…forces gathered to get through it / Blossom wonders why she asked, is it soon? / F.O.L. – no exact date, but likely in 2020, a year of change

9th  (p.9)   F.O.L. – Sending Loving thoughts to all is not interfering with their Free Will / Does sending Love reach those who are unaware/don’t care? / Is Love ever wasted? / “Prayer formations” are “codes” / The power of thought is beyond our imagination / Are you waiting to become what you already are?…Why? / Are those we often say, are in control of our Planet, really in control? / What if everyone on the Planet changed their attitude and belief about who is in control? / How is it we are in our own world, yet, part of everyone else’s world that’s in our world? / Blossom wonders why share knowledge that is not/cannot be understood / “Knowledge is never wasted…nothing is ever wasted” / “You run your own show!” ( Our own world )

23rd   (p.   )   Blossom requests a message to help us find “the switch” to “turn us back on” into Happier Beings / In spite of intense Light Worker challenges, much is being cleared and cleansed energetically / Greeting the intensity rising up with a “lion’s roar” ( personal power ) / Planet’s deep wounds must be cleared / Blossom expressing conflicting needs with her own “low batteries” and limited Light for the Planet / Stick with the I AM THE LOVE…I AM THE LIGHT… I AM coded mantra – it’s making a difference / Blossom acknowledges, but repeats, “where is that “switch”? / Integration of Energies, high, low, in between – “This too shall pass” / “Be joyous (smile) in your breakdown”…serving the whole ( Oneness ) and the Planet is changing / Blossom> “How much longer”?…F.O.L.> “We cannot tell you”…It’s not about time, it’s about Love / Discover Higher aspects of your being – 3 deep breaths to connect / “One step at a time/through time” ( Divine Plan ) 


3rd   (p.16)   Is the “scary” coronavirus doing what was intended? / F.O.L.> What a lovely name, Blossom Goodchild / As with all media scare tactics, listen to your truth and these 3 other things / Plenty more upheaval (topsy turvy turmoil) to come – “hold onto your hats” / Qualifying FOL’s ability to make Earthly predictions / Haven’t the “darker ones” fallen and the Light has won? / The “shift will hit the fan” / Unethical and “dangerous” (for Blossom/Light Workers) to reveal too much, and timing of revelations for the Good is essential / What is the future for the coronavirus? / Blossom senses the F.O.L. want to say, “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” / F.O.L.> “Earthly turmoil will increase greatly” / Tap into your Knowingness…a long list of all the things we knew ( pre-life) before incarnating / Many eager to volunteer…saying the I AM mantra, give gratitude being a chosen one…many were not / Every breath and step you take you are closer to freedom…keep on, keeping on

21st   (p.20)   F.O.L. > “Rejoice…( Joy ) the most amazing, exciting times encountered throughout many life times” / Media untruth generates fear… are you reading between the headlines? / The virus (COVID-19) a disguise / “Who concocted the virus, the “goodies” or “baddies?” / “Topsy Turvy was predicted…more to come / Lives lost were agreed upon… “There are no mistakes” / Those in the Know…”Stay in your Light” /  The “awakening” is happening /  The transformation could not happen in a corrupt system / Fear is spreading because of the media…many are becoming suspicious (“awakening“) / “Send your Light through the ethers” / “Laughter is the greatest healer of all” / No hints provided about what is to come…no telling how the “seed” planted will mature / The Divine Plan will not fail / Focus upon the world that is to come ( Visualise / Imagination ) / Yes, the coronavirus will die out / Be your Light…use the I AM mantra / Change is happening in the Garand Scheme of things / Multitudes of Light Beings surrounding Earth / You’re the “ground crew”


5th  (p.25) A global meditation…What the F.O.L. saw on Earth for the first time / Human transformation >Rainbow Light Beings /  Predicted rainbows are here = hope and upliftment / What about the 3 days of darkness / Global shift…humanity lifted for next phase / Individual opening of “envelopes” in Divine timing / Humanity has moved into a new timeline…new term for F.O.L. / TV’s showing small message “We are here with you” / Is this really it then?…the time the F.O.L. mentioned for years? / F.O.L. representatives will appear…in human form / How is the coronavirus “supposedly” sweeping our planet? / F.O.L.>”It is not always appropriate to speak too soon” / Listen to your Heart NOT the Internet / F.O.L.> “The time of revelation is upon you” / “Dominoes” down… Unexpected signs…Great cities of Light / Can you feel the shift? / Blossom adding “I AM THE TRUTH” to the I AM mantra…FOL explain / Blossom is comfortable, noting the F.O.L. saying, “Ship Ahoy!”

18th   (p.30)    Media hype creating misunderstanding, turmoil and havoc…discernment needed / Internal “warfare” with daytime/night time activities / “Clean up” time behind the scenes…low vibration exposé / Are you tired upon waking up? / The I AM mantra is inherent with Blossom / Blossom attacked by dark energies / Remnants of darkness  still exist / ( channeling continues 2 days later ) / Light replacing dark in all corners…most exciting time ever known ( a shift ) / A time for personal reflection ( Knowing…go within ) / Give us a hint of what is to come…can you elaborate? ( Timing ) / You shall enjoy being human / Planet transformed…nobody going anywhere / Will the topsy-turviness get worse? / There is no escape… the trap or net is just deeper / Will we be witness to everything? / I thought “all will be…The truth will be revealed”? / Keep focused upon what you Know is to come… The Event / Wave of Love to shift the world / Relief after  “The Big Show” is described / More of the real you is your experience / Repeat the I AM mantra with Feeling

25th  (p.36)    Question from reader Re: The Event…”That which is to come is on it’s way?” / You knew of these (Earth / Topsy Turvy ) challenging times…and you’re Mastering them / Blossom asks.. “What the **** is really going on”? / F.O.L. > “Keep On Keeping On” sending out PEACE, LIGHT and LOVE / Next Phase…The Plan appears sidetracked / Wait…be patient…NOW it’s happening / The opportunity ( for Lightworkers ) to explain to others is coming / Use your quiet time ( Meditation ) effectively before the announcement ( Before The Event )…World in shock / Media in a new position…the Truth unavoidable / Do not be fooled by other scenarios / Concentrate on Love…”rabbit holes” lowers one’s vibration / Readers upset ( previous channeling ) that not all the Truth will come out / Trust The Plan…Know your Truth / All you have been waiting for is happening right NOW / Who is running the show beyond the “ground crew”?…Intelligence off planet?…How?


9th   (p.40)   Blossom posts 4 F.O.L. 2018 quotes in connection with previous channeling, asks, “Are you (The F.O.L.) to be actively involved?” / Future “Announcement will confuse us more” & “face-to-face meetings” to help the Planet / F.O.L. remains hushed to keep with The Plan / FOL intentionally use the word “SOON” Re: the “announcement” / Much is taking place behind the scene / Analogy: chess / “Face-to-face meetings” are on or off planet? / “The TRUTH behind one’s confinement” / The coronavirus created by the “baddies” has backfired / Confinement ( lockdown ) of humanity has many advantages for the Light / Dis-ease to control and create fear / “Does a sudden ‘control method’ make sense?” / Control is not new on Earth / “Light players” are growing in numbers (“awakening“) / Now, the time for Change…The Event to follow / F.O.L.> Blossom…”do you believe us/trust us?” / All is taking place now >PHASE ONE / FOL’s purpose is to find us…help us find answers…our purpose (the real you) / Do not worry (Have no fear) about what’s next…stay strong…send out Rainbow Light / Hawaii Trip…”Rainbow Light Pod” / “Rainbow Light is you” / Rainbow colours > coding of your Planet / Awareness of Rainbow Light..it’s power / Overseers do not meet “face-to-face” / Meetings “on” or “off” Planet?”

17th   (p.46)    F.O.L. is everywhere / “You (the F.O.L.) don’t have an ‘actual place of residence?'” / Why do we humans feel confined to the physical body?” / Human restrictions are/will be brought to Light by New Energies / Freedom results from Knowing one’s capabilities / Populations unaware…(“awakening“) Light is building from the inside out…from within yourselves / And…Underground cities uncovered/destroyed / How many PHASES are there?…we are in # ONE / FIVE PHASES…how long will this be?…and what about The Announcement? / FOL> no specific information about PHASES / Much taking place behind the scenes / Analogies…preparations before a performance…showing one’s “cards”  ( Timing ) / The Internet can cause confusion…What is true? / PHASE TWO is almost here / The next FOUR PHASES = the Planet’s BIGGEST transformation ever / Is the Announcement in PHASE TWO? / Shift to PHASE TWO = a BAM! / Is The Event in PHASE FIVE? / Will there be ‘another lockdown yet more severe’? / Strongest of the Strong chosen…increasingly topsy-turvy / How much stronger do you Feel?…the Mantra / Send out ( visualising ) Rainbow Spheres at Light speed…Trust and pick your destinations

24th   (p.51)    F.O.L. confirms the “envelopes” have not been opened yet / The “envelopes” will open individually or an “all out mail drop”? /  Is the “envelope” openings to be connected to The Event”? / Not all humans want an “envelope” opened…leave the Planet / The Event is NOT in PHASE TWO / Mighty beings in human form limited inner Knowing and dim Light / Release the indoctrination of unworthiness by visualising & meditation & the I AM mantra / Blossom asks about Lightworkers sharing videos and channelings to “awaken” others / Balancing Rainbows & rabbit hole adventures…( alternative news/Internet ) / You are in it…Feel the excitement / Many feel they’re not doing enough, just waiting / Do not underestimate one’s Light…the POWER of the I AM Mantra / Help the Planet & the Divine Plan…by the mantra, meditation, laughing, seeing a rainbow, smiling / Just being on Earth changes the vibration / Analogy: Like being in a movie…we are…THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH / Will things return to “normal”? ( after “lockdown“)

31st   (p.55)    Question from reader > Re: “The strongest of the strong” on earth now…why so many other darkened souls also present? / The Experiment has reached the ultimate…change has to occur / An “innocent soul” in this life may once have been of the dark, like a perpetrator in another life / “So, are we talking karma here”?…What is karma? / Blossom > “With respect, not necessarily the ‘strongest of the strong’? / Blossom > The I AM mantra helps, but not always / Is the FOL disappointed in us…who seem to be “failing miserably”?…and this is only PHASE ONE / Later behind the scenes revelations will bring full understanding of these difficult times / If your “battery” is (Feeling ) low…here’s what you do… / Shifts in Energies to come will lift your spirits / About the June Solstice…is it to be the great Solar Flash?…like the Comet Atlas was to be? / Blossom is asked to look deep into the core of her heart / “Worms” ousted in PHASE TWO / Concentrate on the Rainbow Light…walk over the Bridge and sit there for a while ( visualisation ) / Rainbow Bridge Meditation with White Cloud ( 060220 )


14th   (p.58)     Readers want to know, are we in Phase 2? / Nearing the end of Phase 1…Phase 2 comes in with a “BAM” / “All is not as it seems” / What can we believe?…nothing makes sense / Blossom is a truth seeker / F.O.L.> “Hold steadfast to the Truth that you do know” / Knowing the importance of Love during topsy-turviness / Feeling hurt, lost, lonely, afraid, low in spirit?…remember Love / Connecting to Higher Energies for encouragement and upliftment / You on Earth are NOT alone…( beings of Light )…reach out and welcome them / So much more to come…deeper and more intense / The “changeover” has begun…there’s no going back / A HUGE and UNIQUE Announcement…”BAM”…begins Phase 2 / The Divine Plan is moving forward…nothing can stop a Divine outcome / Our Knowing as a being of Light is an encouragement to humanity to “awaken” / “Awaken” to claim our sovereignty / Take charge…take charge of your Feelings / It’s why we are here…”assist in changing the course of humanity” / Blossom curious about announcement…F.O.L. curious about the reaction

20th   (p.63)    Can we clarify and continue on about the Announcement? / Is it the same thing when our TV’s will be taken over? / F.O.L. is slowly assisting humanity through the transition / Lower light are holding onto what remains of their small “arsenal of weapons” / Will there be another lockdown in Phase 2? / Phase 2…more confusion / The media will be forced to expose things / Blossom says, “Who knows” what’s coming…F.O.L. says, “Know the Love that you are” (“you, the real you” ) / Is the rioting “hitting rock bottom”? / We are in for huge surprises…good & bad / Blossom reading about clones…F.O.L. has no comment / Not the FOL’s responsibility to reveal / Around our Planet’s sphere…multi-dimensions and multidimensional beings / Much taking place ( Earth changes ) behind the scenes beyond politics and world affairs / Earth comparatively small/insignificant…far bigger on a Planetary embodiment / Some feel F.O.L. speak in riddles…all served on a “plate” stunts our growth…alters the Divine Plan / Lower Light can prolong the inevitable… they cannot prevent it / Blossom >”life feels so uncertain”…FOL>not everything is uncertain >LOVE / Blossom reminded of F.O.L.’s words of Love provides a Link to THE BRIDGE


5th   (p.66)    Blossom’s frank acknowledgement of a struggle with the “State of play” / So many questions that can’t be answered / With momentum dying down…many impatient wanting to leave / F.O.L.’s perspective sees things so different / “Blossom, where are your power buttons?”(a.k.a. White Cloud’s “dimmer switch“) / F.O.L. reveal timing for the 2nd lockdown ( covid-19 ) and the big Announcement ( into Phase two ) / The Plan is in place moving forward / Later Phases we’ll wish we were where we are now / Photo of a ( Link provided ) Pillar of Light in New York City, NY, USA / What are these pillars of Light and why? / More advanced and dynamic pillars of Light are to follow / What is it about these times…why Blossom and others feel “stuck in the mud”? / F.O.L. suggests > Keep repeating the Mantra I AM THE LOVE…I AM THE LIGHT…I AM THE TRUTH…I AM / F.O.L.’s “sunny” perspective described…suggesting we take a look / Like a GPS, our Heart our Feelings will direct us

11th  (p.70)   (Encouragement from the F.O.L.)  Mantra used widely and helping…Blossom receiving encouragement from readers / Knowing who we really are remembering our “AMAZING BEINGNESS” helps during awkward times / The (Divine) Plan unfolding as planned / Step into your power as the strongest of the strong / What we knew in advance about these times…we felt honoured and lucky to be chosen…”Recall this Knowing” / Being the I AM PRESENCE upon Mother Gaia in the depths of greed and despair / NOW is the time to restore Gaia’s rightful position / The Joy that awaits you…also lies within you / FOL must abide by protocol…there is no desire to create misery / Find ( you ) your place in this New World / Souls of Light STEP INTO YOUR POWER…NOW / To assist remembering our pact…Visualise pulling open the curtains with gusto / “Change the worst of times into the best of times” / For change to happen >it’s imperative you KNOW it is within your power to do so /  You see changes occurring…different than waiting…more patience required / Why can’t the F.O.L. tell us how long the transformation (.phases ) will take? / Feeling hopelessness…visualise this and ask for these > a LIST

19th   (p.74)    Have we had the HUGE announcement beginning Phase 2? / F.O.L. cannot divulge the contents of the announcement / The lockdown will be the same but with other involvements / Humanity displaying a variety of motivations > sincere, amusement, and disruptive / The lower light think they’re suppressing the Light / There is Good News / What is taking place behind the scenes will astound / In the meantime “FEEL THE IMMENSE LIGHT POURING INTO YOUR PLANET” / Reach out to and welcome the Angelic realms to discus your Freedom / Many have been soul searching (“awakening“) during these times of isolation / Imagine a world that will be joyful in every waking moment /  Evidence of positive changes in Nature already / Financial systems discarded….each soul to be living in abundance / Equality for will be EQUALITY for all / Low vibrational traits cannot reside where you’re going / Yet, won’t there still be those of lower vibration remaining on Earth? ( see next channeling for F.O.L.’s response ) / So, it isn’t the end of the dark days on Planet Earth? / Describing the low level of darkness, and those lured into it like an addictive drug / Offer forgiveness…”Not one soul ever truly wanted to go there.” / Details of duality…souls “playing their part” / What does it mean that some “sell their souls”? / Hold to the Truth…3 breaths…say the Mantra

26th   (p.78 )    It isn’t the end of the dark days…won’t there still be those of lower vibration remaining on Earth? / With the darkness “cracked open” it will no longer function as it was / Crossing The Bridge” = Individuals will find themselves after the “Sweep of Light Love Energy” / Individuals and The Bridge > ignorant of…miles from it…or a foot on it /  The current divide within humanity…what is it? / Proof of what’s been taking place >”Fully Blown Topsy Turvy” / A BLAST of Truth to come / No questions of “conspiracy” / Lower vibration individuals feel the effects of The Wave / The Wave = The Event / Dark days are ending…still a “walk” after hearing the call towards The Bridge / What about the push for vaccines and AI?…Not going to happen / To anchor Light Love in those that cannot…we need to take to heart, concentrate “souley” on the Light Love / Lower vibration need not be darkness, just a lower frequency / Blossom reflects upon 15 years of telepathic channeling and the current information all of which she has no proof / The Truth…each person needs to decipher and follow their own truth


11th   (p.82)    F.O..L> “Home is considered Knowing Of Truth”…Blossom feels miles away / F.O.L. has already provided the “TOOLS” to see us through…The Mantra / ( visualise ) Looking down upon your planet and shine your light / While waiting for the “BAM” announcement ( Phase Two ) build strength and Knowing / Blossom > we would like to know what’s going on / F.O.L. > “Blossom, do you believe the Great Change is coming?” / “Blossom, are you discouraged?” / Also a time of great Inner Change…emerge brighter / Be who you are, what you’re feeling every given moment / Our choice to turn up the “Dimmer Switch” / Early stages are preparation for what is to come / Repeat to self> “I am on my way to a brighter world” /  About the Announcement…its delivery and by whom will reveal / Patience required / Blossom > the Announcement could be next year / F.O.L. > “Remember why you came… why did you volunteer?” / Blossom’s vibration has changed…a higher vibration is accessible on Earth / The order of the day > more Meditation

16th  (p.86)    Blossom grateful for 15 years of channeling / Revelations to come like a “complete takeover” vs “trickling’s” / Called the Grand Awakening is appropriate / Why so much under wraps for so long?…Divine (Plan) Timing / The Huge Announcement shortly upon you / Are you positive this will all work out?…F.O.L.> “It’s in the bag” / “Love conquers all” /  Clarifying the “harvest” taking place now / All will share in fairness to benefit from the “harvest” / “Is the 2nd lockdown to be global and connected to the virus? / In spite of the weight and enormity, ultimately it is a Game / Bring Lightness back into The Game / Let laughter ring out…so all children know laughter / Visualise the celebrations to come…hold fast to this Knowing / Blossom> Is it the Federation Of Light?…or…the Galactic Federation Of Light?…F.O.L.> “We are the “Overseers of the Overseers”

23rd   (p.89)    Are we from different planets/places? / Blossom > Are the “other Me’s” out there checking in on my progress? / The merging of all “Me’s” same as “blending into the Oneness when meditating?” / Is everything on Earth that we know a big lie? / The lies will be revealed…but not by the F.O.L. / F.O.L.’s (purpose) role > to guide and assist to hold fast one’s (Knowing) heart feeling who they are / Phase One is like a hors d’oeuvre comparison to what’s coming / Words do not suffice…the F.O.L.says, “So Big” and “The Greatest Change” / Multiple shocks “awaken” those slumbering / Will Phase Two BIG announcement be obvious, or authoritatively questionable? / Do the current corona virus lies deeper than politics/government? / Wait for the Announcement, do not go down questionable “rabbit holes” now /  The ONE TRUTH we Know…when our heart speaks / Return to LOVE > The I Am mantra / Current “Limbo” of these last phases of Phase One =”The calm before the storm” / Your new roles ( envelopes? ), the biggest of your lives becomes apparent VERY SOON… Keep on preparing / Blossom > difficult to meditate daily / The Divine Plan, “it cannot be messy” / Blossom to FOL > Try my “shoes” on “holding the fort” / F.O.L.> knowing who we are with “absolute strength” find it interesting you doubt/falter

30th   (p.94)    In a waiting mode with questions unanswered Blossom asks, “Where do we go from here?” /  The Great Divide with confusion, despair, yet much HOPE / Explaining “The New Human” / How was The New Human “taken away?” / As HAPPY as we can be now, is far from how HAPPY we were, can be, will be / Our purpose is to bring true HAPPINESS to fruition / A Knowingness of Truth to be presented on screens and devices ( revelations ) / Shocking news versus “The absolute delight” / Will the BIG Announcement be “The Turning Point?” / Premature revealing things would “spoil the surprise” / More uncertainty to come /  Subsequent PHASES will not bring contentment to all / Hold onto your Light… ( keep on, keeping on )… that is why you’re here NOW ( purpose ) / Current events allow everyone to see things ( a revealing )  as they have been / Why are we here?…How should we BE here?…not a “kamikaze mission” / Avoid the confusion and anger…say the I AM mantra…connect with The Divine Source / All you need to know to see you through / F.O.L. understands our wants and needs to know / But questions and answers are not essential NOW / Is the BIG Announcement going to reveal everything at once? / A variety of reactions and choices ( Free Will ) by humanity are unknown  


6th   (p.99)    Blossom > “It’s mind boggling…not so easy to know what is and what isn’t the Truth.” /  Know of this Love that you are / Blossom > ‘Can you tell us more about “the dark ones are living their Truth?”‘ / All those of the dark are not acting upon their own choices, are they? / Things become clearer moving into a Higher Vibration / Blossom > “How did it ever get to this state?…so-called ‘history’ is a lie…why now is so much coming out?…is it the truth or another lie? / Blossom> Have lesser Light beings kept us as slaves since they arrived? / Did Earth get to this point because of Free Will? / Blossom > Won’t there be a lot of “shift to hit the fan” before things change? / Focus upon the Goodness to come keeps your vibration high / Blossom > ‘I ask questions, and what is true, but it’s not for the F.O.L. to say yes or no / F.O.L.> “It is permitted for us, the Overseers of Overseers, to speak about an Announcement and a 2nd lockdown / The future will take everyone’s ‘lifetime’ different from what they have known / Waiting for the Announcement shall soon be over

13th   (p.103)    Blossom’s Knowing all will be well is becoming stronger / In spite of all the confusion and disruption notice how much more depth of Knowing Of Self / New information should filter through you, not reside within, as do the “gifts of renewal”…an upgraded human being / Trusting in your Truth shall expand exponentially / Vibratory Frequency of Positive thoughts allows the New World to draw closer / With the understanding of the increasing turmoil, keep focused upon the “Outcome” / Let’s consider “sainthood” a figure of speech / F.O.L.> We “harp on” about the Knowing of Self, because it’s the Game Changer / Blossom> Elaborate on the “filing cabinet” unlocked within us / Blossom> “How do we know that we know everything?” / The more practical assignment – To Be Your Light… and why? ( priorities ) / What of those that are “Not feeling it…the activation?” / Blossom> That has to be the statement of the year – “Be flexible in your thoughts” / Newly “awakened” ones to be assisted by “the wings of angels”

20th   (p.107)    The time for The Great Awakening…When is “Opening Night?” / “Present ourselves as beacons…as Lighthouses for all that are lost…to find you / Acknowledge your position NOW…the time we have been seeking is here / How to know this Knowing?…You know it’s Feeling / Do not be overwhelmed by thoughts of shocking disbelief…(revelations)…Detach and let go / F.O.L describes our future, the one we need to Know and FEEL now / What is your Joy?…What is your passion?…add you part to the Divine Plan / ( priorities )  Don’t invest your valuable energy into the goings on behind closed doors / What will happen to those who “don’t choose to choose it?”…( Free will & Life Planning & One’s Path ) a few scenarios, but no right or wrong path / Many are concerned about family and friends choosing differently / Is the Rainbow Bridge metaphorical? / Blossom elaborates upon the Rainbow Bridge

27th  (p.111)  About the timing for the Huge Announcement and the 2nd lockdown…”depending upon actions and reactions” / Blossom > “Why can you not tell us even roughly?” / An enormous Divine Plan…more than a “flick of a switch” required for change / Continue fulfilling your role…sending out Light…TRUST it is making a difference / (Impatience? ) How to speed things up > “Be more of yourselves” ( You, The Real ) / Blossom > “At times, I am not doing the best that I can…I get dragged under…I feel guilty and despondent sometimes… why?” / F.O.L. > “Whether you are feeling down or up…you are still radiating Light / Continue the I AM mantra…”it’s ‘effect’ is beyond worldly wide”…the ways it helps are listed / Blossom, are you concerned about more Topsy Turviness and not shining your Light then? / What about ULURU, Dec 21st ceremony, and the Elders of this land Australia…Is this the date of the Event? / A metaphorical vision of a Rock with flames around signifying…these things / There will be Change…but it’s not The Event / Self deprecating Blossom…The F.O.L. > “You speak for many, representing many souls


3rd   (p.115)    Energy levels for the Greater Good are increasing / Smiling during revelations of unspeakable happenings and turmoil is commendable / No debate ~ transformation is happening, but not much visible evidence / The BIG announcement = HUGE wake up call ( “awakening” ) / Leads to a more sinister Lockdown / Who is behind the Lockdown?…no answer / Events provide a deeper Knowing of a transformed world / Do you REMEMBER why you’re here? ( Life Planning ) / More are Feeling the Power of that Knowing / F.O.L. > Keep On Keeping On / Available within > Incredible source of Love, Light and Power / How to reach this Power within / Blossom asks > Are you sure there’s no limitation of that Power? / Let Go! of limiting beliefs / “The only thing stopping you …is you” / Let go! of that indoctrination…Let Go! ( “Awaken!” ) / ANALOGY > When you drive a car is like our soul being in a human body ( human experience ) / All souls are of the Light…even those of the dark (Light/Lower) / The most magnificent days of Joy ahead over the Rainbow Bridge / Not long before the next Phase begins…Blossom > “What?”

11th  (p.119)    The F.O.L. do not have a political opinion / U.S. Elections for the Greater Good Of All…trusting that is essential / Topsy Turvy forecast…be prepared, don’t get scared  ( Fear ) / The Announcement is soon…shocking / Before the U.S elections / Is there anything that could stop the announcement? / F.O.L.’s previous channeling > Phase Two is soon / Announcement > Global Lockdown > Phase Two / Blossom > Will we be stunned by what takes place in Phase two? / TRUSTING the Divine Plan a MUST / Ask your Heart…Knowing this ( Life Plan ) is why you came / F.O.L.> knowing who you are, we find it peculiar you have doubts / Could the Plan swing the other way? / White Cloud >”All is not as it seems”…All is well ( illusion ) / “How would you define God, Blossom?” / The Divine Plan > To bring Earth into the Highest Vibrations it has ever known / Hang onto TRUSTING this Knowing / Blossom recalls two song…lyrics  from the WWII era…”land of my dreams”…”smile, smile, smile” / Those who Know their Light…Get through the darkest times (perseverance) / F.O.L. > “We did not say each Phase would be worse”

18th   (p.123)   The F.O.L.> “Winning streak is around, above, and within”…White Cloud > “Know the Light has won”…Blossom > “I know and Trust a Divine Plan” / In spite of the media, deep dark secrets to be revealed / A deeper Knowing of Truth will emerge / Mandatory vaccines will not happen / Though sinister, a dark agenda has “cracks” and the Light will get through ( Light/Lower Activities ) / Phase Two lockdown = “double edged sword” / Events NOW are to CHANGE EVERYTHING FOREVER / Explosion of emotions (Feelings ) to “awaken” many / Meditate in PEACE / Imagine ( Visualise ) a new world of PEACE encompassing all and everything / But will it happen in our lifetime? ( Impatience ) / Divine Plan is on target…it’s the reason why you came / The Game has played itself out…LOVE conquers all / Why do some get infuriated about THE GAME? / Soon to be no longer in that Game… but a new and different Game / EVERYTHING is a GAME / What is a Game?…a definition / LOVE is never ending…playing Games FOREVER / Love IS and ALWAYS will be the perfection of itself

24th  (p.127)   One more week before the US elections, will the announcement take place? / F.O.L.> “…we mean what we say” ( Truth )  / Blossom conversing with the F.O.L. for 15 years / Questionable events…2008 No show and 2011 No Pillar of Light / Blossom > “If the Announcement is not revealed before the Elections…?” / “TRUST is a delicate issue amongst 15 year-old friends” / F.O.L.> “If we were there with you at home…would you Trust us more?” / The F.O.L.’s Energy of Truth…the same as when connecting with White Cloud / Blossom > I will have to question you if there is no Announcement before November 3rd / Blossom > “Why give us a time frame for the Announcement?” ( Impatience ) / The Announcement, the lockdown, and 5 Phases are in the cards / F.O.L.’s mission – to enlighten and encourage / Energy of Love resides in many levels, frequencies and vibrations / F.O.L.> “We KNOW the outcome of this “Drama” … we do not question it…” ( Truth ) / F.O.L.> “Do you believe us on that particular matter?…Where does your hope lie”?


1st  (p.132)    Just a few days left? / “Lies and deceit have overrun your Planet…The Divine Master cannot allow it to continue” ( Divine Plan ) / The time is NOW to recognize this TRUTH within / Illustration: The caterpillar from the cocoon / In time…you will Know who you are and AWAKE /Talk of Martial Law will NOT take place / F.O.L.> “Blossom, we encourage you to question (us)”…the Light within has to Know itself and Know for itself / “What about those who do not feel you to be this way?  ( “Asleep” ) / What is to come…shall find one in a position of such POWER / The Announcement is to come / Blossom > “It simply amps up my trepidation!” / F.O.L.> “Can you not FEEL the absolute electricity in the air?” / Blossom> “I think more about being validated, for once, than I do about what the announcement may entail” / The difference between “believing” versus Knowing = the Truth that lies within / F.O..L > “Blossom…we ask that you once again, choose to accept it ( your role as a channel.)”…”If there’s no announcement, well, who knows? I don’t”

7th   (p.135)    Blossom’s inbox overflowing…many wondering where the Announcement is? / Blossom hits “rock bottom” yet becoming stronger / F.O.L.> “We will not back down on that which we said”…should that not work out in the “assumed” time frame / No apologies made, nor are necessary / F.O.L. pleased that only a few have “jumped (.the Blossom./.FOL.) “ship” / So, this announcement thing…is it still to come? / F.O.L.> “There is still time before the elections” /  Beings of Light may get angry and disheartened, but cannot and will not give up / A lot more confusion to come / “One MUST remain in their heart-space” / Keep saying the I AM mantra, no matter what happens / The MANTRA is CODE providing strength / Not in Phase Two yet / Lockdowns are varied now…”So you’re still saying GLOBAL?” / Keep holding that Sword of Light up to the skies / There is no waiting…it is happening / If one can’t TRUST us ( The FOL/The Divine Plan ) then trust your Heart/your own pathway / F.O.L.> Blossom, do you consider it worthy enough…to continue on? / F.O.L. breathed a sigh of relief…it’s official, Blossom and the F.O.L. back in business

15th   (p.140)    Each BREATH sends the Love that is everything into your Heart / Life is a GAME…helps us get through these difficult times / How do feel playing a game when you know you will WIN? / The Light has already WON / Unaffected by ongoing controversies ( perseverance ) / Feeling conflicted?  say the Mantra / Mantra carries weight within…it’s CODED…lifts the vibration / Those who do not Know…don’t say the Mantra are lifted / Repeating the Mantra greater strength is added / The repeated Mantra can take the place of a missed Meditation / Contribute to changing the World by saying the Mantra / FEEL the Mantra, the strength as your saying it with others / Not just a Mantra it is a CODE containing Light Language + Vibrational Signal / Mantra energies are received off planet / Analogy > a harmonious choir reaching a climax / Breathing, saying the Mantra while playing the Game, Know that you’re playing your part (Light Worker), and the LIGHT HAS WON / Adding things to the Mantra too often imbalances the Code / Going within ( meditation ) to stillness is our PAUSE BUTTON for the current “rollercoaster” ride / MEDITATION “a time out” to “take time in” > Inside yourselves /  F.O.L. has provided helpful coping  “TOOLS” / Meditation is NOT an order…a suggested a strategy in The Game / Time and space for Meditation = more of yourself to Love

22nd  (p.143)   Messages from readers appreciated the Mantra info…but what about the Big Announcement? / Big Announcement will not “slip through” to go unnoticed / The Announcement is like a package…not everything revealed at once / With future hindsight the waiting period will be fully appreciated / Carry on…Warriors of Light have the freedom to choose their path / This is your purpose…in it to the end / Blossom likens the path going at a snails pace / Future turmoil will have us dreaming of being it like a snails shell / Many people will be lost…the Ground Crew will remain holding the Light / Your strength and Knowing increasing…no longer a “pretense to know” / Feeling the TRUTH inside your Hearts…the TRUTH of who you actually are / As more darkness is revealed…more of the Light is discovered / The Knowing > contrasting Wi-Fi to a dial up phone / Feeling like you’re stuck on a “spin cycle”… the turmoil will end / ( perseverance ) Rise up ! > In Strength, in Love, in light, in Truth, into the Knowing / Tell your Being how much you LOVE it…Love yourselves more, it’s part of the Plan

28th   (p.147)    The F.O.L. is aware of how people are feeling and their frustrations / Service to mankind and the Divine Plan growing stronger by Light forces from elsewhere / Blossom > We are doing our best not knowing what’s going on / No evidence “The Light has won” requires TRUST, FAITH, STRENGTH / Have you had enough of the F.O.L.?…What Keeps you, keeping on? / NOW is the time > Light overcoming the dark / Coding in the MANTRA connects you with Source / The GRAND TEAM ( Lightworkers ) = Everyone is playing their role / Do not be confused by the MEDIA…seek the Knowing > only LOVE makes sense / Delve into your passion > gardening, art, anything to bring JOY and laughter / Blossom finds it difficult to be Joyful all the time…F.O.L. as “and your conclusion when you feel this way?”…Blossom’s answer / No evidence the Light has won…Is this just another “holding onto” that which never comes? / THE TEAM volunteers with important roles dropped out…too hard / F.O.L.’s strong desire to assist reaching soul-self for inner strength / Return to the I am Mantra and why


5th   (p.151)    Blossom inquires about monoliths appearing around the world / Blossom > “Lady Blossom of the Light” / Monoliths are connected to the Pillars of Light / The purpose of and the timing of the Monoliths described / The monolith found by humans in Utah / What if humans…the government keep removing the monoliths? / “Blossom, do you believe in life outside your planet? / What about December 21, 2020…is this an important date? / Re:12-21-20 > Describing the effects of the increased Light and Energies, increasing awareness for all / Turmoil will exist on the Planet / Unlike 2012, will the 12-21-20 changes be noticeable; tangible? / Much depends upon the state of BEING for each individual / Mass gatherings of like-minded people ( Oneness ) to anchor Energies / All that is taking place > The Divine Plan playing out / When monoliths and our connection to other worlds will be common place / F.O.L. > “You are here to be the Anchors of the Light  ( Lightworkers ) / The Divine Oneness is changing the world together ? F.O.L. list the basic things we need to KNOW…”tools” to move mountains

12th   (p.155)    Let’s start with the topic of monoliths…many more showing up / F.O.L. > “Blossom, maybe you are starting to believe us?” / Too much information would ‘ruin the surprise’…interfere with the Plan / Monoliths will be activated at the right time / An Energy never known before…connected to the Sun = “Their Key” / Monoliths arrive in stages / Are the monoliths connected to the huge Announcement? / Monoliths are “activators” of what? / Monoliths will form a grid / Monoliths will appear like star beams / The purpose of the monoliths described / The monoliths are connected to the opening of the “ENVELOPES” / Blossom decides not to ask “when?” / Monoliths are connectors to…a short list of major things / Many people will choose to leave (polarisation) / Monoliths are “receptors” of? / The Sun is a portal of Source energy…are the monoliths connected to the Sun? / Is there a connection to The Great Event? / What is required for one to deprogramme and walk into their Truth? / What is the significance of the term “rebooting” connected to the monoliths? / See/FEEL yourselves soar into a higher recognition of YOU, of TRUTH

19th  (p.159)   Readers wish continue hearing about the monoliths and the BIG Announcement / Do not forget changes in 2020 / Next year stronger Energies to increase Knowing / Monolith tracking website total = 86 / Imitation monoliths serve a good purpose / How do we know which ones are real? / Conserve your Energies wasted upon speculations about What and When? ( impatience ) / Priority> Knowing of Self = the Key / In spite of delays, the Big Announcement will happen / Can you talk about December 21st ?…much speculation / The gathering for the I AM Mantra with White Cloud / Many gatherings…Planetary Energy shift (Mass meditations) recognising a “turning point” / Blossom has no expectations / A deep Knowing removes all doubts / (Lightworkers) “You wanted to be here” / “When you Know…You Know! / Smile in the Knowing…the “start” of the shift / TRUST these things > a short list / More monoliths to come / True Star Beams ( monoliths ) cannot be destroyed…beyond human know how / F.O.L. > Thanks to all those reading their messages…highly honoured to serve / The F.O.L. is with you, serving, assisting, Loving



3rd   (p.2)   The shift gradually falling into place…F.O.L. provide a list of things to come / Mysterious personal appearance not revealed / Humanity’s patience taken to the limit…Blossom says, “beyond that” / Hindsight later in 2021 will make sense why the wait was necessary / F.O.L.> “Changes are already taking place” / Blossom asking for a little proof / F.O.L.> Do you have faith in the Divine Plan / Delays due to misconduct / UPDATE > Monoliths / Purpose for the monoliths and what will take place…”The Icing on the cake” / Science fiction are downloads of what is to come / 2021 will bring immense changes / Feeling “the light at the end of the tunnel” before you see it / Blossom recalls timely lyrics, “Walk on, walk on, with hope in your hear, and you’ll never walk alone”

10th  (p.7)    Things are topsy turvy but no announcement yet / Announcement will be HUGE and a BIGGER one after that / Deeper Knowing of the Divine Plan no cause for alarm / Not in Phase Two yet?…feels like phase 492 / “Dia”/”Dire” = These times are a means of passing through the old state of affairs /  F.O.L.> Remain focused upon your Knowing why you are here” / Millions will soon be shocked and feel lost….your “Envelopes” will open /  Opening “envelopes” over a period of time feeling different/knowing and confident/courageous/strength / Time Spheres explained / F.O.L.> “You are ready…to engage in offering Light to others in shock” /  “It is time… The final battle between Light and dark / “Anchor in your power”… the most difficult times to endure / Trust the Divine Plan

17th  (p.12)   NOW… new dawn rising…recharged Knowing and understanding / Huge announcement to come / You are ready for the upheaval to come on unimaginable scale…some reminders / Repeat the Mantra as often as you think necessary / The Divine knows better / Questions for our consideration about these times / Describing the “Lightness” to be felt when the Truth in unleashed / Now at a tipping point…future messages will be different / Suggested that Blossom not be concerned about a topic of interest / When Truth is revealed…no doubting the Light has won / F.O.L. enCOURAGEment…How to hold your Light /  A Divine Plan means nothing to fear

24th  (p.16 )   Last channeling “The wait is over”…what happened? / The announcement delayed…a change of plans / How can a Divine Plan have “unforeseen circumstances? / The Plan continues to play itself out / Blossom> Can you say any more about the “unforeseen circumstances?”…”What happened?” / Question from readers > “Which ‘party’ is for the Light in these confused times?” / Many souls of Light are found in both ‘parties’…explanation / The difference lies in the fact one un-Godly ‘party’ condemns those who do not feel the same / The deeper reason for saying the Mantra explained / The letdown of inauguration day (2021) should NOT change your Truth (perseverance) / What is your Truth? / Trust the Plan…Trust your path


7th   (p.20)   Consensus of readers> “Feeling humiliated amongst family and friends nothing is happening” / Mutual feelings of Love…F.O.L. & Ground Crew…diminished when strength and courage is depleted / It only appears nothing is taking place / Warriors of Light will console weary when “BAMS” take place / Your purpose to mend Hearts will restore courage and strength / Knowing in your Heart is the ONLY proof / Feelings of humiliation are an individual’s choice / Feeling riled and humiliated OR NOT…say the Mantra / Wound’s from Loved ones  builds Strength for the Soul…it’s how it works / No middle ground Knowing/accepting the F.O.L. / Respectfully, changing Earth from dark to Light is more than the ‘human’ brain can grasp / Throwing humanity a sign to give hope would alter the Divine Plan / F.O.L. > “Hang on”… Focus upon these ( perseverance ) / Mainstream media and entertainment is devoid of Love and Light…Imagine a new Earth

14th  (p.25)  F.O.L. wish to uplift those lacking courage and strength / Blossom > how long is this waiting game going to go on? /  You TRUST, HOPE, and LOVE Knowing change is upon you / F.O.L.’s response to Blossom’s concern about the vaccines / The bigger picture says the “state of play upon Earth is ever-changing” / How DEATH is viewed differently on and off Planet / The Internet is a planned to confuse those of the Light / Listen to the Truth in your Heart…it Knows / F.O.L. > will keep reminding us…we wanted to be here /  It is tough … and it will get tougher…BE PREPARED /  The Mantra is designed to strengthen…explaining how / / KEEP ON KEEPING ON  with the mantra = the “key to the door” / Going within versus down a “rabbit hole” / Blossom reports on Monoliths…not all are genuine / Blossom > What can we talk about that we haven’t talked about? / Strength lies within…not down rabbit holes / A list of all that we Know…is all we need to Know

21st   (p.29)   Readers are concerned about more topsy turvy / Built in “mechanism” providing strength when needed / Truths to be revealed will shock many and change one’s reality / What does “topsy turvy” refer to? / How is it that when thing get worse…they will be getting better? / Clarifying Strength…comparing physical and inner strength / Topsy turvy = Truth is a good thing / Your purpose for being on the Planet now…Unification of lost souls / The importance of hugging for humanity…”Love hugs shall be the order of the day” / F.O.L. > you are ready…everything you need is inside…awaiting the assignments / A list of reminders…What is of great importance now? ( priorities ) / Reflecting upon your Knowledge of LOVE…key to being of service in strength / Once the “ball is rolling” things fall into place rapidly / No mistakes in a Divine Plan / In the Mantra what is the “I AM” referring to?… what are the expansive implications? 

28th  (p.34)   Rumors of an energy Light boost coming…is this so? / Not all is bleak on Planet Earth…Shifts and cleansing…many “Off Planet” assisting / Many “awakening” over the last year…increasing Light and Strength / Blossom > “Are “envelopes” opening?” / “Awakening” is about ‘One’s’ own timing / A growing intolerance for lies and deceit > human rights action / Imagine a chorus saying the Mantra / How to claim your right to be on a Planet of LOVE (your destin ) /  The ONLY thing that can stop you…YOU / But, what of those in continual lockdown? / How do you Know the Light has won? / Discussing the difference of saying “Your Truth” Versus “The Truth” / How can we be “patient with the soul-self?” / Significance of “Coming into your own” (STRENGTH) “Walking into yourself” / Being fed up with things versus making the most of this quiet time / Urge  to…how to visualisation “recharge” daily like charging your phone


14th   (p.39)   Blossom wondering if we are still in Phase One? / Feeling Love as we read the F.O.L. messages depends upon how we receive it / Identifying ourselves as a Lightworker clarified / During this Phase One much is taking place…though no evidence of it / The effects of the lower Light throwing a “curve ball” / Each of the five Phases will not be the same length / What is the significance and the proper understanding of those who “CHOOSE” ignorance (reject truth) and the “jab”? / Can you be wrong if you are following your Heart? / What does our current experience on Earth amount to in comparison to ALL THERE IS? / Qualifying the Love felt for those we are detaching ourselves due to choices made on this side of the veil / F.O.L. express thanks and enCOURAGEment to all Lightworkers on Earth…on the front line 

21st   (p.44)   Blossom asks about the status of the Announcement / Revealing a particular matter is the “BIG GAME CHANGER” / The “matter” to be revealed is not down any current “rabbit hole” / The one announcing the “matter” is also be a shock / Unexpected setbacks cause the delay (impatience) / The Mantra will get you through these times / What’s happening with the monoliths?…all in place, but… /  Do the monoliths have anything to do with the Announcement? / How is Patience connected to Strength? / Though we say you are ready these are your tasks 

…a list (priorities) / Describing the connection of the Monoliths with The Event / Moving the Planet to a higher dimension / The evolutionary expansion of one’s truth, to the BIGGER TRUTH…< Blossom’s ah-ha moment / Acquiring patience > 3 deep breaths and SMILE

28th   (p.49)   Are you tired of the “Waiting Game”? / You are here ( path or purpose ) for the long haul goes beyond current activities/goals / You are making a difference / No media coverage of protests does not stop the energetic lift for the Whole / Removal of choices is “waking” people up / How do you know there is a Divine Plan? / The insanity CAN be trusted there is something going on / Why does the Divine Plan have so many casualties? / Is it really a casualty from a Higher perspective? / Could the surprise guest making the Big announcement be seen as CGI? / F.O.L. spread the Truth because it is their mission…why? / Taking part in something that has never happened before / You will Know it…you will Feel it / In the meantime Blossom is carrying on to help “awaken” others


11th   (p.53)    F.O.L. has been monitoring Earth and beyond / Blossom’s channeling the F.O.L. helps lift the vibration of the Planet…Earth is the main focus / How does the F.O.L. see us/monitor us? / F.O.L. limited in ways to “step in and rectify” and assisting humanity / Are you feeling dizzy and vertigo…the cause / Who controls the flow of energies to the Earth? / Who devised and implemented the Divine Plan? / A metaphor of a “seed”…”root”…”branches” to explain our connection to Source Love…back and forth energetic flow / LOVE= LIFE…LIFE = LOVE = Billions of vibrational frequencies / How are mathematical equations connected to/expressed in frequencies? / Divine Plan affects everything / What is the “point of no return”…and what does it mean? / Mother earth to be healed / Time for darkness on Earth is over


Hello Everyone.   We all know the Power of Positive thinking and this is why I am choosing to share the following with you all. ….. On Wednesday, my husband, Goody was struggling with remembering the day’s events. Then he was alright again. To be on the safe side we went to the hospital on Thursday, and after a CT scan, he was booked in Friday for an MRI, where they discovered a brain tumor! Friday night down to Brisbane hospital and this coming Tuesday he will be having it removed! What an incredible few days. ….. I cannot tell you how many Angels are around us! He is in no pain whatsoever, and if it wasn’t for Wednesday’s episode we would not have discovered it. Everything is going splendidly and we are both fine. So much support and Love. It just fills up our hearts. …. If it feels right to do so, would you be so kind as to send HEALING RAYS to my darling man, Goody? Whose attitude and strength are simply outstanding. I am so very proud of him. ….. WE KNOW THAT WITH SO MUCH LOVE FROM YOU ALL EVERYTHING WILL CONTINUE TO GO EXTREMELY WELL AND WE SHALL BE HOME IN NO TIME.  ALL IS AS SHOULD BE! ….. Naturally, it is likely that I shall not be channeling for a few weeks, or answering emails. Yet, I am expecting to get back on board once things have settled down. ….. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. ….. The Mantra has brought us both so much courage and serenity. …. So, until the next time I write ….. I send you all much Love ….. Hang on in there ….. Changes are a’comin!   

See GalacticChannelings.com for posted video   http://galacticchannelings.com/english/blossom18-04-21.php


18th   (p.57)    Antidote for Planet’s “wretchedness” / Do you Feel the depth of this Knowing? / More insanity to come / Divine Plan still in place…yet so much can be told or seen / F.O.L.> Nothing new to say…Patience / Exercising patience Love and Strength will grow / We recommend “skipping” / Going down (rabbit holes) “deeper than deep” find a dead-end…better to hold your Light / Can you ignore what’s going on out there…should we? / How can we “remain in love with life”? / “Do you commend yourself for being chosen to be here now? / Remember your enthusiasm to jump on board…REMEMBER! / “The worse it gets the stronger you become!” / Feel the Love and the chanting of the Mantra / Many benefit from reading Blossom’s previous conversations with the F.O.L.

30th   (p.62)     F.O.L. messages are an exchange of energy /  What is the meaning of “I AM THE TRUTH” in the Mantra? /  An analogy> the times table memorized in childhood compared to the Mantra /  Not quite at the point when things get real topsy turvy / “Within the chaos, one’s being finds the Truth of who they are / Will everybody find themselves? / Why allow the elite to wipe out the population? / Why not wipe out the elite? / The delayed revelation of her husband’s illness helps Blossom to reflect upon what we don’t see/don’t know that are happening / Best to focus upon WHAT YOU KNOW > a List in review / One’s soul contract will determine if one realizes why they are here, when they are here / If everything has taken place already, how does evolving bring about newness? / Energies stronger and expanding…”Events” drawing closer / Are the baddies Truth and Love? (beings of Light?) / Remembering all is slow but coming…remember the Mantra…it’s all you need to know now


9th   (p.66)     Many readers would rather know when things will turn around on Earth / Taking a new perspective of revised information can be seen as “new” / Many have reached greater Heights of understanding…within / Can you Feel the assistance of the higher Energies? / Power of the Mantra “hooking up” with the new Energies / Why do many need to experience the personal traumas? / Metaphor>”the cocoon into the butterfly” / Blossom asked to reflect upon the hardships in her life /  F.O.L. > “We told you…you were ready and you are” / Sequel to these “last chapters” a different Energy, a New Dawn / You are doing extraordinarily well / Will we become a mass of automated robotically controlled species? / We are “the paddle” in the proverbial “poop creek without a paddle” / Blossom’s family health issues > realizes being out of the loop shining our Light is all that matters 

19th   (p.69)    Being upon the Earth plane is but one of many illusions / Darkness is not really hidden…human senses have been numbed / “Awakening” is an opening of the heart to Knowing to see the disguise / F.O.L. explain what “awakening” means for a human / The beginning of understanding why we are here…and the importance of shining our bright Light / Strength and power hinges upon understanding in a “different Light” / Contemplate our progress in Truth, Understanding, Knowing to alleviate disappointments/frustrations that the dark is in control / Take deep breaths and REPEATEDLY say the Mantra / Are you accepting of the fact you are Mightily Strong? /  When called into action, it will be as though we were doing it all our life / Many will “awake” from the “spell” in a moment and need assistance to understand the illusion / You are the Way-showers to The Bridge = the Holy Land / Definition of “HOLY” / The New Earth dedicated to Love / You are stronger than you think > Truth / Realistic progression (“timing“) of exposing the illusion and then the Wave Of Love 


13th   (p.74)    Blossom asks why does the F.O.L. says their conversations bring confusion at times? / F.O.L. > So Blossom, you would like to talk about the Monoliths? /  What will the Monoliths do when the “come alive”? /  The Monoliths…What is their purpose? / What are the Ley Lines and the purpose of their activation? / How are Portals and Crystals connected to the Monoliths? / Who placed the large Crystals below the Earth’s surface? / What is the purpose of the Crystals? / How many Crystals are there? / What happens next?…The activation of seven Portals / Planet Earth is opened to other worlds / Do we go to these other worlds?…Or, do they come to us? / .An Energy transfer through the Portals / What do you think all this Power will be used to create what? / The Event / What about the codes in the human mind? / The “Envelopes” are opened / Nothing like this has ever occurred before…everything changes / It’s why you are here…to move the Planet and humanity into a Higher Dimension

25th   (p.78 )    Continuing on from the cliffhanger in the previous message / Readers have asked about the Crystals / Will it be the same for all crystals…personal ones? / How to keep crystals clean / What will happen to our crystals weeks beforehand? / What effect will the change in the crystals have?…What is the purpose? / Will the dark be able to function after this? / What will happen to the “naughty folk”? / The Wave of Love and it’s strength / “Normalising” through programming has many believing this is make believe (illusion within the illusion) / What happens when the soul of a dark one leaves the body? /  Why will some of the dark be able to remain on Earth? / Take this to heart…Know that NOTHING WILL BE THE SAME AGAIN / What is the span of time (when?…impatience) activating the Monoliths to the seven Portals? / Does everyone have an “envelope” to be opened/activated? / The Bridge is metaphorical of what? / Will it ever come to the point of mandatory vaccinations? / All will happen in Divine Timing / Continue with the Mantra and why


3rd   (p.81)     Blossom’s concern Re: the “needles” (fake vaccines)…are they blocking the Energies? / Can you not see and Feel the amping up of Energies? / A Divine Plan…nothing to fear / How our inner Truth (Knowing) affects our Energy / How the Law of Attraction applies in this current situation / Blossom says many on Earth are not holding a high frequency (vibration) / Is the Divine Plan going as planned? / Trust the Plan…Do we know what the Plan is? / What evidence do we have that “the darkness has fallen?” / What is crucial…the time when all becomes apparent / F.O.L.’s perspective and why KEEP ON KEEPING ON is essential / Feel the JOY of what is to come / For those who’s patience has run out… what is the alternative? / Find JOY and spread it, beam Love and SMILE / Mass mediations are magnificent / Individually with every breath we can hold the Light / Power of the Mantra…repeat it / How we can remove all doubts and fears / A VISUALISATION to work with the Divine Plan / Readers say their “envelopes” have opened / A description of what lies ahead (imagine  visualise) / When the Truth is revealed will there be a divide? / Will the Event to come be heal those who got the injections/needles?…F.O.L.> no comment with a comment / F.O.L. quote Blossom’s husband Goody saying, “WE GOT THIS”


8th   (p.88)    A reader asks, does the I AM Mantra affect or trigger our DNA? How exactly? / What if we say the Mantra without feeling… does it matter? / What is activated by the coded words of the Mantra? / The temperature of our blood affected by the Vibration of a Higher Frequency / The physical human form is no longer as it was designed / Children of Light are of a Higher Vibration / The dark were able to affect our DNA in the past / The newborn “sacred” children differ from the crystal and indigo children / Does the Mantra change our DNA? / Recognising who you are…becoming who you are / Detach yourselves from the turmoil < How is this done? / F.O.L. > “YOU KNOW AS MUCH AS WE KNOW” / Your Energies rise as the Energies strengthen upon Mother earth  

22nd   (p.92)    F.O.L. > “All is NOT as it seems.” / Your KNOWING within keeps you marching forward in Truth / Blossom > “The question is, when is it all going to stop?” & “Are we even in Phase 2 yet?” & “…there would be 5 Phases?” / The Phases DO NOT progressively get worse / Is the Global lockdown still part of the (Divine) Plan? / Continue to Know that the change will come/is coming / Blossom > “Not knowing “when” leaves us where?” / One day…the biggest sigh of relief / The “what” and the “when” of each Phase is NOT “set in stone” / (choices) Use discernment and what is true when policies are stated, but NOT fact / F.O.L. > “Blossom, what happens when you go to the Mantra?” / Saying the Mantra DOES affect the topsy-turvy turmoil / Whatever we give Energy to E X P A N D S /  Speaking of individual paths, we’re NOT referring to the “envelopes” are we? / What happened to the Monoliths and the Big Announcement? / REMEMBER… Feel it! / “Closing days” there’s a need to gather more strength to be prepared / The delay of Phase 2 is NOT to say all things will NOT take place


16th  (p.96)    Blossom > “Take us on a journey of JOY and talk about THE RAINBOW B\RIDGE” /  If human history can’t be relied upon that talks about THE GREAT CHANGE what are we to do? / A description of what Light Warriors were told before incarnating / “So, what exactly is The Bridge?” / ENLIGHTENMENT, is it a process or instantaneous? /  Why we are here…the answer / “When we cross over “The Bridge” are we “somewhere else” or are we still on Earth?” / Going back and forth over The Bridge are we in a “lower Vibration”? / If we on a different Vibration, is that the same as being on/in a different dimension? / Everything that is NOT within you is an illusion / Walking across The Bridge, is it a FEELING? / Remembering the real YOU in human form / Many concerned about leaving loved ones behind / Can we get to The Bridge BEFORE The Event? / The directive was KEEP ON KEEPING ON / The GREAT CHANGE you’ll know it is done / In the world it “appears” the dark has control / Repeating The Mantra will be essential during the big reveal / The Monoliths, the big Crystals and The Event are all connected /  A first > F.O.L. display sarcasm / F.O.L. > “You underestimate all that you are” (power)


23rd  (p.101)    Blossom > ‘What say you off-worlders about the state of the world…are we screwed?” / It depends upon how one is choosing to view it / How to tap into the Feeling of winning and Knowing? / If you are LOVE you are everything / How you can take advantage of the Golden opportunities during these difficult times (positives) / The purpose for Warriors of Light now on the Planet / Where you give your attention is what thrives / How to change the world / Love be your GUIDE / A reminder of The Mantra I AM THE LOVE…I AM THE LIGHT…I AM THE TRUTH…I AM…it’s value is beyond measure / The Mantra is suitable and workable for the trend for a reclusive lifestyle / Patience versus trusting the Divine Plan / How many are remembering they are a being of High Calibre?…here’s how ( see September 8th & October 16th 2021 messages )


21st   (p.106)   F.O.L. > Those on Earth who read and heed our messages raise the vibration of the Planet / Patiently enduring delays and disappointments Light Worker’s strength and determination appreciated / When Phase 2 begins a sign of moving forward…Phase 1 took nearly 2 years / Turmoil and disbelief when the lid blows off / Blossom’s other Mantra> “We’ll just have to wait and see” / Once the “lid” is off, no stopping the flow of revelations / Clinging to the Mantra for strength and to shine your Light / The moment you “CHOOSE TO WALK INTO THE FULLNESS OF THE WARRIOR THAT YOU ARE” / Light Warriors in shock too, but take action in loving concern and sympathy for those unaware (shining your Light) / A deeper discovery of self lies within – “Higher Awakening” / The Plan is Known and to unfold within you – illustration > a jigsaw puzzle coming together / F.O.L. asks, “ARE YOU READY?” / The Mantra is your source of fuel ( power strength ) / Know you are not alone…GREAT ARMIES OFF PLANET / So much concern for a little dot of a Planet, amazing / This has never happened before / In your Heart do you believe THE LIGHT HAS WON? / “THE LIGHT HAD WON BEFORE THE BATTLE EVEN BEGAN” / “SO CLOSE NOW”…Blossom >”We shall see, we shall see!” / Blossom thanks those who sent Love and support in this last year, kindness that kept her afloat when her ship was sinking, and navigating alone now…with the Starlight from a beautiful man Goody.



26th  (p.2)   FOL ask, ” You are feeling that nothing much has changed since we were last in contact?” / “How long will it be before PHASE 2? / Progress is behind the scenes, when revealed it will be as if over night / Anchoring and spreading Light into Mother earth is working / Have you seen the difference in Knowing in yourselves? / The power of the Mantra individually and for All That Is / Building your own Kingdom Of Light > repeating the Mantra / Mantra has “saved the day” as individuals report / The effect of the Mantra unites us with those off Planet / Key to the Mantra is Knowing, NOT hoping / Your Sword Of Light = the Mantra / Becoming the Mantra means enjoyment, more than just feeling and conviction / The depth of our Knowing all things will come like peeling layers / Closer to that which will change your world / How does one “discover” the Mantra?


6th  (p.6)  FOL describe the Energy emitted wherever the Trucks are gathered / The worldwide Lockdown prediction and purpose is still part of the Plan / What you should do during the Lockdown /  The change to come is dependent upon your Energy, your purpose / The Greatest Gift of all > You receiving you with new heights of Truth and Trust / The Big Picture falls into place gathering momentum / Is it the Mantra that will remove these layers? / Remembrance of why you are here builds Strength, determination, and a different Energy within / The striking revelations will no longer affect you /  FOL offer honour and deep respect to “Gentleman Joe” for taking on the task, and Blossom echoes those sentiments / FOL describe in detail the new and progressive Strength and Determination > A gift from Home / The FOL unravel the saying, “My Truth” or “Your Truth” versus TRUTH / Why substituting “We” for “I” in the Mantra is not necessary / FOL express who they are by saying what they do > LOVING ALL THAT IS

14th  (p.10)  Tarot By Janine does a card reading about the Federation Of Light / FOL “is legit” what matters is Truth /  FOL’s purpose is to assist Planet Earth, re-state who they are >”the Overseers of Overseers / Clarification of The Galactic Federation Of Light vs the FOL / Overseeing the Divine Plan / What is a psy-op? / What about the Confederation Of Worlds? > FOL No Comment / Wise approach > not all we read is of the Light ( discernment ) / Truth is Truth and cannot lie / Feel in to your Truth / What is behind the coming worldwide lockdown? / Flowing through Phase 2 shaken to the “Core of the Being” / Many will want to leave the Planet, those courageous will stay / Great turmoil is a time to celebrate / Celebration of Inner Knowing / Encouragement to repeat The Mantra / Leave fear and depression, strength and courage needed / How long will the lockdown be?…FOL > “It is in the cards” / Length of Phase 2 depends upon the masses / Huge issue on Planet Earth, it’s why you are here / The length of all 5 Phases depends upon the flow and reactions to it

27th  (p.15)   Blossom’s new home is a “Sanctuary” / The purpose for the worldwide lockdown to come / The Divine Plan is like a game of chess / What we see going on is a “smokescreen” / “Curtain lifting” revealing the TRUTH will be shocking / What Light Workers should do when/after the “curtain” is lifted / There’s a need to go inward (meditation) sensing something is about to “take off” / The FOL summarize their mission / You will know more of what you need to do when Phase 2 starts / Why is the revealing or lifting the “curtain” not the most essential? / How to conduct the power of your spirit after the “curtain” rises / Blossom asks, ‘How can we do anything if we’re all locked down?’/ Phase 2 = “A huge step into the awakening of mankind” / Your “orders” are “What one has to do” versus “What one must do” / Why is this NOT the time for the “Envelopes” to open / F.E.A.R. = False Expectations Appearing Real / Recognition of the real YOU and why you are here / A suggested Visualisation recognising the powerful YOU / Continue in strength by employing THE MANTRA


14th  (p.19)  Blossom explains and apologises for the recent issues with her email provider program / The FOL confirms their awareness of the four Pillars of Light seen in Perth and their purpose / What of the future Pillars of Light not yet seen? / Blossom asks about “Fergus the Fungus” / The propaganda about the “Fungus” will create the desired effect / How is the lockdown connected to both the “goodies” and the “baddies?” / About Fergus the Fungus,” is it deadly? / At such times employ THE MANTRA / “Visualise your future days as ones of light and laughter” / No Matter what happens hold on to this Truth > THE LIGHT HAS WON / Our purpose summarised, or what we came to do > In service of our souls, the souls of all, and the upliftment of Gaia

20th  (p.23) Curiously, Blossom questions her feelings of detachment and insensitivity due to all the BS / As awareness of TRUTH increases, the TRUTH within increases improving discernment / Sending Love to the Planet indicates concern for “All that is” as opposed to various disheartening events in the news / FOL define > “None of this is real” as, understanding more of self and The Game / FOL ask, ‘are your feelings increasingly indicating it is a Game?’ / FOL present their position/perspective suggesting we too would see things very differently / Blossom doesn’t remember volunteering to be on Earth now / We saw the challenges of the Divine Plan, understood the reasons and saw the outcome / Diving deep into “rabbit holes” is less enticing for many now / “To indulge in one’s own Love and enjoyment of “things” is how one keeps one’s their VIBRATION high / A higher VIBRATION enables one to play The Game at their best / “The Joy of AWAKENING” described > When one truly “gets it” / What is more important than the TIME FACTOR? or the question, “when?” > What is really “the when” factor /  A “time schedule” versus an “awakening schedule” / Blossom is surprised how the FOL close the chat > “You’re kidding me right?”

28th  (p.28)  Blossom wonders if this chat with the FOL will be uplifting, if her vibration is low / Blossom acknowledges the insight and “tools” required to maintain a high Vibration > application required / Topsy turvy gloomy world appears in full swing > but it’s the “Glorious” and “Magnificent” way out = The Divine Plan / Analogy > Mother giving birth / FOL ask, “Blossom, is it the waiting (patience) that brings on one’s demeanour at times? / Blossom’s Beingness or demeanour enables the FOL to assess / Blossom debating if she’s FEELING the TRUTH of her KNOWING, still having down days / The FOL do not have “down days” / Blossom asks, “knowing all that the Planet/ human beings are going through does not bring the FOL’s Vibration down? / FOL refer to the previous channeling > “the awakened ones rising above it” / The battle between Light and dark was “rooted” eons ago, it’s time to be “uprooted” / Before we came we knew how involved the task would be / FOL raise questions highlighting the outstanding qualifications of Light Workers / FOL suggest some self-examination (self-Love) and review of our journey, “YOU, YOU, YOU, have the honour of being here? / “Why didn’t the Divine Plan come about a long time ago, before it got so messy? / “This that you are “playing in” ( The Game ) now, is just another unfolding of WHAT IS” / “LIFE  ITSELF IS THE  MOST  WONDROUS UNFOLDING AND EXPANDING ENERGY OF LOVE IN EVERY BREATH  THAT IS  TAKEN?


4th   (p.33)  The current times require the Soulself to go deep within ( Knowing / You ) the “archives” / What is meant by “the depths of one’s soul”? / How you can understand WHO YOU ARE / Feeling “GOOD” now is nowhere near as Good” as it should be / How many of those “awakened” ones are feeling as “Good” as possible now, in spite of the negative energies? / The Essenes provide Blossom a positive example to emulate / Essential for the Soulself to reconcile their being with their Truth having lived under a HUGE LIE / Blossom asks, “How do I Know my Full Power from within myself”? / How you can know for certain you are a powerful Being of Light / In time, the shining of this Light will be more apparent / It’s why you are here, to SHINE YOUR LIGHT / The change of our Energy after The Event / FOL describe some effects of The Event upon people who were “asleep” versus those who were “awake” / Blossom asks, “Why is it so important to “go deep now” if it’s not time for it to surface?” / Those who need to be ready to take their positions will have their “envelopes” opened at ( during ) The Event / “The Event is not Ascension, Right?” > FOL, “Correct” / What is the nature of “the work” AFTER The Event? / Crossing the Bridge is NOT Ascension, but compared to the vibration of what is now, it will feel like it / (Lightworkers) Performing a “Great Service” now

11th   (p.38)  Blossom wonders if it’s a good time to talk about Monoliths, Crystals, portals and ley lines? / FOL suggest we consider greeting each day as “The greatest and most Enlightened of Good Mornings” BECAUSE> ‘The Light shines from within, not from without’ / Blossom mentions the loss of Goody, her husband, and how that has “changed her Inner Light” / Why is it through suffering that the Light gets stronger? / “Can we not Feel “into” the depths of the Soul through laughter? / FOL encourage humor ( laughing / smiling ) / “The more desperate the despair, the Higher realms of Joy can be accessed” / Talking about the Monoliths, Crystals, etc. is fascinating, more exciting than finding “who we are” / FOL > What is within the Soulself will be the “Triggering point” of everything / No set date for the “Triggering point” / Is the activation of the Monoliths, Crystal etc. a lead into The Event? / How BIG are the BIG Crystals, Blossom is given an image / How is possible what the FOL say about the Crystal Pyramids, “So, although they are there, they are not”? / Blossom asks about the complex energetic “Trigger” / What of the “Power and the focus those” on Earth who understand and the “Trigger”?…How many do we need? / What is essential for the “Energetic Trigger” to work? / “All one needs to Know, is their Knowing” / Blossom concludes by breathing into the words saying The Mantra

24th   (p.42)  Blossom asks, “Is ignorance Bliss, or just stupidity”? / Balancing an indulgence of Joy & Laughter with going down “rabbit holes” not uplifting the soul…leading to the question> “WILL THE TRUTH EVER COME OUT?” / The FOL knows the answers to “where the Planet is heading”…brief statement/description / Blossom describes what needs to happen before the “TRUTH COMES OUT” / FOL> “Your frustration is the waiting, is it not”? / Blossom describes the situation and feelings of “newbies and “oldies” ( Lightworkers ) / FOL describe many challenging conditions living on Earth, yet we laugh, displaying Loving Kindness / Blossom > “Are we” really making a difference? / FOL ask Blossom (you) to imagine if media showed only GOOD NEWS and TRUTH / Pockets of the brightest waves of Energy rippling out into dark corners / Rise above it by remembering “This is just a GAME” / Blossom asks, “Did we willingly come to Earth to play the Game? / How did this Game ever start?…FOL> The Game evolved / Do we really have Free Will on Earth? / FOL acknowledge it’s difficult to understand the Game and the players, with no rules / “Is Universal Law not included in this Game”?…not answered/discussed…Blossom suggests seeking out TOPICS OF INTEREST on her website > Free Will & The Game & Universal Law / FOL aware we are tired > Accepting the Knowing the Light has already won is a choice, and FREEDOM with brightness and upliftment settles within your soul  / The Divine Plan is unfolding


8th  (p.47)  Blossom greets the FOL sharing a new found “sweetness in Gratitude” since the recent “slumps” / The current Energies during “troubled times” are anything but troubled…deLightful and comforting / “So where is this Energy coming from?…And how does it work? / The Energy of Love is receiving more of itself as people “awake” and deeper Knowing increases / Where does such Energy go when a person goes into a slump? / How does it work with the ebb and flow of these emotions? / Is there a particular “team” assigned to send these vastly charged Energies of Love? / The Energies are ready when a person is ready for a Vibrational lift by… / Gratitude, Blossom, is the key to enlightenment…Understanding/appreciating Gratitude / Make Gratitude your priority to “thrive within your potential for greatness” / FOL ask > “Do you see and Feel how much you have changed? ( progress ) / What is serving The Whole more, focusing on Joy and excitement OR, “Wallowing in prayer to save the souls of those that suffer”? / Why is it more beneficial to give Gratitude to/for the healing of a situation? / Why and how has the notion of PRAYER been distorted and abused? / Feel Gratitude in the Heart versus looking for things to be grateful for…the Universe is Grateful / Blossom is asked to consider how a heightened level [Energy/Vibration] is making difference…changing the world ( Earth changes)

15th   (p.52)  FOL acknowledges the positive feedback Blossom received about the previous focus upon Gratitude / Subjects on the Internet are discordant and abhorrent to the soul’s “Natural Vibration” / What is a “Natural Vibration”…FOL describes / Shouldn’t Earth dwellers know certain things, and to be informed of progress? / “All there is…is Love…nothing else…this you know”…”You Know all that you need to Know” / Blossom asks, “Should we just ‘innocently’ pootle along and await our fate”? / Paying more attention to the inner workings of the Soul…in addition to meditation, the FOL outline how you can do this / The difference it ( < “it”= the previous sentence ) makes > one’s self-worth improve, and increasing the value of the Divine Plan and it playing out / Distractions from the Truth / What is meant by the “Power Of ( your ) Light? / Why is it reasonable ( for a Lightworker ) to let go of concerns for possible outcomes of doom and gloom? ( negativity ) / What does the FOL mean by deceptive “negative holograms”? / How do we tell what is real and what is not? ( discernment )  / Some things are “too complex for your beings” / The complexities of the lesser Light are coming to an end / Better to focus upon the reason you are here > TO SPREAD YOUR LIGHT / Hasn’t the FOL talked about lockdowns, “Fergus the Fungus,” and Phase 2? / Blossom’s qualifications as a channel included raising questions / The “awakening” of many more is evident by the rising Vibrations and how you ( including Blossom & all readers ) Feel / ALL you need to do > “ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE THIS FEELING” / What is meant by a “format” more agreeable to the Heart? / Fergus the Fungus will yet serve as a disguise to uncover the Truth

22nd  (p.57)  Readers ask if the “monkey-pox” is Fergus the Fungus in disguise? / Can the FOL guarantee the “monkeypox” will not lead to lockdowns? / What about all the unnatural weather patterns in Australia and around the world? / What is the purpose of all the rain in Australia? / FOL reiterate their role with Blossom > UPLIFTMENT / Channeling connection interrupted because discussing the rain could take the FOL out of alignment / FOL concurs with Blossom’s plausible statement> “…we don’t know what that knowing knows…yet we know we know” / “So, at what point WILL we KNOW?”…FOL > “You already do” / Why is Knowing NOT a necessarily a case of “I get it now”? / The name Blossom Goodchild has a coded frequency purpose / FOL wish Each one would fully Know and recognize THE REAL, TRUE, SOUL SELF / Knowing our True Self is comparable to a near death experience / FOL confirm >”…we cannot Know the full Knowing until we Know the True Self” / Can the TRUE SELF be “witnessed” upon Planet earth? / Blossom includes Link to an old video she had a part – “Somehow, I’ll Find My Way Home”


5th  (p.61)  Blossom requests an update on the Monoliths…FOL> nothing has changed, only the increased Energies / Each individual is responsible for attuning to the Energies through JOY and Freedom of the Soul / How does KARMA come into one’s situation?…FOL> “Now there is a topic…Where to begin?” / Blossom asks, “Is it correct that when one ‘passes through the veil’…when they are ready, they are able to, not only view, yet FEEL every good, bad and ugly moment they have experienced? And. if they had hurt another emotionally, physically, whatever…they then, themselves, experience that pain? / Blossom asks, “When you say ‘elsewhere’… where is that? I am reading a beautiful book by my dear, dear friend, Suzy Ward and her conversations with her departed son, Matthew. He calls ‘elsewhere’ Nirvana…yet, where would you say is its placement?” / FOL’s reply> ” Where is Earth? Where is Space? Where is anything?…Blossom’s answer> “Nowhere” / FOL> “Yet, what is a Dimension?…not a simple answer/not the same for all / Going through a wormhole requires a compatible Vibration? / Is the same “mastery” required for time travel? / Traveling to other dimensions versus time travel / Is a parallel life in another dimension? / How does the FOL describe a DIMENSION / If a dimension is not a place and nowhere, how do souls in a body live in it? / Energy is Vibration…Every thought is Energy…Everything is Energy

12th  (p.66)  Reader’s consensus post plandemic is a “general” lull in one’s life, lack of lustre, feelings of ambivalence, and minimal enthusiasm / FOL> It’s a journey of discovery, change and growth / Blossom > “…it is the uncertainty of not knowing what lies ahead >For instance…is Fergus the Fungus still in the offing? Creating a worldwide lockdown? Is there to be a food shortage? / The frustration of the “waiting game”…FOL > “Everything is on queue” / Blossom > Many suicides, overwhelming life situations, many homeless, and jobless / FOL > “Blossom, all is as should be” / Blossom disagrees, as many things are out of place / Lifting the Planet to a higher Vibration is not what we imagined and still in Phase One / FOL share positive reasoning points and reminders / Lightworkers have changed, realizing why they are here, motivated and strengthened to fight for what’s right / A mighty mission to rid the planet of darkness / What appears to be lying “dormant”…much is being accomplished by spreading Light energies / Waiting for the “kickoff”… but will it tell the Truth to all? / Blossom imagines the extent of planning required behind the scenes in order for the future lockdown to trigger opening a “floodgate” of Truth / FOL > All Phases are not the same length of time as # one / After the “kickoff” we will wish we were back in Phase One…your LIGHT ON 24/7 / FOL ask, “Are you ready to go”? / Blossom wants to continue the chat the next day / (7/13) FOL > “To hold ( Love ) within your Heart so tightly” / Blossom reviews some of the possible reasons one’s frequency is lowered / Recalling White Clouds encouragement from 2012 > “Don’t give up now…” / No matter how you feel, KEEP ON KEEPING ON / Since the start 17 years ago, Blossom and readers have increased their level of awareness and Light / Rather than HOPE, use the word KNOWING / Don’t beat yourselves up when you’re down and the Light is not so “bright” / How does a Lightworker remove despondency > Repeating the gift of The MANTRA

19th  (p.73)  Revisiting the FOL Channelings frequently, one’s Vibration builds with Feelings of Heightened Love / Reader asks, “Is it possible in this 3D form to “match” the frequency of another Dimension…”? / Being confined in human form there’s a “cap limit” on one’s Vibration / At birth infants cry due discomfort at the “drop down” to lower resonance / A desire to feel the Vibration of Home, one embarks upon “awakening” / Peaceful thought through meditation and sleep feels more in tune with Home / We are here to raise the Vibration of Planet earth through Love / An individual’s Power within, along with the collective consciousness makes this possible / Is the Higher Vibration out there waiting for the Planet, or does it stay where it is and become it’s own Higher Vibration? / “How can one be transported via extremely advanced technology…wormhole/vortex…and arrive ‘elsewhere,’ if ‘elsewhere’ is not of the same Vibrational Frequency as the ‘somewhere’ they left? / “Wormhole and such like visits do involve the physical, don’t they?”…FOL > “Yes” / Back to The MANTRA…The ONLY THING one needs to REALLY KNOW…( because ) You already KNOW EVERYTHING


24th  (p.77)  Blossom requests clarification/verification Re: doubts The Federation Of Light is from the LIGHT…and distinguishing between THE FEDERATION OF WORLDS, THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT and THE GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT / Most important ( priorities ) is finding TRUTH, LOVE, and UNDERSTANDING / Galactic, meaning of Galaxies…Are we not all of/from Galactic heritage? / “How did they (souls) get from the I AM Energy to the Star Planet in order to come down to Earth?” / What does the FOL mean referring to/ suggest we “rely solely/souley upon the self’s lie detector”? / Blossom presents lengthy question from a reader Re: our crystals, the crystals of the earth, and the EES System / How to charge your crystals without a Zero-point medallion or the EES System / How BIG are the big Crystals? / Size doesn’t matter, all crystals are composed of Energy / The importance of crystals compared to trees on Earth / How does our belief system play a part in the effectiveness of anything? / Suggestions what can be done to and with our crystals, i.e. meditation / All “home-based” crystals will receive a signal to “charge” and connect with all crystals, and why / FOL suggests: Be yourselves, ground and Know yourselves, and repeat the Mantra

31st  (p.18)  What does the FOL mean when they say, “…we, via you ( Blossom ), uplift your Planet, which for so very long now has been ‘under lock and key’? / The significance and implications of “Codes” of a certain calibre released on order for a Higher Vibration to flow.” / FOL > “We would say, everything is Coded” / What Codes have just been released/unlocked?…What is their story?…Timing of their release / Are all Codes mathematical? / Who devised the Codes? / “How do we have these Codes within us, and how do they ‘physically’ find the match that is flowing through?”…How are they activated? / “Without a Code…a “thing” is not a “thing.” / Can Coding change? / Differences in Coding Energy of “things” / Blossom curious about the Coding of The Mantra…why is that special? / “So, if the I AM Codes are already part of us…why do we need to say The Mantra?” / The FOL reiterate and simplify their explanation of Coding and it’s energetic connection to us / The results of Knowing WHO YOU TRULY ARE / Blossom thinks to illustrate Coding activation like making an electrical circuit and lights go on / Blossom imagines a fairground when the large hammer hits a dome sending the object up hitting the bell at the top…lights up / If our vibration drops and we can’t “swing the hammer” just so, as before, is the “bell” still activated? / Clarification of including the word “The” with The Mantra, or not  


7th   (p.86)  Many readers interested in the previous channeling about Codes, and a channeling before that about Crystals; can you continue with both together? / Why does a Code Vibrate? / Crystals are made of unique Codes / “Can any two people…any two Crystals have the same Coding? / Can different Codes Vibrate at the SAME Frequency? / Why does the FOL say, “that every Code has its Ethereal counterpart”? / If all Codes are of an Ethereal Nature, are they physical? / Can our Codes match a Crystal’s Code? / FOL use the illustration of a recipe for baking a cake, many elements with different Coding becoming one cake / Although Crystal and Human Codes are different, like animals and water, they can make up a whole picture > analogy joining all pieces of a jigsaw puzzle / Can the Codes of Crystals be changed, by us? / What purpose do the Crystals have when activated? / FOL send an image to Blossom> “Laser Beams of Light shooting around the Planet from different Crystals” / Takes place at The Event/The Wave of Love / Blossom asks> “but what for?…What happens then?…What effect do the Crystals have on everything?…What is their purpose? / FOL ask, “Can you ‘feel’ how you are aligning your inner Knowing now?” / Blossom summarizes the discussion “in a nutshell”

21st   (p.91)  Blossom suggests to switch topics and the FOL talk about themselves / What is the FOL’s “natural form”? / Is there a “we” with the FOL? / Can you / does the FOL recognise yourselves as individuals? / What does the FOL think about? / Does the FOL classify themselves as “Beings”? / What would an individual Being from the FOL look like? / What would be the purpose for the FOL member taking a form? / Wouldn’t it be an interference with someone’s path if an FOL Being is taking form for that soul’s circumstance? / Is it difficult for the FOL to take form on Earth now in a lower vibration? / Does the FOL materialize into a form or “borrow” an existing body, i.e., a crow? / FOL explain why Blossom is experiencing a lack of flow with the subject under discussion / FOL change direction with the same subject > The FOL is The LIGHT, the LOVE, the TRUTH…they are the I AM / Humans and the FOL are from the same “pattern” of Energy / Humans have chosen this experience and will continue to choose, does the FOL continue in that same way of choosing? / Similarities and differences between the FOL and the human experience / What is meant by > “The Highest Love has, through humanity, experienced the Lowest Love?”

27th   (p.95)   Blossom experiences a “nudge” to sit quietly, and a shaft of white light entering above her crown chakra / Blossom prefaces the channeling because the channeling “sent her into a spin” /  Blossom suggests “walking in her shoes” (understanding) due to the content of the Channeling, and shares her doubts, yet determination about publishing it due similar messages in the past / Your “world is not operating in fullness, as designed” / Blossom cautions about the use of the term, “very soon” / What form will the new evidence be, that the LIGHT has won? / Blossom says, “That’s big,” and her heart is pounding / Unforeseen circumstances may change things / FOL asks if one [ the readers ] can Feel within themselves the change within? / The FOL asks each one to amp up personalized energy in a list of ways to LOVE everything more / FOL ask Blossom, “Do you trust that which we are expressing?”…“Would you consider A Sign to be part of the Divine Plan?” / Blossom assumes correctly, no description given what the Sign will be / More questions > “Will everyone see it?…Will it be obvious?…Is it a ship?…A rainbow?…a thunderbolt?…I presume this is not The Event?” / The Sign > an encouragement, uplifting energy, and rejoicing / Blossom seeks clarification of term “very soon” / Vibration lifts by many keeping Faith, Trust, and Hope / The Sign is NOT a rescue mission / FOL clarifies who is doing the rescuing / Blossom asks about Phase Two and the Lockdown / Will this Sign lead us into Phase Two? / Continue to find JOY in spite of the “mumbo jumbo” / Let your Being Know “IT IS SHOWTIME” / Repeat The Mantra more often / FOL suggest we FEEL this message, not think it through / To gain perspective and understanding Blossom provides 2 YouTube video links, 8 & 14 years ago    


11th   (p.101)    Blossom asks about the significance of rainbows appearing in England after the Queen’s passing / Are the rainbows The SIGN the FOL have mentioned before? / How are rainbows formed and what do rainbows symbolize? / Death of the Monarch will bring change / What does the FOL mean when they say, “This changes nothing and yet, it changes everything?” / Blossom asks, “How can a Divine Plan be tampered with?” / White Cloud’s confirmation of The Sign “flicked a switch” in Blossom / Humanity has the ability to make The Sign appear sooner / Current events have the potential to increase strength, power and Knowing / What are the skills that will return that will assist presenting Truth to others? / FOL > “Doubt has been engrained within every fibre of the human concept.” / What other skills and gifts are we to expect? / We were given everything we needed before incarnating

18th   (p.106)   Lesser Light knows what’s coming and how their fate plays out / “Is their fate something that many would feel the lower energy deserves?” / When one errs the conscience is troubled being out of alignment with one’s Truth / The FOL clarify their use of the term “Judgement Day” / What “appears to be” is the opposite of what (Earth changes) is taking place behind the scenes / Incredible Rainbows were predicted, but they are NOT The Sign mentioned / Re: The Sign > How are we to know it’s genuine and not a hologram by the lesser Light? / The worldwide lockdown comes after The Sign / When will the time come that, that which is taking place behind the scenes is presented (Revelations) on the world stage? / FOL clarify what it means to “Hold onto your hats” / Your patience is part of your knowing / Incoming Energies will increase your Knowing and Lightness within…To change your world  / What we think we know about the lesser Light behind the scenes is so much deeper…(Revelations)… Souls will be shaken to the core / FOL confirm the “angel wings” photos Blossom posted it is not the sign, and, ”from a higher frequency clouds are easy to manipulate”


2nd  (p.112)  When feeling a lull (bored), it’s an opportunity to understand by exploring the high and low frequencies / YOU are serving just by being YOU, a bright light or not / A dim light still lights the room…use your DIMMER SWITCH / Use The Mantra when feeling low / The honor of being chosen is a blessing / Remembering our eagerness volunteering (Life / pre-life planning) / Keep on, keeping on / Enjoy the “quiet time” before the Truth is revealed / What meant when the FOL say, “The True Truth”? / Clarifying the Pillars of Light seen in Greece / Revisiting the “ENVELOPES” and the information in them, as compared to the Pillars of Light to come and their information / Envelopes contain our “wishes” before incarnating…FOL explain / Why would it not be suitable to know about the contents of the envelopes beforehand? / Will we be surprised by our “wishes” the things we want to do?

23rd   (p.117)   The FOL speak about their recent “voicemail,” or as they prefer to call it an “energy mail” / FOL ask, “Are you beginning to recognize yourselves, a Feeling, a connection to your Beingness, or Knowingness? / Do you Feel the intense intention that was encapsulated within your Soulself? / Why should we let go of focus on that which is lesser Light? / Did you ever consider yourself ( You / The Real ) a hero? / How did we respond to the call of the Blessed Mother Gaia? / The FOL provide a reason why they KEEP REPEATING the same things / Do you consider yourself (Light Workers) an example of the bright and strong Light? / Are focusing upon your passions, your Joy leading the way to the Bridge? / What does it mean, “the strength of your Light has got you covered?” / The greatest change ever to occur is in the works / Is the BIG SIGN in the sky coming very soon? / Blossom asks regarding other signs in the sky, shouldn’t we know what it real and what is not? / FOL ask Blossom, “If we were not available what would you make of it all? / “Fly home now and then” (referring to meditation) to access the fullness of Knowing

30th   (p.121)   The FOL SMILE as Blossom mentions the World Health Organisation announcing a deadly fungus / What does the FOL mean when they say, “for ”things” are about to get very sticky…for them”? (Light / Lower / Activities) / Them = Those who have disrespected the Laws Of Love / Send out Love to those who need it the most / The Lockdown should not be for the long haul / Pictures received PORTRAYING the monoliths are confirmed by the FOL as accurate / FOL describe the built in security within the monoliths to prevent tampering / Monolith technology is complicated and far beyond the knowledge on Earth / Blossom asks the FOL about pictures of Pillars of Light / Are the Pillars of Lights doing anything, or just for show? / What are they doing exactly? / Why are these Lights only in certain places/certain countries? / Blossom asks for confirmation about the Rainbow ship spotted in Thailand / What does the FOL call a Mothership? / Blossom asks to be shown the interior of the vessel and see different beings…FOL describes the purpose of their mission / Was it intentional that the Rainbow ship de-cloak to become visible? / Four photos posted > (1) Monoliths, (2)&(3) Pillars Of Light, (4) Rainbow Light ship


6th  (p.127)    Blossom describes her inner turmoil after the suggestion the photo of the monoliths was created by an artist and exhibited in 2010 / When we choose to flow with the “Energies of Goodyness” we are uplifted / All are accepting their roles and now Knowing, Feeling Strength and unlimited Power / Energy pathways allow us to “say hello, how are you?” to souls around the world / Saying The Mantra connects us with our tribe / The 2010 photo of the monoliths is accurate describing current events / Blossom > “would you reconsider speaking about Flat Earth versus Round?…FOL . “No” / “Truth regarding all things has a time and a place to be presented” / The delay of Truth is NOT in conflict with our right to know / Consider the mayhem abounding when the beginnings of Truth are disclosed / Weather is not natural, but manipulated to achieve an agenda…Similar how the historical record is not our history / We are here to be of Truth and deliver the Truth when the time comes / Truth seekers mislabeled “conspiracy theorists” and ready to serve when the “shift hits the fan” / When Truth explodes a new level of understanding OF SELF, as a conduit of Light, to anchor your Light in new locations / Level of JOY increases for all


4th   (p.131)  FOL wish to connect to blend Energies to assist bringing Light on a deeper level / What is the difference when the FOL say “Being-ness” and sometimes “Being”? / Why are animals and insects walking around in circles? / Something to do with 5G? / What does water beneath the animals and insects signify? / FOL use the phrase “The Great Hello” / How does this water thing connect with The ‘Great Hello’ when all the Monoliths, Crystals etc. connect with each other, as the FOL have said? / Water gets the signal from The Sun God / The significance and role of our Sun / How can the Sun be the “only access to Source”?…Don’t humans have access to Source? / Who are in these High Vibrational Frequency ships going through the Sun portal?…And what is their purpose? / More insight about the animal and insect activities / FOL provide a “pep-talk” review of our honorable purpose and gifts for this mission / When you know your Truth you can feel it within / Take heed of the strange phenomenon / Link to a WATER video

11th   (p.136)   Blossom acknowledges there’s an increasing worldwide recognition of why we are here…To share the Love / FOL concur saying the supply of Love to the Planet is through the Light of themselves  (Light Workers) / It is not time yet to utilize all the potential Power you possess / The blending of higher Energies into our beings takes time / Remove self-doubts and unworthiness…for one to say, “I am not good enough” is an insult to the I AM / < Knowing that raises one’s Vibration/Planet’s Vibration / A proposal for a “Feet in Water Ceremony” in 2023 / FOL impress Blossom with a humourous comment  / 2023 shall present itself quite different than 2022..in what ways? / The Mantra will be beneficial during the turmoil / Blossom asks how The Mantra could be offered to those who are lost  (Those awakening) / Teaching others by example, to be an example…”Practice what you preach” / More experience on a Spiritual path does NOT mean one is above, or better than another (humility / ego)  / Kindness and Understanding are some of your greatest gifts / Trust for many has been lost / What is the significance of the FOL referring to Light Workers as the “Tribe of Love Hearts”? / That which you came here to change, is changing…HOW CAN THAT NOT BE EXCITING?



8th  (p.2)  You decide and determine how great your Light will be (Your potential power) / How do we know how we’re doing shining our Light? / Blossom’s Tribe Of Light has increased their Light & vibration in one year / Blossom names her community THE TRIBE OF LIGHT / Blossom says “Hello Goody”…he says, Hello Gorgeous” / TRIBE OF LIGHT was in the making since the beginning with the FOL / Our Light “awakens” others, it’s not necessarily our presence /  The Divine Plan is Divine Majestic Magic / FOL>”…we (FOL) have the deepest Love for Each One…how much we honour you.” / TRIBE OF LIGHT to fulfill the greatest accomplishment ever / The Mantra helps us “change the world” as opposed to the world changing us, as White Cloud said at New Year’s Eve Zoom meeting / Is there a difference between giving [expressing] Gratitude and feeling Gratitude?

15th   (p.7)   Through simply the asking and through the intention one makes known what is desired and required / The intention creates the “feeling” that creates the vibration of the desire / The intention to Serve the Self is to Serve the Whole [ Oneness ] / Many want answers about many things, but the FOL cannot give many answers / FOL ask Blossom if the answers from other Channelers are the Truth / Blossom suggests, if  the FOL would tell us the Truth, we would know it and avoid all confusion / FOL> Not all answers of Truth would resonate with some…because Truth…in its Truth…sits well within the Vibration of itself / How can it be that it’s not necessarily, Truth is Truth / Is it because Truth can change? / Blossom asks about a flat earth versus a round Earth, which is true? / Earthlings cannot grasp the smallest of concepts of the Highest Knowledge that exists / A Truth>Love is Love is Love is Love / Is the Earth “messed up” or is it the people who reside there? [ human experience ] / When the Truth of our world comes out will we know it to be Truth? / How is the Soul’s Truth different from the Truth to be revealed?

22nd  (p.11)   Many readers are asking about Fergus the Fungus, Blossom asks the FOL, “anything more to say? / Still in Phase One of Five, but remaining Phases will not be as long / The FOL would prefer to talk about The Bridge / Turmoil and transparency will move many to leave their comfort zone of complacency and “awaken” / Lightworkers will be ready, willing, and able to provide comfort and healing to lost souls without judgement or reprimand / Will all souls cross The Bridge? / Blossom notes the channeling link was not 100% / Blossom posts a Link to a new video called The Bridge:  https://youtu.be/CffgxXmFIPI   /  Book and the mp3 of The Bridge available at Blossom’s shop


5th   (p.13)   The Heart’s “radar” is what recognises Truth and has led Souls to Blossom and the FOL / Can you speak about the EES (Energy Enhancement System), Med Beds and all Quantum Healing in general? /  No greater healer than the self / Blossom describes her two four-hour EES sessions / The EES works with your Knowing which is the ultimate healer / Some are saying the EES is a scam of the dark to alter our DNA / Why should we NOT feel “duped” if we’re not close to an EES facility? / How does a Soul’s suffering open the way for them to be open to healing? / More than strength is gained through suffering, it is the Soul’s understanding of self / What is Service to Soul? / What are the ways to Service the Soul? / What is the difference between speaking WITH OUR SOUL and speaking TO OUR SOUL, which is preferred? / Be in Gratitude for all that you have been and are to become…to change the world

12th   (p.18)   Readers sending in reports from the U.S. and UK about a dangerous spreading fungus…is the FOL’s prediction coming to fruition? / Fungus is good news…Phase Two is coming sooner rather than later / Will the Fungus really develop into a worldwide lockdown? / The possibility is not everyone will comply with the lockdown / Blossom discusses her skepticism openly in light of the fact she is the “messenger” for the FOL’s Truth / Re: The Lockdown, many will feel relief, though “it will be exceedingly unpleasant” / FOL has been preparing us for what is to come such as “the rough passage” has to occur before Peace / Blossom asks, “why can’t we know more of the details of what is to come?” / FOL illustration: a woman having foreknowledge of childbirth labours / Moving closer to The Bridge through Divine Miracles / Blossom says, she is Feeling ready to move into Phase Two, courageous. Armed with Love / All you need to know… all you need to say > The Mantra

18th (p.22) FOL> “We are not in/of a world. We simply are! Anywhere / everywhere.” / “So, are you a group consciousness?” / Blossom asks, “When you say ‘oversee’…do you ‘just watch’, or do you have a say in the way things should, or should not run?” / FOL describe their part in guiding poignant Planetary choices / Earth has been saved from many atrocities on a Global scale / Blossom asks the FOL what the ramifications will be for her if Fergus the Fungus happens, and if it doesn’t happen? / FOL messages are brought through to give Courage, Strength, Love, Trust, and Truth / Anyone who is despondent “travel deep within your Heart, there you will find Love and reasoning / The day-to-day struggles often feel more challenging than the Global ones / When challenged say The Mantra from your Heart until your mood swings back / FOL suggests some ways to prevent one from Feeling despondent / Many great teachers who came to Earth had their ‘off days’ / Down days are inevitable with dark energies designed for that / Blossom is not comfortable being a ’Negative Nelly’


12th   (p.27)   Blossom describes an aspect of a person “awakening”…how they treat others and themselves / Analogy of a train with various cars and destinations is used to describe how individual needs are different at different stages of “awakening” / Blossom feels the Energy of Goody coming through / FOL elaborate on what it means to “get in touch with self (“Knowing”) on a deeper level” / The Mantra assists “going within” / Other ways listed as to how we can “go within” / A comparison of the different Vibrations of pre-life and life on Earth / Divine Knowing > that is you, is Love, and Love can never leave because it is all there is / Blossom notes a critical email received blaming the FOL and Blossom for all the terrible things happening in the world / A critical and negative attitude is a choice as is the choice to change / FOL reassure us with their intent using an earthly saying, “We’ve got your back”

19th   (p.31)  FOL share limited information about the banking situation in the U.S….the “walls we be tumbling down” / The monetary banking issues will not take years to resolve, “the doors will be opened again” when things “cool down” / Much talk about the end of March (2023)…”will it lead to something bigger?” / Energies flowing in are EXTREME now / How is it that Portals opening now is different than in times past? / Which way do Portals open, IN of OUT? / Blossom jokes about her husband Goody’s love of liquorice / Portals are not accidental but created, but NOT by Earthlings / Can Portals be dangerous? / Blossom’s request for an example of a Portal opening on Earth cannot be answered for safety reasons / Different uses for Earthly and airborne Portals / Portals can “vacuum” out disturbing energies from earth / Portals or “Vortex stations” can allow ships to come and go / Why is earth so far behind in the knowledge of the cosmos?…yet more than enough is known by some that has created havoc / A small amount of energies coming in a little at a time is enough to “knock your socks off” / FOL close with encouragement for any who may be fearful of the “bumpy ride” ahead…”LET GO OF ANY CONCERNS”…YOU ARE PART OF A DIVINE PLAN

26th  (p.36)  Can the FOL release more information about Fergus the Fungus that’s all over the news? / The Lockdown will be sooner than the FOL’s previous “soon” / Will the Lockdown be as strict as before? / Find the Joy that things are escalating…moving into Phase Two / What is meant by “the Divine Plan is moving up a notch in terms of visual identity? / What is meant by “so much LOVE from within…yet the Divine Mother earth and a presence from above and below it”? / Also what is meant by, “That which is about to occur, that which will be presented does not ‘belong’ with in the Hearts of man” (One’s inner Truth) / “One’s Knowing will allow the stirring of the Warrior within…the “armour” or protection needed…”Buckle up” / Blossom stumped by the FOL logic > If everything is Love…yet “What is LOVE is LOVE …What is not is not… for it is not. / “As Truth unfolds EACH ONE reach understandings in a NEW WAY…”the flow” has a different meaning / Some Lightworkers will lead the way, others not, but all equally strong


1st   (p.40)  In spite of things promised that are not happening, Blossom shares her inner Knowing and her resolve to keep going to change the World / Those needing to hear what the F.O.L. presents will feel uplifted (“encouragement”) / We get stronger focusing upon Love, Light, and Laughter / The F.O.L. and White Cloud have been a means to awaken and help us remember / “Free will can lead one down paths one had not expected” /  Whatever you create on your path DOESN’T MATTER [“Nothing Matters”] / “The (Divine) Plan had to take place in order for Light to reign once again” / Some aspects of the Divine Plan have changed but not the overall Plan / What does the F.O.L. mean when they say, “When we (“off-worlders”) show up? / “Do not underestimate what your presence (on Earth) is accomplishing” (“encouragement”) / What is different about those who held the Light in bygone eras and those holding Light today, and the different results? (“Light Workers Past vs Present”) / The F.O.L. messages > “in order to remember the mission allowing your Heart to Feel the outcome” / “The Love that you are can NEVER be taken away from you” / The F.O.L. provide a list of choices that help us change the World

16th   (p.45)  Blossom and readers perplexed by many strange things going on in our World / Blossom’s 3rd eye is buzzing due to upgraded frequency to connect to the F.O.L. / “Because we live in a World that we are trying to make sense of…if none of it matters, what is the point?” / F.O.L. tell us WHAT MATTERS and WHEN / “Does it matter that Giants did or did not live on your Planet?” / What MATTERS is how we react to all the we experience / All that MATTERS is you, Knowing Love from within / Blossom continues to inquire about other things in our World, what is relevant and what isn’t relevant / If the answer was “no,” wondering if we’re just in a computer game, how would that change your life in this moment knowing that as a Truth? / The F.O.L. with Blossom’s questions helps us to clarify further WHAT TRULY MATTERS and what doesn’t / “Did you come (to Earth) because of Love?>That MATTERS

30th   (p.50)  Blossom asks, “Where do you see these (Loving Chats with the F.O.L.) going” / B.T.W. Blossom, “…you feel it is ‘you’ asking particular questions…it is really the collective consciousness that is doing so.” / F.O.L. “Where do we see this heading? In the direction your Hearts are leading you. (6 things listed) “…the most wonderful exchange of Truth…” / Vibrational Energies will gradually lift you to a Higher place (Vibration) / Your World is not falling apart,  it is the old ways / A strong desire to know things (truth about world events, latest NEWS) can at times keep it from you, LIVE IN THE MOMENT / Where are your thoughts focused > ’later on,’ later today, later in the month, the year? / “What is the answer, if one is not content with the moment of now?” / You are a Being of Light, but how bright is your Light? > Eleven questions to ask yourself / Is “life getting in the way” of being in the moment? > F.O.L. says, “no”, it’s our programming / The F.O.L. question Blossom to clarify who and what in fact is God the Creator / A means to realise a Spark of the Divine is potentially a Flame of the Divine by the TEN ways listed > through Gratitude, Knowing, attitude, Trust, self-love, acceptance of self, and four more ways


7th   (p.55)  Picking up where it was left off at the end of last month’s channeling > Blossom summarizes the trend of understanding WHO WE ARE and becoming THE GOD WITHIN / The F.O.L. are thrilled with the complete change within, about, and around those on Earth (“awakening”) / Not relying on others and not looking outside yourself for change (“within/going”) / Do we need to wait a little longer to actually become that fuller Power? / What is preventing you from connecting with that Higher POWER OF LOVE? / Blossom > “I know we are Love…yet I still feel a very average human…Is it a matter of grades in order to get our degree?” / Higher aspects become apparent recognizing the deceptive programming and the chemical imbalance in what you eat, drink, spray, touch / Focus on > YOU, your Joy, your Happiness, presence on Earth (“Lightworker”), your Vibration, your Everything / A need to work hard to earn money = False programing / JOY of living brings abundance since the Universe Feels your Feelings, not hearing your mind / Gratitude can be found in these ways listed / When it is accepted that one’s life situation is chosen, generates action to change / The strongest of the strong were chosen to break through the programming / DO NOT forget the MANTRA that will assist to become more of who you are [ “You / The Real” ]


4th (p.59)   Readers curious about the FOL staring and not blinking in a recent video … How does the FOL’s message through the eyes reach each individual’s frequency? (See also Blossom video with White Cloud & FOL explain why and how no blinking eye contact  works 7-02-23 > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xUAkUXIuAc  … See also June 2023 > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEQBsciNZY4&lc=Ugx5LoymX_9zO9PHlQJ4AaABAg  / No blinking eye messages are enhanced by the resonance of ‘gentleman Joe’s’ voice / Everyone posting messages, translators, readers are all playing their part of a mighty service raising the vibration of the self and the Whole / Galaxies and Universes coming together as ONE, understanding Unity of Light cannot be surpassed /  ‘Communication’ does a poor job because the language of Love has no words, it Feels / Contrasting words versus telepathy / The quality of words is determined by one’s intention / Accessing telepathy is more accessible now but Trust is a poignant factor / Knowing and Trusting is really the same thing / Can you Trust just a little bit? / What lies ahead [ Where you are going ] is why you came to change the world (“Future”)(“Earth changes”) / “Have you looked back upon your journey, how different you are?”(“You /The New”) / Trust the Knowing, because it is NOT Knowledge

11th   (p.64)  The Mantra repeated 3 times / “Do not allow everyday happenings [ Life in 3D ] to bring you into a place of forgetting who you are and why you came” / One in a million is special > “You met the criteria, You are here now, OUT OF MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF SOULS” / The nature of the Earth mission was explained to you in depth / The “KEY” of Knowingness is within you, waiting > The ENVELOPES / F.O.L. have not forgotten the Envelopes, on the “back burner awaiting their moment / When the Envelopes are opened> all questions will be answered, Feeling a Love connection to all on the same mission (Oneness) / The Divine Plan is beyond comprehension / F.O.L. describe in detail how you will Feel and what you will do when your ENVELOPE is opened / Waiting for that moment will be felt then to be well worth the wait / contrary to what some may Feel, the Envelopes cannot be opened prematurely

18th   (p.68)  Readers were excited last week about the prospects of the Envelopes opening soon / F.O.L overjoyed > messages being received with greater enthusiasm / Are the Envelopes adapted to an individual’s knowing? / An array of ‘suggestions’ in the Envelopes / Qualifying the terms ‘instructions’ versus ‘orders’ contained therein / An absolute Knowing of one’s pathway / Envelopes opening = ah-ha moment that will raise one’s vibration / Telepathic skills and speaking just the right words at the right time / Best to end any further discussion of the Envelopes, explanations that will likely not resonate before it’s time / Revealing too much information can change the future and the trajectory of the Divine Plan / F.O.L. ask Blossom, “Blossom, what if we were to tell you that in four hours from now, you were to transition? you have four hours left on your Planet, would you be looking forward to it?” / What is the real impact of picking up a piece of litter, or a smile? / An act of service from the Heart cannot be measured or compared / The CIRCLE OF LIFE > What you give unto others you give to yourself

25th   (p.73)   Current Energies are causing havoc, those of the Light feel closer to home, those of dim Light are lost and confused / Whether strong or weakened keep saying the encoded words of The Mantra / Does the Schumann Resonance reflect the strong incoming energies? / Current Energies of a Higher Vibration are ‘melting down’ blockages for ‘awakenings’ / Blossom asks the F.O.L., “Would you call yourselves ETs?…What would you call yourselves?” / Light Beings and Beings of Light are not the same / Blossom cites the sad experience of a man in the military whose life is ruined / “An act of service is an act of service” > the F.O.L. discuss a variety of roles for humans, some that APPEAR big, some the APPEAR small /  “Everyone is doing what they chose to do” / Metaphor of an opera singer in a lead role versus the seamstress who made her costume / “You are playing the role you wanted to play, MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR CHOICE” / If you could be Home on the other side and see yourself/hear yourself complaining, how would you Feel? / Your transformation is likened to a caterpillar in a cocoon, all one sees is the cocoon


16th   (p.77)   Blossom raises the question about many diverse viewpoints and beliefs, yet they are referred to as “our own Truth” / The FOL is never out of reach hearing all pleas / Each of us has inside our being an equal amount of spirit (created equal) / Truly recognizing that where we are right now, is meant to be bring us inner Peace / If not at Peace there is a need to search for something better, but what is that “something?” / One’s location does not determine one ability to be at Peace [ Where We Are vs Where We are Going ]  / FOL’s metaphor>souls board a train upon arrival on Earth, choosing to get off and explore at various train stations [Path, Individual’s] / Every experience encountered good or bad is a gift depending upon what we do with the gift / How can one thing be so right for one, and so wrong for another? / Another illustration> Playing a board game, every player starts from the same place, but their journeys are different / There is NO LUCK, just blessings / One’s path or like being on a “river of awareness” and trusting the flow good things happen / Focus on your path, no one else’s / World events [ News ] will have different effects upon different people / What about “when the world is awoken globally?” / Blossom shares her beliefs about likelihood of The Event / It doesn’t matter what anyone believes when The Event occurs / How glorious that one’s thoughts and feelings can change / Do not focus upon a person’s current thoughts about The Event, focus upon The Mantra and your own Heart and what it says to you / Can one’s feelings be wrong?

 23rd   (p.81)  Can we talk more about “the “river” of awareness mentioned previously?” / The river of awareness is NOT outside of you, it IS you, it’s within you / Everybody has different ways and thoughts about what makes them happy (Individuality) / FOL describes the flow of “the river of awareness” according to what is human nature / What is the FOL’s version of Awareness? / What if it was called “the river of Understanding?” / “This “river” is the all of everything and everything or every individual’s drop contributes to the flow (Oneness) / FOL to Blossom> “Were you aware of this before you understood it? Or, did you have to understand it before you were able to be aware of it?” / Can the “river” get stagnant now and then? One’s Awareness, their Understanding, is the whole “river” / There is a choice to NOT flow with that Awareness / There is no separation and each one is a “drop” in the “river” / What would the FOL say is the best way to grasp this Understanding? / To KNOW (versus hoping & believing) the “river” is Love, and you let Love flow through you / Then you will Know, experience the magic, the miracles, the Truth of The Mantra

30th  (p.86)  Blossom asks about her perception of TIME that seems to have gone “a bit bonkers” / FOL appreciating how many are opening their Hearts, drawn to these conversations / Perceptions of “time warping” is due to the Newer Higher Energies / Why is “time warping” a good thing? / The FOL suggest we look back at the “Old you” and note the changes / Are you able to “detach” yourself from the goings on while living your life, or in your movie? / Do you feel like an actor playing out a role? / What about your Feelings “playing this role” like an actor? / One’s evolving Feelings leads to Knowing of one’s Greater Self (Higher-self) leaving old indoctrinations, programing, and a victim mentality behind / Those of us who see the newer version of our illuminated selves, appreciate this when we see those who choose NOT to expand / How do you Feel about those who have “buried their heads in the sand?” / Do you feel the “unawakened” are hindering Ascension? / FOL use pickleball as an illustration for Love and what is produces by intention / “What is it that stops us from getting to that place that we all want to be?” (Happiness or Where We Are Going ) / We are programmed and conditioned to TIME, yet it doesn’t exist / It doesn’t matter that you don’t comprehend that TIME doesn’t exist; because NOTHING MATTERS / Blossom requests we send “get well” prayers for her dear friend and channel Suzy Ward, who had a heart attack.


20th  (p.91) Blossom asks about the recent Light Language video [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfR1_YshIZE ], and the wide range responses / Light Codes being sent directly to the soul / What does it do for the Soul, the Heart? / The understanding for the Soul is the same no matter what one’s reaction may be / “Would you care to know what was said in our transmission of Light Language?” / FOL create a new word > translayed / The FOL communicate with each other and Blossom telepathically / What is the significance of the word “Syphon” in connection with Light Language? / What is the difference between the words “translation” and “translayed”? / The wavelength frequencies of the Light Language are received, acknowledged, Soul relates to them, and replies / The Soul-self cojoins with the frequency, though the human does not understand / Do animals and insects understand? / What is the purpose for the hand gestures in the Light language video? / There is not an interpretation of the Light Language, but it’s purpose was to heal the Heart, Soul, body and mind / White Cloud speaks using a “language of his ancient native tongue” / Can White Cloud’s words be interpreted? > FOL briefly interprets Language and states White Cloud’s purpose / Why is The English language not so deep?

27th  (p.95)  Blossom gets the word “infiltrated” coming through while in a EES session, FOL explain / Blossom’s discernment of an FOL message versus a negative intrusion (Light/Lower/Activities) have improved / Infiltrators exiled / Those of the Light are targets for distraction / Warriors of Light are stronger now and cannot be touched (Power) / Blossom questions the degree of protection of the Light / Love cannot be conquered by anything / Love is a beacon holing the Light together like a candle in a dark room / Blossom brings up the issue many have difficulty with > sending Love to dark beings / Will Earth’s Golden Time come if hate was send out to lost souls instead of Love? / The strongest of the strong were chosen to be here to send out Love / Blossom asks why do we have to rediscover our Power? / An “undercover” operation of the Light infiltrating the darkness in line with the Divine Plan / Many on Earth disagree that the Light has won / A comparison in principle to Cornelius Christopher saying, “We are already healed…” / Blossom explains what the FOL saw as a lack of faith in her / Why is Blossom not bouncing with Joy if the Light has won? / It’s not a matter of HOPING the Light has won / Connect with the deepest recognition of self/Higher self and ask the question, “Do I truly know the Light has won?” / FOL describe what the benefits will be for our warrior status after we get an answer


3rd   (p.100)   The fact we can smile from the Heart is evidence that we are changing the vibration of the Planet / What is this KNOWING? Something you come to know, or is it you? / Knowing is a place of absolute Truth within you following the Feeling of this truth / Blossom wonders what it’s like for those “asleep” living without Knowing / Why can those “awakened” be grateful for those that are still “asleep”? / Are those “slumbering” hindering the Divine Plan? / How can the evil atrocities be part of a Divine Plan? / Only Love is vibrating within different frequencies of itself / Why can it be said that deliberate torture of a child is coming from Love? / How is our purpose on earth revealed when we become aware of those of lesser Light? / Lesser Light beings can choose repentance and Love or their removal from Earth to a place of “nothingness” / Are the lesser Light beings getting away with murder? / Readers suggest the FOL have “lost the plot” suggesting we send Love to the lesser Light / How does the forgiveness of SELF first affect one’s ability to “clear their path” to know all experiences are Love? / FOL describe a “recap” of one’s Life (Life Review), both positive and negative experiences are felt / To wish someone more “punishment” goes beyond what is Law and is not coming from Love / Do we each have a Divine Plan? / Who creates the individual Divine Plans? / The higher our vibrations rises “the more understandings you can understand”


22nd   (p.104)  Blossom asks if any information could be shared, “What can we expect leading up to Christmas?” / When we “tune in” to our Truth and if gratitude increases our vibration rises / Blossom describes a recent experience that evolved through persevering to look inward, remaining open to another \ another’s perspective / Self-awareness also lifts vibrational frequency / Though it may appear nothing is changing in our world, look within and see how much has changed within you / There are the world events and there is you, the energy of self, practicing how to be ‘friends’ with it / Blossom mentions going ‘Home,’ and the FOL ask, “where is that?” / The questions asked are of no consequence, make no difference / The Planet is heading to Brighter Light = the journey ‘Home’ / Knowing of Love creates other aspects of Home here and now / Blossom mentions feeling at ‘Home’ during meditations / Blossom experience of self-inquiry reveals how serving the self serves the whole / The FOL make recommendations as to what we should do and who we should spend time with / It is Law, Changes within > Change the without / Do not be victimized by the topsy-turvy world, that is its purpose by design / Those wearing ‘blindfolds’ and ‘earmuffs’ are doing what they choose, it’s not our business to intrude / FOL ask Blossom if she knows how to make things happen (progress) faster

29th  (p.109)  The FOL pose a number of questions that would determine if we are having a ‘Good day’ / How important is it to know the Truth of what is happening in Israel, and can we really ever find out? / Seeking to know more about the back stories lowers your vibration, it does NOT help the Planet, or yourselves / To be in the know is tempting and by design each new story takes one lower to keep you down / Abused children in Israel agreed to this? What soul would volunteer to do that? / Those souls have a greater Peace & Joy in heaven / Blossom compares her current life with a high vibe with a family losing everything in Israel, why? / About choices > Life is eternal, Life is an experiment / You are here because you made the choice / FOL answer > How can a Divine Plan be an experiment? / Yet Blossom asks, “How is it Divine? When the FOL have said in the past that the experiment has gone horribly wrong / It reached a point where a majority knew it had gone too far / “So are you saying that everything is Divine?”/ That which is NOT of the Light, yet it is of Light, but very dim and chooses to express itself as such / By being LOVE and in a higher vibration you are changing the world


5th  (p.114)  Blossom in an ‘off mood’ the FOL acknowledge the difficulties “abiding in the Vibration” on Earth (Earth / Density) / Blossom shares more details about an ‘off mood’ / Is Blossom’s vibration really as low as she thinks it is? / Why is getting down on oneself thinking “I should know better” does not serve your Soul? (Self-Love) / Feeling grumpy and allowing it is part of the flow of life / “How many (Life) lessons do we need for goodness sake?” / We have been given the ‘tools’ to change thought patterns, but using them is not always so easy / Blossom saying we have no clue what is Truth anymore, FOL ask, Truth in what we are presented, or Truth as in who you are? / Is it really important to understand the ridiculousness going on?…and is it possible to understand it? (Earth/Current/ Topsy-Turvy) / What does the FOL mean when they say, “The unknown that is Known by all because it is WHO YOU ARE?” / Near death experiences (NDE) are selected for individual life paths / The FOL explain why an NDE cannot be for everyone / Every moment we have experience good or bad, is a gift to be opened in the Divine moment / Blossom is prodded to speak from her Heart…”I miss my husband!” (Goody) / It’s more important to be in one’s Truth than failing at times to be uplifting

26th  (p.119)  Blossom notes how ‘connecting the dots’ with like folk around the world and feeling the Love as a marvelous aspect of the Divine Plan / A Grand Uprising comprised of those who have allowed and worked on their Vibration / Many more “getting it” and Knowing is changing your Planet / Knowing means you are not concerned about all the uncertainty in our world / One’s response to anything changes the outcome, so accepting ‘What is’ is tipping the scales / Feelings of Love is so much bigger \ brighter \ radiant…effulgent! / Evidence of what has been going on behind the scenes will SOON come to the surface > An uproar / Blossom tentatively mentions Fergus the Fungus, the Lockdown, and Phase Two / Prematurely revealing when or how SOON would change the future / We have a shock absorber to get us through (Perseverance) to the other side described by the FOL / “March to Freedom” includes > guiding those unaware (“awakening”) to understand and ‘see the Light’ / FOL take note of and explain why the Light that Blossom describes feels so different of a Higher Force these days / Beginning to feel like it’s a different Planet, “not one will feel unworthy” / But aren’t we all at different vibrational levels? / “Waking” others and being “awakened” is part of one’s agreement (Life plan) and all will take place in good time / Do not judge a person’s slowness to “awaken” it could be by agreement / Only a select few know these Truths to be revealed, because they have to know / The “waiting” is NOT waiting it is allowing the flow of the Divine Plan / Effulgent = To shine and radiate Light


3rd  (p.123)  Blossom reports many readers were uplifted by last week’s channeling / “The more we “get it”…the more we get” / FOL ask Blossom > “What is it you are getting?…&…Where is the Divine Plan coming from?” / Why then is it futile to keep searching for answers outside yourself? / Why is it that the discovered Joy and Love within once found cannot be held captive within? / The Divine Plan thrives on Love and Joy plays out through YOU being YOU / Pockets of energy are increasing in number and numerical frequencies / Lightworkers are coming together the power and strength of Light Energy is immense / FOL answer > If one is still feeling alone on the path to The Bridge, what can they do? / Blossom shares the experience with Dolphins during a ‘Soul Soother’ gathering last week / Energies are higher now allowing interactions between species, both on and off Planet / Are the ancient Myths of mermaids and mermen just myths? / Did the ancient mythological aquatic beings decide themselves to disappear? / Harmony with all life will return / FOL ask Blossom, “How many Souls are you now recognising as your Tribe?” / Everyone is exactly where they’re supposed to be to make a difference (Life Plan), including those in places of conflict and poverty / Do not forget The Mantra > repeat, repeat, repeat from the Heart

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