‘ The Mantra ‘
I am the Love. I am the Light. I am the Truth. I am.
The secret to an abundant life filled with Love, Light and Laughter is being offered to you by White Cloud, a Native American Spirit Energy and The Federation Of Light, an ‘off world’ conscious Light Energy, who bring their messages through Blossom, in these exciting times of GREAT CHANGE.
We all have challenges to face, yet, by putting their teachings into practise, we find ourselves viewing our lives from an inspirational perspective. As our attitude and outlook change, so too, a change in ourselves takes place. From deep within we begin to recognise who we Truly are, and coming from that KNOWING, our daily lives miraculously transform.
Because of this transformation within, Blossom, White Cloud and The Federation Of Light are on a mission to assist others in finding their True Inner Being and their purpose for Being here on Earth, in a physical manifestation, at this time.
May your soul enjoy the journey as you travel through this site and may your heart be touched by the Love that is offered. May you be reminded of wisdom that is already known by you and above all … may you, through these teaching, learn to Love yourself in a way that you never thought possible.
I am the Love. I am the Light. I am the Truth. I am.
May it shine as an example … in/as/of/through … your Being to Brighten and Enlighten all those who walk alongside you.
The Federation of Light
Blossom began communication with The Federation Of Light, an ‘Off World’ Conscious Light Energy, in 2005. Their messages of wisdom and Love are now world renowned.
White Cloud
Blossom has been a ‘Direct Voice’ channeller for the Native American Indian Spirit ‘White Cloud’ for almost 20 years. His compassion for humanity through his messages allows the soul to thrive.
Latest Messages
15th March
Hello! Well, I have to say, I am a bit over feeling so tired all the time. Once I’ve been up a few hours, I am ready to go back to bed! Apparently, a huge Energy Wave is coming in at the end of this month and into April. How is that going to make us feel? Is the Earth...
White Cloud & Blossom
White Cloud & Blossom . Dec 31st 2021 For information on THE GAME CHANGER PROJECT please go to http://blossomgoodchild.blogspot.com/ Donations are so very welcomed. Thank you http://PayPal.Me/RainbowLight444