by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
31st October Having finished performing in a show for six weeks, I then became sick, hence my absence. All good now!Well, Hello! People are wondering where we have got to! The funniest one being, have I Ascended to New Earth and do they not have Wi-Fi? It’s been a...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
26th Sept. Well, Hello! Anyone home? Feeling excited to get back in touch after my break. I am still frolicking about on the stage, yet my days are now free. So, my friends … what’s happening?The most warmest of welcome’s to you and indeed all those who have...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
28th August If you post this on other sites please add this note. Thank you. Hello everyone. For the past 11 days I have been trying to sort out my mailing list problems, to no avail. My nerves are shot from being on the phone to my IT server and trying to work things...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
19th August Hello, my friends. Your chorus of ‘I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM.’ rings True throughout my body many times daily and certainly takes any negative thoughts away, the minute I change my thinking to that retort. Thank you. I believe it is helping...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
11th August Please note: This starts off on a bit of a downward slide … yet, very quickly changes energy that could well knock you off your feet!! Hello again to you my friends in High Places!And we welcome you Dearest Blossom and Each Soul who is caught up in this...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
5th August Welcome once again to you. The Energies coming through to our Planet are still very strong and knocking us all about in their own sweet ways! I am wondering what else you could add to that which you have been speaking of lately, regarding all that is going...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
22nd July Here we are again. The week has simply flown by. Such an amazing response to your last communication. So many became very emotional and felt the TRUTH so deeply within them. Thank you. Where to from here? Greetings to Each One and we are aware of the...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
15th July Good morning! Continuing on … You have spoken of ‘topsy turviness and upsidedownness’ often. In our news it has been revealed that the leader of the biggest child trafficking organisation in the world has been arrested, which will lead on to many...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
7th July Hello to you our friends somewhere out there … and STILL the full-on Energies continue. Surely, this all has to be leading up to something?Welcome to Each one and yes, Dearest Blossom as we have said … these Energies indeed, have their place in the Grand...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
30th June Hello there. Well … last week we spoke of the full-on Energies hitting our Planet at the moment. This week I would like to talk about the full-on Energies hitting out Planet at the moment! I mean … what the? So many souls going through intense clear outs and...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
22nd June Hello. I gave myself permission to skip a week, as I had a lot on and figured the world would keep on turning … and it did! Such turbulence taking place for so many! I know you will say it is the Energies, and I know it is … yet, would you care to elaborate,...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
9th June Hello there. Last week’s topic on abortion seemed to spark a different understanding for many. Thank you for that. Such things assist us in moving on from indoctrinations that become embedded in childhood etc. So, what shall we elaborate on today, my...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
3rd June Another week flies by. Welcome, my friends.And the sunniest of welcome’s to Each and Every One, as indeed yourself Blossom.Thank you. Well, I have to say last week’s chat caused a great deal of response. Each and everyone saying the same thing more or less,...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
27th May Good luck with this one, folks!Hello once again. A few weeks ago at the end of our conversation, this was said by me. ‘Now and then we have had momentary ‘sparks’ of understanding all of this. Yet ‘The Game’ when one knows how to play it, can now continue in...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
19th May Good morning, my fine friends. Straight into it … rather than small talk, WR. (With respect.) A few folk have spoken of an intense wave that ‘hit’ the Planet last week sometime. Is this so?Welcome to Each One and indeed, the Energy Spirit of yourself,...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
12th May Hello, hello, hello! Happy to be back with you once again. The time is flying by.We are always happy and ready to converse with you Blossom and to connect our Energy with those who find our sharing of words to be of usefulness to them.Judging by my inbox, so...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
4th May Here we are once again! Your last communication regarding ‘Stop the waiting’ and BE ALL THAT YOU ARE WAITING FOR NOW … proved to be very uplifting to so many. Thank you. I wonder if you could talk some more about how to ‘rise above’ all that no longer...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
28th April Hello. Back from holding my Bali retreat, in which we Brightened ourselves and the Planet enormously. Thank you to you for ‘popping in’ and sharing your knowledge and energetic activations.We were most delighted to do so. Are you feeling like you have...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
3rd April Hello there! Art thou well? I know you are because you always are! You have said you cannot not be! Ok, so … I am aware that what we think we attract. We attract that which is Vibrationally matched, if you like. The thing is … for such a long time now I seem...
by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
24th March Hello to you! I have to be honest in saying that a huge part of me wishes I had never jumped down this rabbit hole in our last communication about TIME! Some of the emails I have received are so complicated in their desire to KNOW more and questions arising...