Blossom Goodchild

Blossom Goodchild
Direct Voice Channeller & Author
Blossom is a professional ‘Direct voice’ channelling medium. She has been channelling the Native American Indian Spirit Energy ‘White Cloud’ for 23 years now and shares his messages of Unconditional Love by means of Videos and Group Events.
Blossom began communicating with ‘The Federation of Light’ in 2005 and their ‘conversations’ are now world renowned.
Following her sister and family, Blossom emigrated with her husband and son, from the UK to the Sunshine Coast, Qld, Australia in 2000.
Sadly, her beloved husband ‘Goody’ left the Planet in Oct ‘21 after discovering a brain tumour in April of that same year.
Blossom is learning to navigate her life’s path without him. He is greatly missed.
Blossom is also a professional actress and continues to perform on stage when she can! Performing feeds her soul and is where she feels most ‘at home’. She jokes that she has a deal with the Universe. She will put her heart and soul into her spiritual work (Her mission!) as long as she can be in a professional show when the opportunity arises. ( Her passion)
Blossom considers it to be an absolute honour to assist White Cloud and The Federation of Light, in getting their important messages out to as many souls as possible, in order to raise the Vibration of the Planet and all who sail in her!

Messages from Blossom
“THE EVENT … and my thoughts upon it! Just needed to chat about ‘current Events!’ Love to all. In Loving service. Blossom”
“Always best to wear earphones. Please excuse the noises occurring in the first few minutes, i.e. hammering next door and passing helicopter!! Otherwise … all good!!”